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Mystery music floating along the shores of Yellowstone Lake has puzzled many hikers and park goers for over a hundred years now, and doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop anytime soon.
Imagine going on vacation from the hum drum of 9-5 life, to the majestic wonder of the Yellowstone National park! Now imagine, being at one with nature amongst the mountains, plains, and valleys. Then, coming to rest on the egde of Yellowstone Lake after an exhausting morning hike through the wilderness.
As you sit there, enjoying your ham and cheese sandwich with a little baggie of granola mix, a feint humming begins to tickle your ears. First distant, then slowly growing closer. Just a buzz of noise from far away but as it comes nearer, you begin hearing notes, then a melody!
Crystal clear harps harmonizing on the wind with trumpets and horns serenading you from the skies! Growing louder and more intense! How wonderful! …and strange.Where is this amazing music coming from? You search the clear blue, cloud dotted sky for any signs of, well… anything.
As quickly as it came, it begins to slowly fade away. The hum trails off in the distance as the mysterious sound disappears into the breeze.You’re left with a half-eaten sandwich in your hand and a half-chewed bite in your mouth that’s hanging wide open as you sit, perplexed at what just occurred.
THAT is basically what has actually happened to a few people visiting the park!
Be it natural wonder or something more extraordinary, we may never know, but we can imagine all the different possibilities of this mystery music that seemingly comes from the heavens. Give us some of your thoughts on what it could be in the comments below!
Yellowstone Gate writes:

Yellowstone Lake and the rugged backcountry that surrounds it is a place where millions go seeking solitude and silence. Yet it in a well-documented but rarely discussed phenomenon, some visitors to the Lake area have experienced remarkable celestial sounds of unknown and unexplained origin.

“They resemble the ringing of telegraph wires or the humming of a swarm of bees, beginning softly in the distance, growing rapidly plainer until directly overhead, and then fading as rapidly in the opposite direction,” wrote Hiram M. Chittenden in 1895 in his book, “The Yellowstone National Park.”

Chittenden’s description is one of several in the historical record — as well as many more from popular anecdotal accounts — of strange sounds or “lake music” coming from the skies around Yellowstone Lake and Shoshone lake.


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New Zealand releases real life 'x-files' to the public.

New Zealand has compiled and made public 9 books and over 50 years worth of government papers documenting ufo sightings and activity.

You can even browse the documents in pdf form right in your web browser!

Ghost Theory writes:

Here we go again. Another government takes a step in the right direction. New Zealand has just released official UFO reports from the years 1952 to 2009. In a digital library collection, the UFO reports fill up nine volumes of civilian and military reports on the little green men.

Read more and browse the official documents over at

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Our world grows more artificial by the second, especially when scientists are racing to come up with solutions to some serious problems we’ll be facing in our future.

One of those problems being the shortage of food to come as our population grows exponentially larger and more crowded. If these scientists, currently working on creating artificial meat in test tubes, are successful, hopefully hunger won’t be such a big problem for the world as it today with thousands dying daily due to starvation.

What these researchers are hoping to do is eventually create a factory-like setting to mass produce the “burgers” and distribute them to the world after they get the first one official, which would be no earlier than October of this year.

The Telegraph writes:

By generating strips of meat from stem cells researchers believe they can create a product that is identical to a real burger.

The process of culturing the artificial meat in the lab is so laborious that the finished product, expected to arrive in eight months’ time, will cost about £220,000 (EUR250,000).

But researchers expect that after producing their first patty they will be able to scale up the process to create affordable artificial meat products.

Mass-producing beef, pork, chicken and lamb in the lab could satisfy the growing global demand for meat – forecast to double within the next 40 years – and dramatically reduce the harm that farming does to the environment.


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President Eisenhower meeting with other government officials.

Some believe the leaders of the free world have been meeting with and receiving information from alien beings since the beginning of the American Presidency, and it seems one believer has found some proof that a number these meetings actually took place, with President Eisenhower at the helm, on several occasions, and has even spoken out on the radio to argue his side.

What do you think?

Leave us some feedback in the comments section below and let us know if you think our leaders have leaders… of the alien kind.

Daily Mail writes:

Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, a former US government consultant has claimed. The 34th President of the United States met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to lecturer and author Timothy Good.

Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organised the showdown with the space creatures by sending out ‘telepathic messages’. The two parties finally met up on three separate occasions at the Holloman Air Force base and there were ‘many witnesses’. Conspiracy theorists have circulated increased rumours in recent months that the meeting between the Commander-in-Chief and people from another planet took place.

But the claims from Mr Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent academic. Speaking on Frank Skinner’s BBC2 current affairs show Opinionated, he said that governments around the world have been in regular contact with aliens for many decades.


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There’s plenty of stories that tell a tale of an endless, bottomless pit that houses all kinds of wonders and supernatural beings down in its’ depths.

Supposedly, there’s one right here in America, hidden in the forests of Washington and only one man claims to have ever seen  it.

Komo News writes:

ELLENSBURG, Wash. — From Bigfoot to the disappearance of D.B. Cooper, the Pacific Northwest is full of mysteries. Another mystery buried deep in the hills of eastern Washington keeps resurfacing. Ellensburg and its surrounding valleys and Manastash Ridge are beautiful in any season. Some believe what lies beneath is a deep, dark hole with supernatural powers.

A man named Red Elk is one of the only people alive known to have ever seen the mysterious hole. A Native American Shaman, or medicine man, Red Elk said his dad first showed him the hole in 1961.  “He said ‘This is an endless hole,'” Red Elk said. Red Elk’s been back many times and said strange things happen every time he goes near it. “People get it confused with what I call the devil’s hole,” he said.

Many locals claim to know about the hole, but it didn’t become phenomena until 1997, when Mel Waters went on the Coast to Coast radio show with Art Bell.  “I brought the dogs with me.” Waters said on the show. “They wouldn’t go anywhere near the damn thing.” Waters said the hole had a three-foot stone wall around it. It seemed bottomless to him, so he used an old shark fisherman’s trick — sending thousands of feet of fishing line down.

“What I did, was I sent down a roll of lifesavers,” he said. “So when it hit water the lifesavers would dissolve.” But the lifesavers came back up whole — no water — so how deep was this hole? Waters said he believed it descended miles into the earth and he heard strange stories about its powers. “One guy claims that he threw his departed canine down into the hole,” he said. “He swears the dog actually came back to him.”


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While creating a panoramic photo, Jonathan Curran got a shot of something extra that wasn't supposed to be there.

There seems to be  a magic quality to photographs that allow them to capture moments in life in a way our brains never could.

Whether it’s a photo from a memorable party you had with friends at the end of the year, or just a snap shot of scenery you’d love to capture, there’s always a little something extra in there that makes you feel good when looking at them and recalling the memories and emotions of that moment in time.

Photographer Jonathan Curran, got a lot of something extra in this panoramic photo he created in the way of a mysterious figure, seemingly staring directly into the lens, that wasn’t shown in any of the other pictures that were taken just moments before and after.

Is this a person wrapped up and posing for a picture, or the ghost of a nun caught on camera?

Galway Independent writes:

A photo that appears to capture a ghostly image of a nun on The Long Walk has been causing a stir in the city this week.

Local photographer Jonathan Curran was taking a series of 13 photographs of the picturesque area in an attempt to create a panoramic view when he came across something very unusual in one of his shots.

One of the images, which were taken less than a minute apart, appears to show an isolated female figure with the appearance of a 19th century Claddagh nun. Mr Curran said he was “freaked” to discover the strange appearance on the camera and checked the other 12 images but the elderly woman did not appear in any of the other pictures.

“The image was not visible either before or after the photograph was taken and was not captured in any of the other photographs, either going or coming. She just seemed to appear for a moment and then disappear. There were other people on the Long Walk that day, but they seemed oblivious to her presence,” he explained.


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What we see in this photo from the late 1800’s seems too weird to be true but, is in fact, reality!

Turns out that a little bit of recessive genes mixed with some inbreeding turns your skin blue! Who knew?!

The Daily Mail writes:

In the Appalachian Mountains rests a medical oddity so unusual that it at first seems a massive hoax.

Dating back to the early 1800s, an isolated family in eastern Kentucky – who can trace their roots back to a French orphan – started producing children who were blue.

As a result of a coincidental meeting of recessive genes, intermarriage and inbreeding, members of the Fugate family were born with a rare condition that made them visibly discoloured.

The mystery behind the astonishing picture of the Fugates, which has been baffling people for years, appears to have finally been solved.

It began when Martin Fugate, a French orphan, settled on the banks of eastern Kentucky’s Troublesome Creek to claim a land grant in the early 19th century. 

He married a red-haired American named Elizabeth Smith – who had a very pale complexion – and their union formed a genetic mutation that resulted in their descendants being born with blue skin.


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Some say the spheres could be marine life eggs, but no confirmation just yet.

One resident in Bournemouth, UK got quite an interesting surprise the other day in the middle of a rain storm that was right over his home.

Instead of the usual rain or hail, he had about a dozen mysterious marble-size blue spheres fall into his garden.

Unable to figure out just what they were, Steve Hornsby collected the jelly like balls and put them in his refrigerator for further investigation.

Hopefully, there’s no other house-mates to wake up early one morning, stumble to the kitchen for breakfast and make some toast with the “awesome blue jelly Steve got for us!”

BBC News writes:

A man in Dorset has been left mystified after tiny blue spheres fell from the sky into his garden.

Steve Hornsby from Bournemouth said the 3cm diameter balls came raining down late on Thursday afternoon during a hail storm. He found about a dozen of the balls in his garden. He said: “[They’re] difficult to pick up, I had to get a spoon and flick them into a jam jar.”

The Met Office said the jelly-like substance was “not meteorological”.Mr Hornsby, a former aircraft engineer, said: “The sky went a really dark yellow colour. “As I walked outside to go to the garage there was an instant hail storm for a few seconds and I thought, ‘what’s that in the grass’?”

Mr Hornsby said he was keeping the balls in his fridge while he tried to find out what they were. Walking around his garden he found many more blue spheres were scattered across the grass.

He said: “The have an exterior shell with a softer inner but have no smell, aren’t sticky and do not melt.”

Mr Hornsby said he was keeping the balls in his fridge while he tried to find out what they were.


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UFO sightings are not uncommon in southern California nearing the Mexican border, but this one UFO in-particular, was sighted many times in the small town of Mexicali just recently and was subsequently chased around town by local law-enforcement trying to figure out just what was flying around their town.

There’s said to be video of the UFO caught on security cameras from around town but none has been released yet but, we will have it up as soon as it shows.

Inexplicita writes:

“A UFO with white lights, blue and yellow flashes” — The first report was received from the airport area, and [the object] was even seen by C-4 operators manning the safety cameras that appear to have recorded it. The sighting prompted the mobilization of police officials. Martin Ruelas, supervisor of the western sector, was able to see it with his own eyes, but it was too fast and it was impossible to follow.

An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) prompted an intense mobilization by elements of the Public Safety Forces of the City of Mexicali, arising from citizen reports about the presence of a strange device in the air.


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Venice, Italy from above.

With the a fresh new year comes a fresh new crop of UFO sightings and we love it! What a better way to start good ol’ 2012, the year we’ve all been waiting for, than with a whole bunch of, possibly extraterrestrial, activity.

Italy has  a good start on the rest of the world with activity with this most recent sighting that has two separate vehicles zooming around on film in day light.

UFO News writes:

In the latest UFO news, a video was taken of strange lights over Mt. Bisbino, Italy on January 7, 2012. What are they?

What makes this video unique is the time of day, just before sunset. That means the sky is bright enough to make the unidentified flying objects more visible. And more chilling.

Although the videographer fiddles with the focus a bit too much, it’s readily obvious that the multiple objects are not moving like any known aircraft. But it’s how they behave aerodynamically which is the most confounding.

In the background of the cloudless sky there is a puff of vapor, behind from which at least two UFOs emerge and fly crazily about. As the video goes in and out of focus, the objects split up and one disappears suddenly. The other then seems to split in two, with four lights shining brightly.

Then, just as instantly as they appeared, the objects disappear from sight. Did they go back inside the cloud? It’s a really weird sight.