With writer/director William Dear in attendance!
“All you gotta do is have long hair, wear colors, and ride a scooter, then everything you do is illegal.” In the wave of biker movies that rolled across American drive-in screens in the late 60s and early 70s, a similar narrative played out over and over: the cops and the bikers will always be at war. NORTHVILLE CEMETERY MASSACRE takes that premise to extremes, framing the bikers as true emblems of freedom and individuality who are repeatedly victims of a violent and corrupt police force. These fun-lovin’ goofballs may have some questionable fashion choices (I’m looking at you, Swastika Joe), but should they be hunted down like wild animals? Like The Wild Bunch on Wheels, a series of violent encounters lights a fuse that eventually explodes in an unforgettable climax. NORTHVILLE CEMETERY MASSACRE will be presented on director William Dear’s personal 35mm print. He will be joining us for a special introduction and Q&A.