We would like to announce the premiere of Journey Into Twilight, a brand new weekly podcast available here on museumoftheweird.com!
Join famed Texas mojo-man Doc Ravencraft and Museum of the Weird owner Steve Busti each week for discussions with psychics, UFO hunters, cryptozoologists, paranormal explorers, practitioners of magick, as well as artists from the horror and fantasy genre. And as always, we’ll be taking your phone calls. It’s a delightful departure into the space between the light and the shadows.
The first episode airs live at 8:30pm Central on Thursday, July 5th, 2012. And don’t worry if the premiere has already aired, you can always catch the episode on our Blog Talk Radio widget on the right side of the page.
Tune in for an all new experience, and join us as we Journey Into Twilight together.