We’ve seen our fair share of Iron Man suits in the past, but this is the first time that we see the “pre” Iron Man suit from the Iron Man series (the one tony stark made on the cave)
The suit was made by 25 year old Wang Xiao kang, he became a huge fan of the series after the movie came out in 2008. He works at ZTE the huge Multi National Telecommunications company out of China. He spent nearly 3,000 yuan (about $460) and spent 3 months in construction time until he finally finished the realistic Iron man Suit.
Wang Xiao, claims that he’s not very good with DIY equipment, and he started to learn how to do just about everything from Google searches, he found forums that talked about props, and he began to search for behind the scenes of the iron man movies to learn how they did the parts.
Read more: http://tek-bull.com/2011/06/chinese-man-builds-ultra-realistic-iron-man-suit.html