The Museum of the Weird is expanding, both the brick-and-mortar location and our new online presence. That being said, we have a couple of announcements, of which you can read the full details below:
- We are offering a paid position in our physical store (which today marks our four year anniversary, by the way!).
- Also, museumoftheweird.com is seeking story submissions from writers, as well as artists to provide illustrations (note, until the website becomes semi-profitable, submissions would be for exposure only, and is non-paid).
If you live in the Austin, Texas area and would like a job that’s somewhat out of the ordinary (but pretty cool), then this might be the place for you. The Museum of the Weird and it’s gift shop, Lucky Lizard Curios & Gifts, is looking for a full-time assistant manager. Experience in retail and/or sales is mandatory. Job responsibilities include overseeing and delegating tasks to other employees, as well as basic day-to-day operation of the store and museum, including checking out customers, restocking inventory, and keeping the place clean.
Benefits kick in after you’ve been with us for a year, and include Health (PPO), Dental, Prescription, and 401K. Base pay starts at $12/hr but is commensurate with experience.
Please send a resume and cover letter to:
Again, if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, we look forward to hearing from you!
Since our newly revamped website museumoftheweird.com became a daily news site for weird and unusual stories, I’ve been overwhelmed with trying to write all the stories for the “Weekly Weird News” column, as well as continuing to run the business end of things both online and in the store. To help ease some of that burden on my shoulders, we are now accepting submissions from aspiring artists and writers who would like to contribute to the site. Whether you consider yourself a professional or not, if you think you’ve got what it takes to tell a great story in words or pictures, we’d love to see what you’ve got! Here are some examples of what we’d be looking for:
- Current events – While we are primarily interested in short news bytes running 5 or 6 paragraphs long, we would also be interested in publishing some multi-part investigative journalism pieces (if you read our recent week long investigation into the Gable Film, this is a good example of what I mean).
- Historical research – Interested in investigating that UFO crash in Aurora, Texas in 1897? Or maybe covering the history of voodoo in New Orleans? How about relating the legends of werewolves and vampires in European culture? Here’s your opportunity to share your research with an eager audience.
- Plug your product – Wrote a book about your expedition in search of the Yeti? Tell us about it! Just finished your Nessie documentary and need a place to tell the public about it? Write about it here! Sponsoring a ghost hunt? Let us know! You get the picture. And it beats advertising, because it won’t cost you a dime! Just make sure you provide it to us in a finished article, and we’ll post it.
- Personal experiences – preferably ones that can be verified with documented evidence (eg: Bigfoot encounters, alien abductions, sightings of cryptids, personal ghost stories, etc.). This is your chance to tell your story to the world! (however, we will do our best to verify any and all claims you make… we’re not looking for fictional stories, if you know what I mean.)
- Original artwork – whether your forte is photography, painting, pen-and-ink, or digital multimedia, museumoftheweird.com is interested in the rights to publish your original artwork to go along with current or future stories. You will get to keep your copyright and get 100% credit for the artwork, as well as a link to your website if you have one. Illustrations we would need: Bigfoot and other cryptids, ghosts and haunted houses, aliens and UFOs, myths and legends… the possibilities are endless.
Keep in mind just because you submit something does not guarantee it will be posted. If we decide to pass on your story or artwork, you will not be contacted, so please don’t email us back with questions or asking if we liked it (sorry, but I’m already strapped for time as it is, that’s why we’re accepting submissions). However, if we do like what we see, we will most definitely get in touch with you, so please leave up-to-date contact information. Also if we do decide to accept your work for publication, please realize it is still subject to editing for grammar, style or content.
If you are alright with all that, then please send a sample of your original piece, be it a story or illustration, to: steve@museumoftheweird.com. Good luck, I look forward to seeing what you’ve got!