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Two boys in Massachusetts have stumbled upon what could possibly be a defining piece of evidence in the great hunt for Bigfoot. On March 29th the partially decomposed foot of large, unidentified mammal was discovered just off Pantheon Road in Lakeville. Local authorities were called to the scene to investigate after a report was filed by the boys. There they confirmed the report but were unable to come to a definitive conclusion regarding the nature of the limb. Seeking an expert opinion, Lakeville Police Chief Frank Alvilhiera sent the foot to the local medical examiner who determined the foot to be “non-human.” One possibility presented by Henry Paterson at is that the foot is actually a bear’s paw. The final verdict on the sasquatch paw is currently still pending.


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chupacabraOn Wednesday, April 17th, the Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU) posted an article on their blog about a recent chupacabra sighting in Guayama, Puerto Rico. The post details an account reported by José Pérez, a field researcher with a “wide range of unpublished experiences in Puerto Rican ufology”, regarding one Mr. Rey D. Rodríguez and his encounter with the enigmatic creature known as the “chupacabra.”

In early April Rodríguez, also known as “Chaka”, was in the process of herding cattle toward his barn when he spied something otherworldly lurking in the dark. The night was clear and illuminated by a full moon, giving him a keen view of the landscape around their pickup truck as he and his nephew drove after the cattle. They were also equipped with a high-powered LED flashlight used to identify cattle from a distance. As they neared a field known as the Medianía sector, used primarily for rounding up the livestock in a game of “gotcha”, they spied what appeared to be eyes reflecting red in the beams of their headlights across the property. Assuming what they had seen had been one of Chaka’s cows, they drove across the clearing, but found nothing.

Turning the truck around to return to the rest of the herd, they spied the glowing red eyes again as something darted through the underbrush. According to the report, Chaka yelled, “Stop right there! Look at that!”

Just beyond a small mound of dirt, they spied “a short-statured man who appeared to be crouching” with glowing eyes and quills along its head and back. Chaka demanded that his nephew give him his machete and gave chase to the creature, which fled into darkness beyond the undergrowth. Chaka and his nephew continued to pursue the creature as it ran parallel to a barbed wire fence. The chupacabra leapt over the fence and disappeared into the night.

Chaka and his nephew did not see the creature again after that. However, a week later, two mares and two calves were slaughtered by an unidentified “animal.” So far, no concrete evidence has been gathered from either the Medianía sighting or the slain livestock. The search for the illusive chupacabra continues…

**Illustration by Clee Barker

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giant-african-land-snailThis is the type of story the best B-horror films are made of! Move over “Night of the Lupine!” It’s time for the Giant African Land Snail to slime… I mean shine!

Florida is under siege from an invasion of Giant African Land Snails. These gargantuan mollusks that can grow to the size of a large rabbit, are reported to be able to mow through everything from the hardiest form of vegetation to the siding on your house! Their epic, if slow, path of slimy destruction has thrown Florida officials into panic as they scurry to contain the epidemic.

When one pictures a creature with the capability to cause mass panic, the snail is not necessarily the first to come to mind. As you can see in the picture below, they are not exactly the image of environmental catastrophe. Or… are they?

Someone might want to tell all of the people on the internet holding these creatures without gloves like pets that they also carry a human parasite called rat lungworm, which is a form of meningitis and potentially deadly. Suddenly, the Giant African Land Snail is slightly more menacing than I had originally pictured. The snails have also been sited as the cause of car crashes as shards from their shells can puncture tires. Steer clear of the mighty Land Snail, literally.

These snails can also reproduce quickly, producing up to 1,200 eggs per year. The young snails reach full maturity in a year’s time and have a lifespan up to nine years. Each week over 1,000 snails are caught and removed from the Miami-Dade county area, and since first discovered in 2011 over 117,000 snails have been successfully terminated.

One theory held by experts on how the mollusks came to live in the United States is that they “hitched a ride” on overseas luggage, bidding bon voyage to Africa. The search is on in Florida to contain this epidemic before the snails migrate to other states. Countries such as Ecuador and Barbados have now run out of ways to contain their own infestations. The Giant African Land Snail continues to slowly terrorize the planet.



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We could all use a million dollars. However, if you’re looking to retire anytime soon, you might want to stick to your state lottery for better chances of winning such a jackpot. For dedicated Bigfoot hunters, though, keep hunting! Unless someone offers you a higher bid, you can rely on Olympia Beer and Pabst Brewing Company to pay you $25,000 a year for forty years for either a captured live Bigfoot or “irrefutable proof that the creature exists.”

“We have been sharing the same backyard for over a century and we believe it’s time to do what has never been done, and that is to offer a one million dollar reward to anyone who can ensure the safe capture of Bigfoot,” Evan and Daren Metropoulos stated in an official press release from the company. They continue, “When we say safe capture that means Bigfoot has to be alive and breathing folks, with no wounds.”

You heard it, folks. Bigfoot has to be alive and ready for his close-up when the exchange happens!

According to the official rules of the contest, “Evidence may include, but is not limited to DNA Evidence. DNA Evidence may include hair, blood, tissue or saliva that proves the DNA sequence of the donor shows that said donor resides in the primate evolutionary family tree, among other apes or hominids, but does not have the same genetic markers and DNA sequence as any known species.”

For more information visit Be the first to submit a photo or video to their site!



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muppet alien beast namibia creature2Undocumented new species are discovered all of the time here on Earth, but occasionally, people automatically assume the bizarre is actually “alien.” That said, the lone photo that has been circulating on the web since August of 2012 of the creature shot and killed in a Namibian forest is creepy, to say the least. If the image, and the story are real, the figure is strikingly humanoid, with muppet-esque features, skin covered tentacles on its head, and what appears to be a case of “Patau Syndrome”, otherwise known as “Cyclops Syndrome.”

According to reports, the creature, which was to undergo a full forensic investigation by Namibian authorities after its capture, was spotted by locals as they were escorting a hunting party through the jungle. The “alien” was foraging for food, but when spotted, turned and fled. The hunting party and their escorts took chase and followed the creature back to its lair where it turned on them and attacked in an attempt to defend itself. The creature was shot and killed, but not before the hunting party spied three additional “animals” fleeing into the undergrowth.

Of course “theories” about the creature’s origin flooded weird-news websites quickly following, including a possible relationship to a Mayan god legend. The most reasonable explanation presented so far has been that of genetic deformities unfortunately caused by incessant, long-term inbreeding. Think back to Season 4, Episode 2 of The X-Files, entitled “Home.” The consequences of close inbreeding over the span of several generations can result in severe birth defects and other grotesque anomalies. Another theory is that it is a new species of pigmy, which has, until now, avoided our detection.

Nearly a year later we are still waiting for the results from the forensic autopsy done on this creature, leaving us to believe it was all simply a hoax. However, nothing online has turned up concrete evidence of fact or fiction. Perhaps one day we will know the truth? In the meantime, be careful on those hunting parties when you’re trekking through the jungle…

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Today the Loch Ness Monster turned eighty years-old. At least, that is her “modern monster” age, as I like to say. It has been exactly eighty years, to the day, since Aldie Mackay had her first sighting of the legendary aquatic Scottish beast. In 1933 the hotel manager witnessed what she described as a “whale-like fish.” Since that time the creature of the murky Highland depths has become one of the most iconic cryptids in the world, drawing thousands of tourists and creature hunters from around the world each year. We at the Museum of the Weird would like to say Happy Birthday to Nessie! Keep your head high and your body submerged and always remember we love you.


**Photo by Invergarry Lodge

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A seventeen year-old girl snapped a shot of a “mystery primate” bounding through a local park in Dorchester, Dorset. Terri Leigh Cox spied the creature, hunched over on all fours, from her bedroom window and managed to capture a quick image before it scampered up a tree and disappeared. Cox reported it “looked about the size of a small gorilla. It was walking like one as well, using its arms and feet”. Shaun Bessant, Terri’s boyfriend, investigated the property later, but found no trace of evidence.

Monkey World, an attraction located in Wool about ten miles away from the park reported that all of its primates were accounted for.

“The image is not clear and it is difficult to make out, so we would be unable to confirm its identity,” a representative for Monkey World said. “I can confirm that all of our rescued monkeys and apes are safe and well in the park.”

The image is grainy and unidentifiable due to the distance it was taken from. Similar ape-like creatures have been spotted in a variety of countries including the United States. The photo below is from a sighting in Pennsylvania in February and submitted to the website Ghost Theory. As with the sighting in Dorchester, the creature was too far away for exact identification.


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Sutherlin, Oregon resident Betty Klopp believes the forty-five year-old hair and skin samples she inherited from her late parents are further evidence of the existence of the legendary creature known as “Bigfoot.” Klopp reports her parents were driving along a stretch of highway late at night when they nearly collided with what they thought to be a man standing in the middle of the road. After pulling over at the Porter Creek Store they searched the area, but could not locate any sign of the creature.

Later the next day they discovered large clumps of hair and patches of skin in the sides of the trailer from where it had swerved and brushed up against the creature. Today Klopp is convinced her parents truly had a rare chance encounter with Bigfoot. The samples were sent to the University of Montana for DNA testing three years ago. The DNA contained in the hair and skin was too deteriorated, though, for a conclusive test result.

Klopp is undeterred, however, and stands steadfast by the evidence collected by her parents. Her decision to come forth with the samples was encouraged by reports that a Bigfoot had been shot and killed in Texas. She continues to believe, and holds out hope for further evidence.

Betty Klopp displays "Bigfoot" hair and skin samples.
Betty Klopp displays “Bigfoot” hair and skin samples.

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Is this a close up of a Sasquatch face?
Is this a close up of a Sasquatch face?


This image and a few others have been recently leaked on the internet. It is speculated that they show the face of a Bigfoot called “Matilda” by the researchers who have been studying the creature.

What do you think? Is it real? Or is it just another hoax?

That face sure does look familiar…


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Bigfoot Lives blog image

Today may go down in history as the day the legendary creature known as Bigfoot is finally scientifically proven to exist.

In the scientific journal DeNovo, Dr. Melba Ketchum has published her long-awaited peer-reviewed paper on Sasquatch DNA entitled “Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies.”

From the DeNovo website:

One hundred eleven samples of blood, tissue, hair, and other types of specimens were studied, characterized and hypothesized to be obtained from elusive hominins in North America commonly referred to as Sasquatch. DNA was extracted and purified from a subset of these samples that survived rigorous screening for wildlife species identification. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing, specific genetic loci sequencing, forensic short tandem repeat (STR) testing, whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) bead array analysis, and next generation whole genome sequencing were conducted on purported Sasquatch DNA samples gathered from various locations in North America. Additionally, histopathologic and electron microscopic examination were performed on a large tissue sample. vel non-human DNA.

In addition to the publication of Dr. Ketchum’S paper, DeNovo has released this brief but tantalizing video clip from the Erickson Project’s upcoming Bigfoot documentary that appears to show a sleeping Sasquatch named Matilda.

Not surprisingly, it appears some others are jumping on the “DNA Proves Sasquatch is Real” bandwagon. From Denver CBS 4 comes this report about a group of Colorado researchers who are making their own claims that they have proof of Sasquatch DNA. According to researcher Dave Paulides, “This DNA is like nothing else in the world.”

Paulides says his research group has collected hundreds of samples of DNA evidence. He focused his search in Northern California’s redwoods. He says strands of hair are from a Sasquatch, genetically tested to reveal a previously unknown species.

“This isn’t an animal. This is a subspecies of a human, and we believe they travel in groups,” Paulides said.

What does all of this mean?  Are we any closer to the scientific community accepting the reality of the existence of Bigfoot?

Only time will tell…



DeNovo Scientific Journal

Colorado Researchers Say DNA Proves Bigfoot Is Real


Clip licensed to the Sasquatch Genome Project. Any use must give proper attribution.