Having just returned from the first two-week long vacation I’ve had in a while, I’m feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and looking forward to the exciting news I’m going to announce today at Wizard World Comic Con!
I and my fellow Museum of the Weird sideshow performers Blockhead Benny and Obi-Juan Martinez will be in attendance hosting a special panel at 5:00pm today in Exhibition Hall F. I’ll be showing off artifacts from the Museum’s collection, talking about the Minnesota Iceman, and signing copies of my new Museum of the Weird comic!
And I’ve got an electrifying announcement for all fans of science fiction, fantasy and horror (or as I like to call it, “sfanthor,” a term I coined with my short entries into this year’s Fantastic Fest Film Festival). If you live in the Austin area and you’re a fan of these film genres, you’re going to want to be there!
Whether you’ve already got your wristbands or are planning on going (or you’re just now hearing about it), Wizard World is a ton of fun for fans of not only comics but practically everything from our pop culture. Everyone should go at least once if you’ve never been, and this year’s convention seems to be the one to attend. Just look at who’ll be there!
Stan Lee, Bruce Campbell AND Captain Kirk under one roof? My brain’s gonna explode!