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Looks like Einstein had a few tricks up his old sleeve.

Live Science writes:

Every night, amateur ghost-hunting groups across the country head out into abandoned warehouses, old buildings and cemeteries to look for ghosts. They often bring along electronic equipment that they believe helps them locate ghostly energy.

Despite years of efforts by ghost hunters on TV and in real life, we still do not have good proof that ghosts are real. Many ghost hunters believe that strong support for the existence of ghosts can be found in modern physics. Specifically, that Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds of all time, offered a scientific basis for the reality of ghosts.

A recent Google search turned up nearly 8 million results suggesting a link between ghosts and Einstein’s work covering the conservation of energy. This assertion is repeated by many top experts in the field. For example, ghost researcher John Kachuba, in his book “Ghosthunters” (2007, New Page Books), writes, “Einstein proved that all the energy of the universe is constant and that it can neither be created nor destroyed. … So what happens to that energy when we die? If it cannot be destroyed, it must then, according to Dr. Einstein, be transformed into another form of energy. What is that new energy? … Could we call that new creation a ghost?”


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Recent footage from Lake Okanagan in British Columbia has stirred up some fun in the media recently.
Global BC writes:

Note: CHBC News regrets the attribution to Richard Huls that he saw the Ogopogo, rather Huls claims to have seen an object in the water and does not know what it was.

The video of a possible Ogopogo sighting in Okanagan Lake has caught the eye of international media.

Two weeks ago, West Kelowna resident Richard Huls said he captured video of something in the water.

“It proves something is down there. Whether it’s Ogopogo or not, it is a different story but there is something at least down there,” Huls said.

“It was not a wave, just a darker colour. The size and the fact that they were not parallel with the waves made me think it had to be something else,” he said.


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Who knew that heavy metal band Megadeth had the power to save lives…from wolves?!
Forget pepper spray, when you are surrounded by wolves in Norway ready to feast, just play a little metal over your phones speaker and show them the power of shredding!
That’s what this little boy did, and it saved his life!
(warning: playing music over your speaker phones is NOT gauranteed to stop wolves from attacking you, just saying.)
Bizarre News writes:

A 13-year-old Norwegian boy avoided being attacked by wolves by playing a heavy metal song on his mobile phone, RIAN reports.

The incident took place in the central Norwegian municipality of Rakkestad. Four wolves, who appeared before the boy when he was returning home from school, were scared away by the noise coming from the boy’s mobile phone, the Russian website said.

The song that saved the boy’s life was by thrash metal band Megadeth.

The boy said he had been told that in order to avoid being attacked by wolves one should not run away from them but attack them.


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This is definitely one of the most insane things I’ve seen in a while!

Watch this incredible video of a paraglider in the Himalaya’s getting an eagle tangled in his ‘chute, free-falling for a bit then crash landing WITH the eagle into a dangerous looking set of trees and smacking the ground rather hard after crashing through them.

The Huffington Post writes:

Nothing could have prepared this paraglider for what he was about to encounter in mid air, but his level of expertise certainly helped him survive.

Vladimir Tsar’kov was gliding over the Indian Himalayas on Oct. 17 when two birds headed toward him and one got tangled in his cables (0:29 in video). After deploying his emergency parachute, the Russian sportsman was able to reach the ground safely and helped free the bird.

The nearly 10-minute rescue mission proved successful after the eagle flew away from scene without injury, the Telegraph reports.


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One frame of the live broadcast from a recent NFL game.

Who would’ve thought that aliens are football fans?

Apparently, they are, and it seems they have gotten themselves the best seats in the house, ones that fly around incredibly fast and can travel through space and time!

How much would a season pass for one of those go for? Anybody?

Here's proof that it couldn't possibly be a bug, like some critics say. You can see clearly it is in the distance and travels BEHIND the cathedral tower hundreds of meters away!

AOL writes:

For many football fans who watched the New Orleans Saints rout the Indianapolis Colts on Oct. 23, the most unusual thing about the game was the lopsided final score of 62-7.

But for UFO aficionados and paranormal experts who tuned in, they may have seen something in the sky that was even more out-of-the-ordinary than the tossing of more touchdowns vs. incompletions.

As NBC’s cameras returned from a commercial break and focused on the historic, triple-steepled St. Louis Cathedral in the city nicknamed the Big Easy, a couple of lit objects seemed to streak across the darkening sky — and they’ve yet to be definitively identified.

Viewed in real-time, it’s hard to see much more than something flashing across the screen. But a frame-by-frame scrutiny of the video reveals a rod-shaped object topped with brightly lit dots.


Here’s the video and frame-by-frame of the live broadcast.

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This baby shark looks like a cartoon character but is very real.

Now, this is pretty darn weird!

Not only is this shark albino, but it also has ONE properly working eye!

Well… it did.

Fisherman take a closer look at the size of the albino, cyclops shark pup.

This baby shark was cut out of it’s dead mother’s womb after she was caught by fisherman in the Gulf of California. It appears the mother was caught legally but was not able to give birth to this guy, or any of his 9 brothers and sisters, before she met her end.

Scientists say this little pup with one eye wouldn’t have stood a chance in the wild but, I would have liked to hear he at least got a try.

Discovery News writes:

The ‘Cyclops shark’ that went viral on the net a few months ago appears to be a legitimate one-eyed dusky shark fetus, according to LiveScience and numerous other media reports.

When photos of the shark first surfaced in the Pisces Fleet Sportfishing blog, at Facebook, and at other high traffic spots, many people thought the images were too bizarre to depict anything legitimate. The cute little bug-eyed individual looks more like a happy cartoon character than a real shark, especially when its mouth is held open.

But National Geographic shares that two scientists from the Interdisciplinary Center of Marine Sciences in La Paz, Mexico, have studied the specimen and have determined it’s a 22-inch-long dusky shark fetus with a single, functioning eye that’s front and center on its head.

The fetus was discovered after fisherman Enrique Lucero León “legally caught” a pregnant dusky shark near Cerralvo Island in the Gulf of California.

Biologist Felipe Galván-Magaña of the center in La Paz told National Geographic that when León sliced open his catch, he found the odd-looking male embryo along with nine normal siblings. “He said, That’s incredible — wow,” according to Galván-Magaña.


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The 3-eyed fish caught in Argentina.

Television and real life have interesected once again.

If you’re familiar with the episode of The Simpson’s that featured “Blinky”, the 3-eyed fish, caught in the reservoir of the town’s Nuclear Power Plant, you’ll understand how quite fantastic this is, yet very sad and worrisome at the same time.

Although they don’t resemble each other much, both fish represent the same thing.

The horrendous pollution of our world’s water from human activity

The Huffington Post writes:

You’ve heard of life imitating art, but now a fish found in Argentina resembles something you’d see on “The Simpsons” — and it’s not making environmentalists laugh.

Back in 1990, the long-running series did an episode that featured “Blinky,” a three-eyed fish that cropped up near the Springfield nuclear power plant, where Homer worked.

Now, 21 years later, fishermen in Córdoba, Argentina caught a three-eyed wolf fish in a reservoir near a local nuclear power plant, according to

One of the fisherman, Julian Zmutt, said no one noticed the third eye at first because it was dark.

“We were fishing and we got the surprise of getting this rare specimen,” reported The “As it was dark at that time we did not notice, but then you looked at him with a flashlight and saw that he had a third eye.”


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 There’s no better example of “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” than Matt Stutzman. You would think that being born with out either arm would make things a bit more difficult when wanting to participate in some activities, especially ones that usually require two arms. We now say “usually” because of Matt. Not only does he participate, he breaks world records!

Matt Stutzman takes aim.

MSNBC writes:

If you’ve ever wondered what determination looks like, take a good long stare at Matt Stutzman.

You wouldn’t be the first.

Stutzman was born without arms, but he compensates with creativity and the will to succeed.

“Even at a young age, I remember always trying to do stuff and I’d ask for help with my parents and my parents would always tell me, in a nice way, ‘Try to figure it out first before we help you,'” he says.

He turned his determination into success on the archery range.

Two years ago we figured out his unique release system.

Stutzman adjusts the bow with this toes, holds it with his right foot, and brings up the arrow with his left.

“My feet are my hands, so I just and hold it the same way they would with their hands,” he explains.

This man is incredible and should be an inspiration for anytime you feel you’re not good enough to even try something you really want to do. Even though the world believed Matt Stutzman lacked the proper tools for his trade, he put his will and creativity into action, accomplished exactly what he set out to do and left the entire world changed because of it.


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Scientist Michael Raduga claims to have solved our little alien problem we seem to have.

Apparently, he has proven that they don’t exist at all…period.

So, you can disregard the testimonials from  millions of  people, the thousands of encounters recorded in history, the few but well documented encounters from not only our own governments but, the majority of the world’s governments as well, AND the evidence that stretches back thousands of years and sleep a little more soundly tonight knowing that it’s all just your imagination.

MSNBC writes:

Researchers say they have conducted “the first experiment to ever prove that close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind.”

In a sleep study by the Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles, 20 volunteers were instructed to perform a series of mental steps upon waking up or becoming lucid during the night that might lead them to have out-of-body experiences culminating in encounters with aliens.

According to lead researcher Michael Raduga, more than half the volunteers experienced at least one full or partial out-of-body experience, and seven of them were able to make contact with UFOs or extraterrestrials during these dream-like experiences.

Raduga designed the experiment to test his theory that many reports of alien encounters are actually instances of people experiencing a vibrant, lifelike state of dreaming. If he could coach people to dream a realistic alien encounter, he said, that could prove that reports of such encounters are really just a product of our imaginations.

“When people experience alien abductions in the night, they usually don’t know they are actually in REM sleep and having an out-of-body experience,” Raduga told Life’s Little Mysteries, adding than an estimated 1 million Americans have such experiences each year.

“It’s very realistic and people cannot understand how it happens. [Our study] shows that it’s not about aliens, it’s about human abilities, and it can happen to almost anyone.”

So there you have it. It’s just that simple! He had 6 out of 20 people in a study, where he told them specifically to “contact aliens” in their dreams, actually say that met up with aliens and from these 6 random people, decided that he has proven aliens just plain don’t exist. That since we see them in dreams, that’s the only place they are. Well, how helpful! Thanks for clearing that up for us.

We should use his highly complicated and technical scientific process to test some more folks at random and get rid of that old belief in ghosts or dinosaurs that seems to linger around. I mean, despite the huge piles of evidence for them, have YOU ever hung out with said aliens, ghosts or dinosaurs? What’s that you say? “You haven’t.”? But, you have had a dream about them once? Oh, well then, problem solved, we just proved they don’t exist!






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Workers pull the snake from their craft, showing it's size.
Wow, how would you like to be working in the swamps and stumble upon this python the size of which you only see in movies?
…yeah, me neither.
MSNBC writes:

EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK, Fla. — Officials in the Florida Everglades have captured and killed a 16-foot-long Burmese python that had just eaten an adult deer.

Scott Hardin, exotic species coordinator for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, said workers found the snake on Thursday. The reptile was one of the largest ever found in South Florida.

Hardin said the python had recently consumed a 76-pound female deer that had died. He said it was an important capture to help stop the spread of pythons further north.

The python, killed by workers, with a very full stomach.
Why they had to kill it, I don’t know. It’s not exacty going to be the fastest, most dangerous snake after consuming a 76 pound deer. In fact, I betcha he wasn’t moving at all when the workers stumbled upon him during his well earned afternoon nap. I mean, I feel pretty lazy myself after eating a nice dinner, which usually isn’t anything more than a handful of food but, I couldn’t even begin to imagine how tired this dude was after eating an entire, full-sized animal in one sitting.