In a darkened room, a shadowy person turns on an 8mm projector. All that can be heard is the rolling of film, and on the screen before us we see something terrible…
Sound like a horror movie? Actually, this is an accurate description of “The Gable Film Part 2,” a supposedly real YouTube video that made the rounds on the internet last week before suddenly disappearing.
Or did it?
I was able to capture the footage and upload it to my YouTube Channel before it became lost forever. You can view it here (again, a word of warning: the film you are about to see is of a gruesome and graphic nature. Viewer discretion is advised.)
The saga began last week (I would recommend starting at the beginning to get the whole story) when this video showed up on YouTube. It has since caused a minor internet sensation in that it appears to be the aftermath of the original Gable Film, which some have claimed is “evidence” of a, get this… werewolf attack.
Or dogman, depending on who you ask.
Or, if you are like Steve Cook, the owner of the original Gable Film footage, you remain wisely neutral about the evidence, leaving it to the viewer to come to their own conclusions.
In any case, I have analyzed this new footage and will simply present to you my findings. I will try to refrain from any speculation for now, and simply present the facts.
As stated earlier, we can’t see the person who turns on the projector at the beginning of this film. He, or she, remains in the shadows and off screen. All we know is the YouTube poster who put this video up goes by the screen name “QuinlanOUR12” (Clue #1). Whether this is the same person running the projector is unknown.
The first thing we are able to clearly see on the screen is a light blue 1968 Ford F-250, which appears to be the same type of vehicle we see on the original Gable Film. We also see behind it what appears to be a Michigan State Police vehicle.
Gable Film 2
We next see someone in a vintage Michigan State Police officer’s uniform holding up some sheets of paper. The first sheet appears to say “Reel 2 Attack Site.” He flips that over to show a sheet that apparently says “Vehicle Reg. Aaron Gable.” He then points his left hand in the air as if to tell the camera man to “go over there.”
Next the camera pans around getting an establishing shot of the wooded surroundings. It cuts to an officer far away in the distance waving the cameraman over.
After this, we see one officer walking over to where another stands by a green tarp on the ground covering something.
The next cut we again see an officer, apparently the same one as before, holding up a notepad. He flips the page, but the footage is blown out so we cannot see anything written on the paper (perhaps if we had the original film to analyze we’d have this important detail).
Next he proceeds to uncover the tarp, revealing (this is the gory part) the severed upper torso of a person.

I will speculate here. It appears to be the same person that can be seen in the first Gable Film. Hairstyle, clothing style, body type all seem to match. Unfortunately, we are never able to see the face.
If real, it is a very disturbing and haunting image.
From here, the cameraman turns and walks over to a movie camera lying on the ground. Again, it appears to be the same camera used by the boy in the original Gable Film, which others have determined to be a Bell & Howell 8mm Zoom Reflex Electric Eye Autoload Cartridge Camera.*
Gable Film 2
Original Gable Film
The cameraman turns from here to a few feet away in the grass. There’s something on the ground, we can only see the first three letters written on a sheet of paper next to it, which appears to read “GIA.” Upon closer inspection though, it appears that he is filming a pair of black, thick-rimmed glasses, thus making the paper read “Gla…” as in “Glasses.”
The interesting thing to note here is this. If this “Gable Film 2” is in fact a hoax, as some in the blogosphere have suggested, then why would the hoaxer have added a superfluous clue such as a pair of glasses, when they were never established in the original Gable Film?
We never see the face of the victim, if indeed it’s the same person, in either films. It seems to me to be too far of a stretch for a hoaxer to add such a detail for no apparent reason.
Finally, there is one last thing the camera turns to, but it is unclear if it is a new piece of evidence, or that the filmer has done a 180 to see the same camera on the ground again. It jump cuts from here to a grassy knoll,** before the film suddenly rolls out of the projector. It looks like at some point the film had been broken, as evidenced by the ragged edge seen here.

So, where does this all leave us? Well, frankly, with a lot more questions than answers.
It appears that either these two films are related, or someone has made a very clever “sequel” to the original Gable Footage as a hoax, although I feel this is unlikely. My reasoning? While not impossible to fake, I feel it would be more work to pull off than the ultimate payoff of such a hoax would be worth.
Think about it. You’d have to find the same exact type of vintage truck; the same exact type of vintage camera; the same body type, hair, and wardrobe for the alleged victim to match the original film. Not to mention if it were a real person playing the part of the victim; you’d have to dig a hole in the ground deep enough to stick their legs into, without disturbing the ground around them. Have you ever tried digging a hole that deep and narrow? Not as easy as it sounds. And if it were a fake prop body, you’d have to create that too, not to mention the intestines and blood. I don’t know about you, but that arm looks pretty realistic.
And don’t forget the vintage police car, vintage police uniforms, film to shoot and develop it onto… do you see where I’m going with this? Do you see how ridiculous this is starting to get??
I do not believe this film to be a hoax film made to match the original Gable Film. I challenge anyone to come up with their own version of the Gable Film 2, just to see how closely they could match it. I can guarantee you it won’t happen, because people have much more valuable things to do with their time and money.
That being said, another possibility is that BOTH films are a hoax. Now, this could be more likely the case, however I don’t think it would be a recently-made hoax, due to much of the same reasoning I gave earlier. Just getting your hands on vintage vehicles, clothing, camera, snowmobiles, etc. would be either very time-consuming or very expensive.
One possibility is that it’s a vintage hoax, that’s just recently come to see the light of day. Meaning, the hoaxer who pulled this off tried making their own “Blair Witch” type film way back in the 1970’s. This, in my opinion, is the best case scenario if the films are indeed a hoax.
But that’s IF it’s a hoax. What if the footage is authentic?
Well, then that opens up a whole new can of worms. That means that we have a dead and horribly mutilated body of an actual real person, presumably “Aaron Gable” or someone close to him. It also means we have a real mystery on our hands, in that: what kind of creature could have killed and eaten a human being like that? What is it on that film, that charges at and ultimately makes a meal of the person filming it? Is it, in fact, a bear attack, like QuinlanOUR12 asserts his Uncle John was asked to assist in documenting it’s aftermath? Or is it a bobcat, mountain lion, or even a dog? Or Dogman???
And if it is a real animal attack that took place in Michigan in the 70’s that ultimately ended up in someone’s death, then why would the Michigan Department of Natural Resources deny any attacks ever occurred in the state during that decade??? If you listened to my interview with Chris Walden on Wednesday night’s “Shadow Hour” program, you may have heard me mention that the first thing I did when this mystery arose was contact the Michigan DNR’s wildlife biologist on duty, and he emphatically denied ANY deaths attributed to animal attacks in the state in that decade.
And yet, a quick search of Wikipedia yields these results, which appear to contradict the DNR’s claim:
You see, according to the content on Wikipedia, on June 19th, 1978, a Michael Scott Patterson was killed by a black bear in Porcupine Mountains State Park in, where else… Michigan.
Was the wildlife biologist I spoke with just ignorant of the facts, and thus, may be equally ignorant of the Gable Case?
Or… are they trying to cover something up?
For now, the surfacing of the Gable Film 2 is only raising more questions than answers…
Courtesy a post by Dr. Scott on