Gable Film Update: Authorities Investigating
A couple of weeks ago we ran a weeklong analysis of some mysterious pieces of 8mm footage that have come to be collectively known as “The Gable Films,” which shows what appears to be an unknown animal attacking and killing a human being.
Some have gone as far as to speculate the fragile filmstrip shows the only known footage of a creature called “The Michigan Dogman” — a werewolf-like creature said to prowl the dense backwoods of the north.
If you are unfamiliar with the story behind the Gable Film, I recommend taking the time to read our investigation into it,
it is a very intriguing and chilling mystery. Below I’ve posted links to each entry for you to review:
July 19: Mystery of The Gable Film
July 20: Gable Film Mystery, Part 2
July 21: Gable Film Mystery, Part 3
July 24: The Gable Film: Steve Cook Responds
July 25: Gable Film 2 Analysis: More Clues… And More Questions
July 26: Mysterious Email Regarding the Gable Film 2
July 26: Links to “The Legend” Lyrics
July 27: The Gable Films: The Final Clue?
Now, according to Steve Cook’s website,, there’s been a new development.
Steve Cook:
“Without going into detail, it seems that GF2 has gotten the attention of authorities, which led them back to us. I was asked to temporarily halt the download of The Gable Film from the website, and turn over the original 8mm film so it could ‘be looked into’ I explained that very little is left of the original film, much of it having disintegrated in the digitizing projector, but they still wanted the remains.”
“What this all means I can’t be sure. It may be an official investigation, or simply a check to satisfy someone’s curiosity. Either way, I hope it leads to something conclusive.”
So it appears we may be getting close to solving this mystery now that the authorities have gotten involved
(I certainly hope so). We will keep you posted.
On a side note, I recently purchased and watched Steve Cook’s excellent little documentary called The Legend of Michigan’s Dogman, and I must say it is fascinating. Prior to watching it, I had little interest in “the dogman,” believing the cryptid to more likely inhabit the realm of fiction. After viewing the documentary and seeing the evidence, I must say I am very intrigued. While I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m a “believer,” there is definitely something going on in the woods of Northern Michigan… something I wouldn’t want to encounter by myself in the dark of night.
I highly recommend watching The Legend of Michigan’s Dogman, which can be purchased on Mr. Cook’s website (here’s a direct link):
I would like to add that proceeds from the sale of the DVD go to several charities for domestic animal rescue groups, so your money is going to a good cause as well.
******************************************************************Feb 25, 2010: UPDATE!!!!
After I posted this last bit of news concerning the Gable Film, all was quiet for several months, until…
Click here for the startling new developments!The mystery deepens…