Bart Jansen at an art gallery with his flying cat, Orville.
The love between a man and his beast is a beautiful thing but, this artist on the other hand, took things just a little further.
Geekologie writes:
Because what better way to start a Monday than with some weird/depressing news, Dutch artist Bart Jansen had his cat Orville (after the Wright brother) taxidermied and turned into a flying quadrocopter after it was hit by a car. You know, because that’s how you show respect for a deceased pet. Also, Bart — why is there fur on your bumper?
Jansen says Orville received his propellers posthumously ‘after a period of mourning’ and says he will be getting more powerful engines and larger props for his birthdayGood lookin’ Bart, I bet if there’s one thing that cat was hoping for, it was more powerful engines and larger props. Just kidding, it was definitely for a driver to look both ways. Also, you had poor little Orville turned into a helicopter “after a period of mourning”? You couldn’t even wait a whole day, bro?! That’s tacky. “Mourning, not morning.” I’m…not hearing the difference.
Amelia Earhart may have been alive for days after she disappeared.
New evidence has surfaced that details exactly how distress call transmissions, that were made by Amelia Earhart herself, were ignored and dismissed as bogus.
Discovery News writes:
Dozens of previously dismissed radio signals were actually credible transmissions from Amelia Earhart, according to a new study of the alleged post-loss signals from Earhart’s plane.
The transmissions started riding the air waves just hours after Earhart sent her last inflight message.
The study, presented on Friday at a three day conferenceby researchers of The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), sheds new light on what may have happened to the legendary aviator 75 years ago. The researchers plan to start a high-tech underwater search for pieces of her aircraft next July.
“Amelia Earhart did not simply vanish on July 2, 1937. Radio distress calls believed to have been sent from the missing plane dominated the headlines and drove much of the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy search,” Ric Gillespie, executive director of TIGHAR, told Discovery News.
“When the search failed, all of the reported post-loss radio signals were categorically dismissed as bogus and have been largely ignored ever since,” he added.
A couple nights ago a few friends of ours made a very big impression on Hollywood and the rest of the world with an astounding, daredevil performance that will not soon be forgotten!
Eric Odditorium, Lauren Grace CandyPants and Cut Throat himself, Jeremy Kinison, gave the judges and audience of America’s Got Talent a taste of something they’ve surely never seen …a true, authentic, freak show.
Anyone hoping to impress Howard Stern would probably need some combination of scantilly-clad women and sordid tales involving sex or scandalous behavior.
Local daredevil performer Jeremy Kinison and a few of his fellow freaks, however, needed only some broken glass, an ordinary chair, and a couple of swords to astonish the iconic radio personality.
Needless to say, they put on a showstopping performance that wowed the crowd, nabbed some major kudos from Stern, and earned them a spot in the next round of competition.
As we reported earlier this month, Kinison tried out for AGT last October in Saint Louis along with fiancée Lauren “CandyPants” Grace and fellow sideshow artist Eric Odditorium during the reality show’s opening rounds. Tuesday evening’s episode finally featured their performance. And it definitely was one of the highlights of the night.
The area of Idaho near Mink Creek where this film was captured. Plenty of natural resources.
While filming a project in the hills of Idaho, a couple of students captured something, something they’re not so sure they can explain.
The television show “Finding Bigfoot” on the other hand, thinks they know what it could be and are heading there now to see what they can find. Watch the video below, stay tuned for updates and leave any ideas of what you think it could be in the comments!
The Idaho State Journal writes:
What appears to be a large dark figure disappearing into the brush and trees on a hillside near the West Fork of Mink Creek was captured on a brief video clip made by Pocatello students recently.
The clip has spawned Bigfoot speculation and provides more data for an Idaho State University professor who has become a Bigfoot expert.
The students who chose to remain unidentified told Local News 8 they were on a field trip for a school project when they spotted a dark figure watching them from a ridge above them. One student took the digital video clip with his camera.
“It just didn’t look human like. I don’t know what that is, it’s not a bear, it’s not a moose or anything. It was big and bulky and black,” the student told Channel 8.
The students also told the television station that they climbed up the ridge and took photographs of large footprints they discovered.
What could this be lying on the bottom of the Baltic Sea?
Some weeks ago, we posted about the discovery of a mysterious object found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea via sonar that got scientists, and all other kinds of people, from all over the world into a frenzy about what it could be.
The most common speculation is that it’s an alien UFO that has crashed landed on our unsuspecting planet. Crazily enough, that’s not actually so ridiculous once you realize there actually are ‘drag’ marks along the sea floor indicating, in fact, a crash!
Fox News, of all places, writes:
Swedish scientists plan to explore a mystery ripped straight from the “The X-Files.”
Rather than Mulder and Scully, this adventure features Swedish researchers Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg. They too know the truth is out there — and in mere days plan to visit what they call the “Baltic Anomaly.”
Last summer, while on a treasure hunt between Sweden and Finland, the pair and their research associates made headlines worldwide with the discovery of a 200-foot wide unidentified object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Now a team of oceanographers, engineers and deep sea divers will return to the site Friday, June 1, for a 6 to 10 day trip.
They want to find out once and for all what it really is.
“We don’t know whether it is a natural phenomenon, or an object,” Lindberg, captain of the Ocean Explorer, told “We saw it on sonar when we were searching for a wreck from World War I. This circular object just turned up on the monitor.”
Did the cast of ‘Finding Bigfoot” finally capture some real evidence of Bigfoot?
If the newest claims are true, they most certainly have except, it’s in Australia!
The Telegraph writes:
The four-member team from Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot series were on an expedition through remote forests spanning the Queensland and NSW border when they made the recordings.
Bigfoot Field Research Organisation member James “Bobo” Fay said that of the more than 20 expeditions conducted around the world by the TV team, this was “maybe the best one as far as audio recordings”.
While he was reluctant to give details ahead of presenting their evidence on the still-to-be-completed third season of the US show, Fay said that in two different locations they had activity that they had attributed to a yowie – the fabled ape-like creature of the Aussie bush.
“We got some really compelling audio,” he said.
“It is not a known species, I can tell you that. One of the details (convinces us) there is nothing else it could have been.”
Where did this mystery fish come from? ...besides this lake.
While fishing in Magpie Lake of Cambridge, editor of the Angling Times, Mark Sawyer caught something a little unusual.
The pro angler knew something was off when he pulled the golden fish from the water, he’d never seen anything like it!
Daily Mail writes:
Most anglers’ tales revolve around the improbable size of their catch – but this specimen really does look fishy.
Mark Sawyer, 53, hooked the bizarre creature while fishing for carp in a lake.
At first he thought it was a common brown goldfish but on closer inspection he realised it appeared to have the head of a roach, the body and tail of a brown goldfish and the rear fin of a bream.
Those who fear falling hook, line and sinker for a hoax should bear in mind Mr Sawyer is the tackle editor of the Angling Times with a reputation to protect.
And experts who have seen images of the ‘Frankenfish’ agree it is the offspring of more than one species.
The fish, which weighed a little under 2lb, was caught in Cambridge earlier this month.
‘It is a proper oddity,’ said Mr Sawyer, who returned the fish to the lake.
‘The head resembles more of a roach, its lips aren’t quite right.
‘It has the body of a normal goldfish, its anal fin resembles a bream and the tail is of a fan-tailed goldfish.’
Is this plaster-cast molded from a baby bigfoot print?
The hunt for Bigfoot shall never end, not as long as curious and adventurous humans are out there, slogging through the mud and rain, climbing up the biggest hills and traversing desert plains, all in the name of science!
A few of these adventurers have found crypto-gold in the form of a set of well preserved foot and hand prints, all of a juvenile Bigfoot and an older one, possibly a parent, that left behind a few tracks as well!
Who knows if anything more comes of this or even if they ever catch the elusive ‘squatch. Either way, I’m more than happy to follow along with the rest of the world, eyes wide open, waiting for the next sign of a mysterious creature lurking in our lands.
What do you think is out there?
David Claerr at Yahoo Voices writes:
The vast ecosystem formed by the Red River watershed on the borders of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana affords a habitat comprised of many micro-climates with an incredible diversity and richness of plant and animal life. In many of the deep ravines where the creeks and waterways have cut through the the limestone cap rock, the vegetation has a nearly tropical aspect. Towering, ancient cypress trees form a canopy above the underbrush and thick hanging vines. These ravines are like a primordial oasis, seldom traversed by humans. Often in remote wildernesses, surrounded by thousands of acres of temperate woodlands and meadows. The ravines are a favored living quarters for the Sasquatch or “Bigfoot”
From one of these ravines, a very significant group of footprints of a “Baby Bigfoot” were cast in plaster, along with a hand- and footprints from a more mature Sasquatch, most likely the juvenile’s older sibling or mother. The prints, pressed into the fine clay of the creek bed are rare specimens, since not only are they from a rarely documented young juvenile, but the casts also retain detailed anatomical features that are not generally preserved in other types of soil.
Has the zombie apocalypse begun? Some think so. Photo by uncherished of deviantart
Grab the family, load up on supplies, and HEAD FOR THE HILLS!
Well, we might not need to go to those extremes just yet, but it sure doesn’t seem that far off when a story like the one below comes out!
A man in Miami, naked, and high on “bath salts” (a horrific new drug) left behind a gruesome scene just off of one of Miami’s major highways on Saturday.
The 31-year old man, Rudy Eugene of Miami, attacked another man in a very animal-like fashion while in a ‘zombie-like’ state under the influence of this terrible drug which, ended in Rudy tearing into the other man’s face with his mouth, then literally, eating the pieces of flesh he pulled off.
If this isn’t a sign of the Zombie Apocalypse, I don’t know what is. This new drug known as “bath salts” is gaining in popularity all over the world and gruesome stories like this are coming out more often than ever.
Please people, drugs are not ok, in any form at all.
You’ll never know the beauty of this world when your mind is clouded with foreign substances. Stay on the straight and narrow and enjoy the world for all it has to offer.
Life is beautiful, you are beautiful, remember that.
CNN writes:
A naked man who chewed off the face of another man in what is being called a zombie-like attack may have been under the influence of “bath salts,” a drug referred to as the new LSD, according to reports from CNN affiliates in Miami.
The horrific attack occurred Saturday and was only stopped after a police officer shot the attacker several times, killing him.
Larry Vega witnessed the attack on Miami’s MacArthur Causeway. He told CNN affiliate WSVN he saw one naked man chewing off the face of another naked man.
“The guy was like tearing him to pieces with his mouth, so I told him, ‘Get off!'” Vega told WSVN. “You know it’s like the guy just kept eating the other guy away, like ripping his skin.”
“When the officer approached him, told him to stop, pointed a gun at him, he turned around and growled like a wild animal and kept eating at the man’s face,” Fraternal Order of Police President Armando Aguilar told CNN affiliate WPLG.
If going to college on your own isn’t scary enough for most people, imagine having that same school haunted by an ancient ghost!
Otage Daily Times writes:
Ghostly sightings may have left Cumberland College students spooked, but now a tourist has reported being bullied by a ghost at Larnach Castle.
Sightings of the ghost known as the “Grey Lady” at the college earlier this month have sparked a media frenzy, says the author of a soon-to-be-published book about Dunedin’s haunted spots.
HairRaiser Tours owner Andrew Smith said well-known spots included Larnach Castle, the Fortune Theatre, Stafford Gables and a specific area around Moray Pl.
The college was in “lock-down” when he visited with other media yesterday. Students and staff were spooked by the latest sightings, he said. “Whether or not the students have known the history and they have talked themselves into believing something – that could be a possibility … but they are genuinely freaked out.”