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Gable Film Mystery, Part 3

If you haven’t read the first two installments, you can do so here and here.  
I feel it necessary to give the reader a fair warning here:  the new evidence recently discovered and presented below is of a shocking and graphic nature. Viewer discretion is advised.
This post appeared on YouTube on Friday, June 17, 2009. According to the poster, who goes by QuinlanOUR12, this is the story behind the new footage (annotations in brackets are mine):

“I was at my little brother’s house Friday June 10th and my sister-in-law was watching Fox News. (She’s madly in lust with that Sean Hannity guy). A short segment came on about “the Beast of Bray Road” [click to watch -Steve]. Hannity then played a clip from a film named…”The Gable Film”.  
Sirens went off in my head.  
Our only uncle was a film nut in college, back in the seventies. He was always making home movies and beer commercials. He was even hired, (not for pay), to help the Michigan Department of Natural Resources investigate and document a bear attack, just north of Bellaire. (Our Grandmother worked in the Antrim County Courthouse,…. she had a hand in getting him the gig). The victim’s name was Aaron GABLE.  
My mother tells us that after filming the attack scene, our Uncle John was so distraught that he packed up his stuff and moved to Florida, two weeks later!. Mom says his behavior was becoming very psychotic, he couldn’t sleep at night and he kept going on about how “bears have FIVE toes,….. dogs have four”!. Just a week after he left, a DNR officer hand-delivered the film that Uncle John made to my Mother’s house. It’s been in a box in the basement ever since.   
Now, I seem to recall that these films usually lasted about five minutes or so, but the film we have is only about a minute long… and the end of it was obviously torn off, not cut clean. 
I wonder just how much is missing? We almost threw this film away just a couple of years ago, but I wound up buying a vintage projector on eBay, just to see what was on this film. (Boy, was I suprised). NOW,….. I find that there’s this “Gable” film out there?  I wonder if these two films are related. I’ll see if I can get it in better resolution, other than with Wifey’s camera-phone. (It might be expensive,….. but I’m sure it’ll be worth it).    
One thing’s for certain, whatever it was on that clip that they played on Fox News,….. it sure didn’t look like no Bear.”
Now, without further ado, we present to you the new evidence… “Gable Film Part 2.”

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Gable Film Mystery, Part 2

Presented here is a rehash of yesterday’s post, as well as a shot-by-shot analysis of the film, including our take on the mysterious and frightening creature that appears in the final seconds of the film. 
*A few years ago, some mysterious footage surfaced and quickly made the internet rounds. For reasons unknown, it had been simply known as “The Gable Film.”  Little else was known about it’s origins, other than the supposed fact that the 8mm film was discovered in an attic and later purchased at an estate sale. 

You can watch the complete Gable Film here.

The three-and-a-half minutes of footage starts off with two (or maybe three) people snowmobiling through some snow-patched forests in an undetermined location.  One of the snowmobilers appears to be a young, blond boy; another has short dark hair. It appears that the snow covering has partially melted, so maybe the time of year is late winter/early spring. 

At about the minute-and-a-half mark, the footage jump cuts to an image of either a very burly woman, or possibly a man with a 70‘s hairdo (the face is obscured by the hair) chopping a small log with a single swing of an axe. The subject is wearing a unisex plaid shirt and jeans, further making gender determination difficult. There is no snow on the ground now, but the fact that the subject is chopping wood would still put the time of year in the colder months, and not summer. 

The next two shots are, again, of a snowy wooded area, which at first glance appears to have no particular subject… or is that a human figure standing in the distance at 1:48?
Next jump cut appears to be a winding country road, with a rather friendly dog running around, sniffing the snow and at one point perking his ears up at a sound off in the woods, just as the camera pans over to find…nothing.

Next is an important clue. At about the 2:19 mark, we see a long shot of a light blue 1968 Ford F250 pickup truck with the hood up. It looks like the person checking under the hood is the same individual that appeared earlier in the wood chopping scene. Unfortunately, the distance from the camera again makes gender determination difficult; however, as the person looks up at the camera, ending the clip with a shrug of the shoulders, there does appear to be a left breast visible. This is the best indication we have throughout the rest of the evidence to determine this person’s gender. Therefore, from here on out we will simply refer to this individual in the feminine. (By the way, notice the same dog in the lower right hand corner?)

In the next shot, the woman’s apparently gotten the truck working, because it’s barreling down another country road. Now, there is no way to tell a few things for certain, like that the woman is indeed behind the wheel, or that the next few sequences even happen right after another.  In fact, the only thing we know for certain is that at one point, the person filming the woodland scenery catches a fleeting glimpse of himself in the side mirror’s reflection… and he’s a young boy. Could it be one of the same boys snowmobiling at the beginning of the film?

We also get a clear glimpse of the type of camera he’s using, and we know now without a doubt it is in fact an 8mm film camera (which rules out the possibility that the footage was shot with a modern video camera and made to look like old film footage with the use of video filters).
Suddenly, the camera appears to catch something (an animal?) moving on the side of the road. The door of the truck can be seen swinging open at precisely 2:40, and the passenger (the same boy?) appears to jump out and run after the beast. 
Here’s where things get interesting.
If you look at the frames between 2:39 and 2:41, the creature appears to have some simian characteristics to it’s movement. Here are the three best screen captures I could get.

Then, for a few moments, it appears that the camera person has lost his quarry. There’s just some eerie few seconds of nothing but barren woods. 
What happens next is spine-chilling, to say the least.

At exactly 3:08 there is a jump cut. Several yards directly in front of the camera, crouching low, is this… thing.  Then, it gets up off its haunches, AND CHARGES DIRECTLY AT THE CAMERAMAN! 
Realizing they’re in trouble, the cameraman just starts running for his life!  Within seconds, the creature is on him. The last image we see is a flash in extreme close-up of canine-like teeth, right before the camera drops to the ground as the film continues to run out…

*OK, if you’re not creeped out by now, just wait until we get to the shocking NEW footage that just surfaced over the weekend!  A word of warning, it is not for the squeamish.


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Mystery of The Gable Film

A few years ago, this mysterious footage surfaced and quickly made the internet rounds. For reasons unknown, it had been simply known as “The Gable Film.”  Little else was known about it’s origins, other than the supposed fact that the 8mm film was discovered in a box purchased at an estate sale. 
Note that the film you are about to watch is the complete, unedited version. For reasons which will be discussed later, I strongly recommend viewing the film throughout it’s entirety, from beginning to end.  Pay attention to details, they will be important later. Watch it all the way through to the end… that’s when things start getting interesting.

Full below…

Now for the REAL news. Two days ago, a gruesome piece of evidence surfaced which, if true, may lead to solving the mystery of the Gable Film…


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26 Foot Shark Washes Ashore

Yesterday, a 26 foot long basking shark washed up on a beach in Long Island, NY, weighing in at an estimated 5,000 lbs.  Basking sharks, while mainly plankton eaters and posing no threat to man, can grow to intimidating sizes; the second largest fish in the ocean after the whale shark, it is known to grow up to 35 feet long.
One interesting thing to note is that many supposed “sea monster” carcasses that have washed up on shores in the past were often merely rotting basking shark remains. One of the most famous instances occurred in 1977 when a Japanese fishing vessel trawled up an unidentified carcass which some speculated were the remains of a plesiosaur, an extinct sea-going reptile from the age of dinosaurs.

Here’s an excellent article about that event and the conclusions some researchers have come to regarding the possible identity of the creature:
And below, for your viewing pleasure, is video of the dead shark, courtesy of our friends at CNN.
NOTE: if the video does not work, here’s the URL:

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Massive Crop Circle: Is It a Warning?

What, if any, message are we to interpret from this massive crop circle that first appeared in Milk Hill, England on June 21?  The circle evolved over the course of a week, first found on June 21, with new additions found June 23, and the latest phase you see below appearing on June 30.  Is it a large scale hoax, or is it alien beings trying to communicate with us, perhaps trying to give us some warning?

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Vote for Museum of the Weird for The Austin Chronicle’s Best of Austin 2009 Awards!

If you live in Austin, you are most likely familiar with the local free publication The Austin Chronicle.  Each year, they give their readers the opportunity to recognize the best people, places and businesses the city has to offer with their annual “Best of Austin Reader’s Poll”.  

In 2007, shortly after we first opened our museum here in Austin, we were bestowed the prestigious title of “Best Bigfoot Hunters” by the Chronicle in their Critics’ Picks category. This year, we’re shooting for one of the main categories chosen by the readers: Best Museum! 
If you’d like to cast your ballot for us, all you need to do is go to this website, fill out the required information, and write “Museum of the Weird” in the blank for “Museum” (under the Arts and Entertainment category).  Only one ballot per person (please, no stuffing ballots or we’ll get eliminated from the competition). You only have until Tuesday, July 21, so please get those ballots in today!  Thanks in advance for your vote!  Here’s the URL:

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New Bigfoot Video of Squatting Sasquatch?

When browsing the dearth of “Bigfoot” videos on YouTube, you’ll find there is undoubtedly an overabundance of unquestionably fake footage, usually in the guise of humor… and very poor attempts at humor, I might add.  But every once in a while, you come across something that may deserve a closer look. This is one of those videos. 
The man who shot the footage, Ed Runninghorse, claims to have filmed a video last month purporting to be that of a black hairy creature squatting or crouching, possibly in an effort to avoid detection. Runninghorse was exploring an area of Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area west of Forest Lake, MN.  He had been finding several mysterious “stick structures” in the remote forest that day, seemingly made by the hand of some intelligent being. As he was about to wrap it up and return to his vehicle, he caught a glimpse of “what appeared to be the size of a large man” running through the woods.  According to Mr. Runninghorse, “What really didn’t make sense was that it was solid black in color and moved with a swift, smooth motion.”  When he tried to chase it, it seemed to disappear. 
Later upon reviewing his footage, he was surprised to have caught something black, hairy, and very still crouching off in the distance. Could it be a Sasquatch? Watch the following video, then you decide.

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The Remains of St. Paul Discovered

Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI announced that the first-ever scientific dating of bones discovered in a hidden tomb under the alter of St. Paul’s Basilica in Rome “seems to confirm the unanimous and uncontested tradition that they are the mortal remains of the Apostle Paul.” Radio carbon dating performed on the bone fragments indicate they are from the first or second century AD.
The announcement came just a day after the Vatican reported the discovery of the oldest known icon of Paul found on a fresco inside another tomb that had been excavated, St. Tecia in Rome. 
St. Paul, one of the main Apostles of Jesus to spread Christianity after his crucifixion, is traditionally acknowledged  to have been beheaded in Rome under the emperors’ persecution of early Christians. It is widely believed that the bone fragments discovered in the tomb under the Basilica of St. Paul are the remains of his body, while his skull fragments are believed to be held in another basilica, St. John Lateran in Rome.

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New “Giant” Shrew Species Discovered

On the cryptozoological front, a new species of elephant-shrew, or sengis, has been discovered in the remote forests of Tanzania, in what the mainstream media is dubbing a “giant shrew.”  

While I wouldn’t say this previously unknown species “dwarfs” other sengis species (it is only about 25% larger than other known species), nevertheless it is an important zoological find. 

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Texas Chupacabras Mystery Solved?

UPDATE: The creature shot and killed in Medina County last week has been positively identified by a veterinarian as a coyote with a severe case of mange.

This is not the first time a mangy coyote was misidentified as a chupacabras. Remember the Cuero Chupacabras of 2007? It was identified through DNA testing to be a virtually identical match to a coyote. 

Then there was the “Elmendorf Beast” of 2004, and last year’s chupacabras caught on a Texas patrolman’s dashboard camera, both bearing a striking resemblance to mangy coyotes.
So the real mystery may not be so much what the identity of these so-called “chupacabras” are, but rather why are so many Texas coyotes coming down such severe cases of mange?