With the a fresh new year comes a fresh new crop of UFO sightings and we love it! What a better way to start good ol’ 2012, the year we’ve all been waiting for, than with a whole bunch of, possibly extraterrestrial, activity.
Italy has a good start on the rest of the world with activity with this most recent sighting that has two separate vehicles zooming around on film in day light.
UFO News writes:
In the latest UFO news, a video was taken of strange lights over Mt. Bisbino, Italy on January 7, 2012. What are they?
What makes this video unique is the time of day, just before sunset. That means the sky is bright enough to make the unidentified flying objects more visible. And more chilling.
Although the videographer fiddles with the focus a bit too much, it’s readily obvious that the multiple objects are not moving like any known aircraft. But it’s how they behave aerodynamically which is the most confounding.
In the background of the cloudless sky there is a puff of vapor, behind from which at least two UFOs emerge and fly crazily about. As the video goes in and out of focus, the objects split up and one disappears suddenly. The other then seems to split in two, with four lights shining brightly.
Then, just as instantly as they appeared, the objects disappear from sight. Did they go back inside the cloud? It’s a really weird sight.
Read more at news.gather.com