I know we’re all waiting with baited breath to see Steve Busti’s latest maniacal creation, “The Chamber of Wax” which will be located at the (now open for retail) SFANTHOR store in the big white castle at 1101 S. Congress in Austin. Just hearing the details about the history of classic monsters that will be detailed there has got me really excited! But in the meantime, check out the fantastic pop creations of Bobby Causey.
Bobby has had no formal training in sculpting or even read a book on the topic. “I just know what needs to be done and I do it,” said Bobby. “What I can say for sure is, I would start with NSP (Non Sulfurated Plasteline) Medium Clay, a shit-load of photo reference, and a desire to sculpt the person you are going to be sculpting.”
Although he gets offers to work on new films, it’s creating memorable pop culture figures that motivates him to work. “Basically, the only guide I have is the person, or my subject; I know what she looks like and I have to not only try to get a great likeness but also alive with feeling or thought,”. Bobby also does famous movie vehicles, like the Batmobile, with just as much impressive detail as his wax figures.
“For instance, if I sculpted an old man with his eye closed, and made him creepy-looking and called it ‘The Mortician’, the feeling would not be near as strong as watching Angus Scrimm as The Tall Man in the movie Phantasm. The emotions were already placed by the actor and the filmmakers,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong, eventually I would like to do some original art works, but for now I really enjoy the movies and the actors I sculpt.”
Works for me, Bobby. Unfortunately, there’s no gallery right now to see his works. Pretty much as soon as he finishes a piece he donates it to a charity. Talented, kind, and dare I say, pretty handsome to boot. Hey Steve Busti, can we reclassify the store as a charity? Maybe we could get Bob to donate some of these awesome pieces to us.
You can see impressive galleries of Bobby’s work here at his website.