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New Documentary “Mirage Men” exposes UFO hoaxes

UFO folklore is filled with any number of wild stories. It’s always been hard to not take the whole kit and kaboodle with a big grain of salt. Well now, many of the discrepancies and contradictions have been explained in this new documentary, out on DVD this week, “Mirage Men”.

The film follows Richard Doty, a retired special agent for the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigation whose job it was to engage with ‘believers’ and feed them misinformation. But not to cover up UFO sightings, but to encourage them.

Asserting that he was tasked with creating and encouraging more alien lore to lead astray investigations into strange lights and craft (that turned out later to be early tests of stealth planes and drone tech), he drove at least one poor guy to the brink of insanity with his manipulations. These misinformation campaigns for his benefit went so far as to equip black unmarked helicopters with unusual light arrays and plant faked downed space crafts.

Regardless of all of this, “Mirage Men” doesn’t seek to deny the existence of UFOs, just to explore how much of the common lore was in fact misinformation from Doty, the NSA and other government agencies. Doty himself says in the film that he believes Roswell was for real, and that he can’t explain a good deal of the mythology. He even regularly attends UFO conferences as he, in his own way, is indeed a believer. Whether or not you will be after viewing the film will at the very least be tempered by this new and frightening information into the ways the government has in the past sought to manipulate perception and media.

You can buy the film now on right here.



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Go see a special event at the Alamo Ritz, get a friend in free to the museum

Are you going to the Alamo Drafthouse to see a Music Monday, Terror Tuesday, or Weird Wednesday event? You should get down to 6th an hour or so early and take advantage of a special deal at Museum of the Weird.

It’s like this: go pick up your tickets from the Alamo for one of those special movie nights and if you bring them to the Museum (same day only), and you buy a ticket to the Museum tour, you can bring one friend with you on the tour for free! Spread the word!


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Harvard discovers that one of their books is bound in human skin

It probably speaks volumes (Ha! Get it?) about one whether your reaction to this is EEEEWWWW or COOL! We decline to say what our reaction was.

Experts at Harvard University have tested a 19th century volume in their library, “Des Destinees de L’Ame” and discovered that it is indeed bound with human skin tanned with sumac. The book, according to its author as “a meditation on the soul and life after death” was bound by a friend of the writer, a doctor, who bound the book “with skin from the unclaimed body of a female mental patient”. Although an earlier claim by the college newspaper claimed at least three books in their collection had this frightening fastening, the library claims after testing the books in question, this is the only one so bound. I guess if you’re still hunting for that copy of the Necronomicon, you might want to move onto Yale.


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THE AUSTINOT INTERVIEWS MUSEUM OF THE WEIRD’S STEVE BUSTI's Dave Thomas (left) with Museum of the Weird owner Steve Busti’s Dave Thomas (left) with Museum of the Weird owner Steve Busti

We had a great article written about us by David Thomas today for the popular Austin blog If you’re not familiar with the Museum of the Weird, this is a great preview of some of the things you might find here!


Austin is weird, right? It’s how we’ve branded the city.

We’ve all seen the tie-dye shirts, but how weird is Austin really? Is it mermaid mummy weird? Is it shrunken head weird? The Museum of the Weird on 6th St. is that weird.

The Iceman Cometh

When Steve Busti was just a young lad, he went with his aunt to a K-Mart. In the parking lot was a man with a truck, taking money from a line of people as they peeked into the back of it.

Steve’s aunt paid the man and lifted Steve up so he could see into the back of the truck. He came face to face with the world famous Minnesota Iceman – an ape-man frozen in ice, of controversial origin, which has attracted the attention of the FBI, Smithsonian Museum, U.S. Customs and Vice President Walter Mondale. The world famous moniker is not hype. The Iceman has attracted the attention of international paleontologists and scientists.

First impressions are important. If Steve Busti had never met the Iceman, I may not be writing this story. “If I hadn’t seen the Iceman at such a young age, I’d probably be an accountant or lawyer or something and there would be no Museum of the Weird,” Steve said with a grin. It’s interesting how things work out.

Steve and his wife opened Lucky Lizard Curios and Gifts in 2005. “It’s a reflection of both our personalities,” he informed me. “She has locally made jewelry and I have my oddities.”

The museum grew from there. Steve took advantage of the extra space in the back of the store and above it, and he’s slowly amassed an impressive collection over the last eight years, with his most prized possession being the Iceman. Steve’s acquisition of the Iceman has gained the attention of national media outlets like The Huffington Post.


READ MORE:  Museum of the Weird on 6th St. Draws National Attention with Oddities

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The folks over at have pulled together a fantastic review of our past presidents and their relationship/ knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrials.

Ghost Theory writes:

E Pluribus Unum: Out of many, One is what it says on the Seal of the President of the United States of America. Traditionally the phrase is meant to express that out of the many colonies that formed the nascent new country a single nation was born. In a more modern context it could be interpreted equally to mean that out of many cultures and beliefs the people who form a nation are derived. In the context of this article it could also be said that out of many in power there is one we presume to have answers. Even out of many who have held the office, the one currently in office should be in possession of the answers so many of us would like to hear. The question is; What do we really know about UFOs?

There have been a number of US Presidents who have addressed the UFO issue and it makes you wonder. Twelve Presidents have held office in what we will call the UFO Age, that period of time during which UFOs have been both figuratively and literally on the radar of the population of the Earth. During that time the United States has evolved from a partner to other nations in attaining peace from threats, to a parent scolding others for threatening actions and seemingly falling back again to a partner who must work with others in place of imposing rules upon them. Still the question of whether or not there is a larger threat, or greater parent hangs over our heads. Yet whenever a question faces the world at large there are few if any who do not turn to the United States for their knowledge, their influence, their protection, or for someone to blame soIF there are UFO secrets to be had, and there almost certainly are whether they be to prove or disprove, it seems likely those secrets reside within the borders of the United States at the very least.

Which brings us back to asking “What does the President know?” It is a facet of short term thinking to believe that the office of President gives some sort of ultimate power when it comes to running the government, when in truth it is a temporary posting lasting just four to eight years, at least during the time frame of the UFO Age, while those who keep the wheels turning, or I guess put on the brakes in some regards, have longer careers that are not dependant upon current office holders. If there is a secret to be kept, a secret that has implications far beyond the immediate state of affairs of any nation who do you tell? If you are one of the secret keepers a person who has a short term agenda would not be on that list. So far several Presidents have announced an intent to learn the truth of the UFO phenomenon, but none have done carried out that intent, at least so far as to inform the public.

Let’s start at the beginning.
Two events mark the start of the UFO Age; those being the Kenneth Arnold sighting at Mt Ranier on June 24th 1947, and the Roswell crash(s) of July 1947. Harry Truman as Vice_President to Franklin Roosevelt assumed office in April of 1945, following the death of Roosevelt, and so became the first US President to be faced with the real potential of contact with beings from another world here on Earth…


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The folks over at the online news  source,,  have pulled together a neat little top ten list of their best and favorite ufo and unexplained phenomena headlines of the year!  Take a look at some of the stories they mention, many of which were reported on right here at, and you’ll see just how fascinating this year really was!

The Huffington post writes:

The world didn’t end in 2012, nor did our fascination with UFOs.

Did a UFO hover over the summer Olympic games? Can we believe an ex-CIA agent who claimed that extraterrestrials caused the 1947 Roswell incident? Will DNA tests prove the existence of Bigfoot?

Those questions were at the heart of 2012’s list of the top 10 UFO and unexplained phenomena news stories. Scroll through the list to see them all.

One hint about our number one story of the year: it had nothing to do with UFOs, but captured the attention of people all over the world.

To read more and check out the full slideshow of stories, head to

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What is this thing able to be seen from the window of an airplane? At least it’s not on the wing. Screenshot credit to YouTube user Mauricio Ruiz

A recent video posted on YouTube recently by Mauricio Ruiz has caused quite a stir recently. As you can see in the video yourself, the UFO/whatever it is outside this guys plane window is definitely there and is not a reflection from something inside the cabin, which he even thought was the case for a moment. Take a look at the footage below and let us know what you think in the comments at the bottom of the page.

Ghost Theory writes:

According to the YouTube account of Mauricio Ruiz, the following footage was shot from the window of a SouthWest Airlines flight from La Guardia airport to Houston, Texas.
Ruiz goes on to say that he has submitted the video to FAA officials and is waiting further review from them.

The video shows an object outside the cabin of the airplane. The object does not appear to be a reflection of anything from inside. It does not look like a reflection of light on the window, especially not when the camera zooms in and we can see details on the supposed craft.

From Ruiz’s YouTube:
“The actual footage in its original content was sent to the FAA for further review. UFOlogist and investigators please be patient. Let FAA do their review in fairness to all. Thanks.”