A man flying over Seoul, South Korea got to see something extra-spectacular and seems to have been lucky enough to capture it on film it as well.
Gather News writes:
A classic, saucer-shaped UFO was filmed from the window of an airplane flying over Seoul, South Korea. What is it?
As the passenger uses a video camera to catch the view of the city out the window, a saucer-shaped, white-colored unidentified flying object whizzes by, erratically flying in a crazy path. It dips upward for a second before it disappears from view.
The witness is clearly surprised, speaking a dialect which sounds eastern European. In any language, it’s clear he is trying to call someone else’s attention, but by then it’s too late.
A giant Tyrannosaur covered head to tail in feathers has been discovered in China.
Some pretty exciting news is coming our way from the dinosaur world!
A huge Tyrannosaur has been unearthed in China with evidence that it had an entire body covered in feathers!
Fossil evidence of the Tyrannosaurus skull.
Wired Science writes:
It’s not your father’s tyrannosaur: Yutyrannus huali, a newly discovered ancestor of Tyrannosaurus rex, was covered from head to tail in downy feathers.
At 30 feet long and weighing 3,000 pounds, Y. huali wasn’t so large as T. rex, which came 60 million years later, but it’s the largest feathered tyrannosaur yet found. That such a big creature was feathered suggests its iconic descendant could have been similarly plumed.
The discovery provides “direct evidence for the presence of extensively feathered gigantic dinosaurs,” wrote paleontologists led by Xing Xu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in their description of the new dinosaur, published April 5 in Nature.
A strawberry-blonde haired woolly mammoth, dubbed 'Yuka'.
A newly discovered woolly mammoth in Siberia is the first to be found by scientists to not only have strawberry-blonde hair but also, the first proof of ancient humans interacting with the behemoths, stealing them away from Lions for an easy dinner, after being mauled and seriously wounded a bit, of course.
April 4, 2012: A newly discovered frozen mammoth, which is thought to have been approximately two and a half years old when it died, appears to have been cut open at some point.
The Telegraph writes:
The juvenile mammoth, which was found in a frozen cliff in Siberia, gives an important insight into the unknown secrets of the animal including hair and eye colour.
An examination of its body, described by scientists as having “huge significance”, is even said to show human beings “stole” their food from hunting lions, with wounds consistent with attack from both predators.
In found to be true, it will be the first evidence of interaction between mammoths and ancient humans ever found in the area.
The well-preserved mammal, which has been named Yuka, is thought to have been between three and four years old when it died and still has its foot pads and ginger hair in tact.
It may have lain unnoticed in its icy tomb for more than 10,000 years, experts said, with its injuries being perfectly frozen in time.
Another triangle-type ufo has been spotted over a shopping center parking lot in december and was captured on good ol’ shaky handcam film as we’re so used to seeing in the world of weird news.
Meets The Weird writes:
According to the video’s description, a couple noticed this triangular UFO/light formation while leaving a shopping center somewhere in Ohio on November 27th. The report goes on to say that the object held its position for at least an hour before disappearing. Even without any more background information, this video is still interesting. First, we have what appears to be the original audio track and it does not seem to contain any aircraft-type noises. Also, there is plenty of “framing” footage that gives us a good frame of reference and clearly shows that the object is in the sky. Additionally, there is none of the telltale flicker of a Chinese lantern visible. At the end of the clip, we are presented with a zoomed in view of the craft. Here, we can just make out some sort of strobe like flashes present in the lights, which might indicate a terrestrial aircraft, however the light configuration/color scheme doesn’t seem to indicate an aircraft following FAA regulations. This combined with the audio evidence would lead me to believe that this at least not a “normal” aircraft. What then could it be, a UFO, a TR-3b type secret aircraft, or something else? What do you think?
There is only one surviving member of the Roswell, New Mexico firemen of 1947, and it’s an elderly man, 90 years old, that finally gets to tell his story.
It seems as though this man, who’s name has not been released, finally gets to be relieved of all that weight he’s carried around on his shoulders the last 65 years. He tells his story of what happened in 1947 when the “unknown object from someplace else” crashed into the earth just outside the now infamous city of Roswell, New Mexico.
UFO Iconoclast(s) writes:
A firefighter who was with the Roswell Fire Department in 1947 has confirmed that the mysterious crash in the New Mexico desert that Summer was in fact of an unearthly craft!
The firefighter, now age 90, related stunning information to this author in a lengthy interview conducted recently. Respected Roswell author Kevin Randle also talked with the involved fireman to confirm the details of his story.
Some time ago I located the son of Rue Chrisman. Rue was the Fire Chief for the Roswell Fire Department in 1947, passing in 1981 at age 98. Chrisman’s son explained to me that he knew that the town’s Fire Department was somehow involved in the crash event. But the son was sparse in his conversation, not really wishing to elaborate. When pressed, the son said, “It did happen. There was a big coverup. The crash was real.” I asked him how he knew of this, he paused and said, “I knew too many who knew.”
Lilli the six-limbed calf is happy and healthy at seven weeks old.
Beating a veterinarians’ prediction of not being able to live beyond 7 weeks, happy and healthy Lilli the 6-legged calf has hit that mark and then some, defying the odds!
Daily Mail writes:
Being born with two extra legs may not the best start in life for a cow, but Lilii, the six-legged calf, refuses to be cowed into hiding away because of her disability.
The plucky seven-week-old has defied the odds by thriving despite a vet’s prediction at birth that it wouldn’t survive. She has now gone on to become a minor celebrity after Swiss media splashed with images of the calf frolicking across a sunny field.
Farmer Andreas Knutti from Weissenburg, which 19 miles (30 kilometres) south of the capital Bern, says he couldn’t bring himself to euthanize the animal because she was ‘so full of life.’
He told Swiss daily Blick Thursday that a curve in her spine means Lilli may never become a normal milk cow. Knutti says if the calf stays healthy she’ll still be allowed to join the others when they head for their Alpine pastures this summer.
Shown above is where the nail went in and the giant incision it took to get it out.
Jeff Luptak, a construction worker, hit the wrong “stud” when he shot himself in the top of the head using a nail gun loaded with 3-inch long nails while working on a house in Bismarck, North Dakota.
X-rays of the nail completely imbedded in Mr. Luptaks skull/brain.
Daily Mail writes:
Shooting a three inch nail into your skull, sounds like a painful experience, but when construction worker Jeff Luptak accidentally did exactly this, he surprisingly reported that he ‘didn’t feel any pain.’
Infact his first concern was saving the new baseball cap that was pinned to his head. ‘The doctors told me they were going to have to cut my hat off,’ said Jeff, who got it as a freebie for spending lots of cash at a sporting goods store. ‘I jokingly told them: You can’t do that. I had to spend $300 to get that hat,’ he added.
The potentially fatal accident accident happened on February 1 when Jeff, 45, was working on a new house in Bismarck, North Dakota, where he lives with his 38-year-old wife Kim and their three daughters.
Mr Luptak was in the basement, installing flooring, when he asked another worker standing above him to hand him a nail gun.
‘When I reached up to get it I pulled it down and I heard it go off. I immediately felt this pressure in my skull so I knew I’d just got shot in the head,’ he said.
‘I didn’t feel any pain. All I felt was some pressure, like somebody was pushing their thumb down on my head.’
Kells Irish Pub in Seattle was a once mortuary of the early 1900's.
What says “Come on in, relax and have a beer!” more than a good ol’ fashion mortuary? How about one from the 1900’s that was built for the overflow of bodies from disease and disaster that has now been turned into an Irish pub?! Sounds cozy, right?
Well, apparently having a bar in there sure sounded like a nice change of pace for the actual residents of the old building, ghosts! They seem to be more active then ever and seem to show themselves to patrons and staff during late hours in the bar.
Ghost hunters frequent the building often and even have pictures and footage of a spirit showing itself to them.
One image captured by The Travel Channel during a late night visit to the old mortuary-turned-bar.
Daily Mail writes:
Before Kells Irish Pub in Seattle became a charming family-run bar, it served as a waiting room for the afterlife — a mortuary purpose-built to handle flood of dead bodies produced by plague, mining accidents and violence in the early 1900s.
The owners of the bar say a piece of that dark history has clung to their humble establishment, meaning the haunted pub serves up a host of spirits, along with pints of beer.
Bartenders, patrons and ghost hunters all claim to have seen specters of ghosts at the pub late at night. Inexplicable events have occurred that the owners say can only be attributed to other-worldly forces.
Mirrors have shattered, plaster falls off walls as if on cue and glasses have slid mysteriously to the floor. The pub has been a beacon for ghost hunters in Seattle for years — thanks to numerous reports of paranormal activity and the building’s black past.
Some people will do absolutely anything to get out of work!
An unemployed Austrian man has been skipping out on going to work by claiming to be “unfit” to go. Well, he made sure that was going to be the case…permantently. Local police chief, Franz Fasching, told media that just before officials checked up on the 56-year-old man from Mitterlabill, he actually sawed off his own foot then threw it in the oven to hide!
The Province writes:
VIENNA — An unemployed Austrian man on Monday deliberately sliced off his left foot with a mechanical saw and threw it into an oven ahead of a health check on whether he was fit to work, police said.
When police arrived the “desperate” 56-year-old from Mitterlabill in southern Austria was still conscious but had lost a lot of blood, local police chief Franz Fasching told AFP.
He was airlifted to hospital in Graz where his condition was said to be stable.
The man had mounted the mitre saw on two stools in his boiler room using nails and removed the guard plate before slicing off the foot above the ankle and around 5:00 am (0300 GMT).
Emergency services “looked in the oven and were able to recover the foot … The foot was taken the hospital but it was so badly burned that it cannot be sewn back on,” Fasching said.
Telepathy and ESP may be new, official, areas of science to explore!
Now, this is the kind of news I love to read!
Not only are supporters of the theory of ESP (Extra Sensory Perception – the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction) coming together to push their research into the mainstream of science, but nay-sayers and skeptics are now at the point where the evidence becomes overwhelming and can no longer be ignored.
The Epoch Times writes:
Recently, journalist Steven Volk was surprised to discover that leading skeptical psychologist Richard Wiseman has admitted that the evidence for telepathy is so good that “by the standards of any other area of science, [telepathy] is proven.” Mr. Volk goes on to write, “Even more incredibly, as I report in Fringe-ology, another leading skeptic, Chris French, agrees with him.”
Mr. Volk might even be more surprised to learn that back in 1951 psychologist Donald Hebb wrote this:
“Why do we not accept ESP [extrasensory perception] as a psychological fact? [The Rhine Research Center] has offered enough evidence to have convinced us on almost any other issue … Personally, I do not accept ESP for a moment, because it does not make sense. My external criteria, both of physics and of physiology, say that ESP is not a fact despite the behavioral evidence that has been reported. I cannot see what other basis my colleagues have for rejecting it … Rhine may still turn out to be right, improbable as I think that is, and my own rejection of his view is—in the literal sense—prejudice.”