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First-ever portrait of Jesus Christ?
Discovery: The impression on this booklet cover shows what could be the earliest image of Christ

The image is eerily familiar: a bearded young man with flowing curly hair. After lying for nearly 2,000 years hidden in a cave in the Holy Land, the fine detail is difficult to determine.

But in a certain light it is not difficult to interpret the marks around the figure’s brow as a crown of thorns. The extraordinary picture of one of the recently discovered hoard of up to 70 lead codices – booklets – found in a cave in the hills overlooking the Sea of Galilee is one reason Bible historians are clamouring to get their hands on the ancient artefacts.

If genuine, this could be the first-ever portrait of Jesus Christ, possibly even created in the lifetime of those who knew him.

The tiny booklet, a little smaller than a modern credit card, is sealed on all sides and has a three-dimensional representation of a human head on both the front and the back. One appears to have a beard and the other is without. Even the maker’s fingerprint can be seen in the lead impression. Beneath both figures is a line of as-yet undeciphered text in an ancient Hebrew script.

Astonishingly, one of the booklets appears to bear the words ‘Saviour of Israel’ – one of the few phrases so far translated.

The owner of the cache is Bedouin trucker Hassan Saida who lives in the Arab village of Umm al-Ghanim, Shibli. He has refused to sell the booklets but two samples were sent to England and Switzerland for testing.

A Mail on Sunday investigation has revealed that the artefacts were originally found in a cave in the village of Saham in Jordan, close to where Israel, Jordan and Syria’s Golan Heights converge – and within three miles of the Israeli spa and hot springs of Hamat Gader, a religious site for thousands of years.


According to sources in Saham, they were discovered five years ago after a flash flood scoured away the dusty mountain soil to reveal what looked like a large capstone. When this was levered aside, a cave was discovered with a large number of small niches set into the walls. Each of these niches contained a booklet. There were also other objects, including some metal plates and rolled lead scrolls.

The area is renowned as an age-old refuge for ancient Jews fleeing the bloody aftermath of a series of revolts against the Roman empire in the First and early Second Century AD.

The cave is less than 100 miles from Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and around 60 miles from Masada, scene of the last stand and mass suicide of an extremist Zealot sect in the face of a Roman Army siege in 72AD – two years after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

It is also close to caves that have been used as sanctuaries by refugees from the Bar Kokhba revolt, the third and final Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire in 132AD.

The era is of critical importance to Biblical scholars because it encompasses the political, social and religious upheavals that led to the split between Judaism and Christianity.

It ended with the triumph of Christianity over its rivals as the dominant new religion first for dissident Jews and then for Gentiles.

In this context, it is important that while the Dead Sea Scrolls are rolled pieces of parchment or papyrus containing the earliest-known versions of books of the Hebrew Bible and other texts – the traditional Jewish format for written work – these lead discoveries are in book, or codex, form which has long been associated with the rise of Christianity.

Read more:–portrait-Jesus.html#ixzz1IQon4HWp


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I’m not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories, but I gotta admit, after watching the videos below, it really makes you wonder if these reporters could actually be affected by some outside force trying to control their brains.  And now Judge Judy too?  The number of on-air presenters that have been affected by this ramnbling iish really make statrte to wondfg err whtt giraffe meant for same fluffy mirror to feel wooden feather dropping, Yo-Yo Ma?


A bizarre spate of television presenters dissolving into on-air gibberish has sparked claims that the U.S. military could be to blame.

In four high-profile cases, the latest involving fast-talking Judge Judy, the presenters have started off speaking properly but have then descended into undecipherable nonsense – looking confused and unstable.

The frequency of the ‘attacks’ – and the fact that recorded examples of the mental meltdowns have been popular on websites – has led to conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at shadowy government experiments.


A popular theory being circulated online blames the U.S. Military’s supposed research into using microwaves as a mind control weapon.

America has never admitted conducting such research but proponents say the effects – produced by microwave signals stimulating the brain with fake images and voices – exactly mimic those displayed in the recent on-air breakdowns.


As to why the Pentagon might be targeting U.S. television presenters, the microwave theorists are less clear.


The phenomenon, which has provided internet video sites with some of the oddest footage for months, has now claimed one of America’s most highly paid broadcasters.


Judith Sheindlin, the fast-talking judge on Judge Judy, was taken to hospital on Wednesday after she began speaking a nonsensical string of words during a live recording of her courtroom TV show.

Did Judge Judy Suffer From Govt Mind Control Experiment
Latest victim: Judge Judy Sheindlin had to stop her courtroom TV show on Wednesday after descending into nonsensical language


Studio insiders said Sheindlin, who earns £28 million a year for a show that is the most watched programme on American daytime TV, was sitting on camera and ‘started saying things that didn’t make any sense’.

Sheindlin then announced she needed to stop as she didn’t feel well and asked a crew member to call an ambulance.

The 68-year-old lawyer was released from hospital the following day but a spokesman said medical tests had not revealed what caused her garbled speech and double vision.


Her verbal breakdown is the fourth such recent case and the odd coincidence has prompted feverish speculation over the cause.

No video has been released of the Judge Judy incident but footage of the other three has rapidly gone viral on the internet.

Serene Branson (left) and Sarah Carlson (right)
Targeted? Serene Branson's garbled Grammys report became an internet sensation, while WISCTV's Sarah Carlson suffered a similar meltdown in January


The first victim was Serene Branson, a Los Angeles reporter for CBS, who delivered a completely incoherent piece to camera on the Grammy music awards last month.

The presenter was unable to get out her words and continued to struggle to speak for around 10 seconds outside the Staples Centre before producers cut to a video.

She said later: ‘My head was definitely pounding and I was very uncomfortable, and I knew something wasn’t right. I was terrified and confused.’

Her doctor later said she had suffered a complex migraine whose symptoms mimic a stroke.

Mark McAllister, of Canadian Global Toronto News
Over the border: Mark McAllister, of Canadian Global Toronto News, soldiered on with his report on Libya, despite his words being unintelligible


Her case was followed by a Canadian news reporter whose report on his country’s contribution to the military campaign in Libya suddenly collapsed into gibberish.

Mark McAllister of Global Toronto News told viewers that the Canadian defence minister had confirmed that ‘more than sifty four 18 fighter jets are spending about as much as 20 and ready to assist 600 hundred, hundred deployed over the an-amount needed’.

His piece-to-camera went on to become even more odd before he signed off.

His employers later confirmed there had been no problem with the autocue but McAllister had also suffered from a migraine.

In January, Sarah Carlson of WISC-TV in Wisconsin was also struck. She started out fine in her report on Wisconsin’s challenge to Barack Obama’s health care reforms, but it soon became apparent that she was having trouble forming words and the camera switched to a startled-looking co-presenter.


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Ukrainian Bigfoot Still

This video was brought to our attention by Craig Woolheater at Cryptomundo.

In it, the man videotaping the creature is speaking Ukrainian. Can anyone out there translate? Feel free to leave your comments and let us know what you think.



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A spooked family have called in a real-life ‘ghostbuster’ – after claiming to have captured on video a poltergeist moving a chair across a bedroom.

Lisa Manning and her children Ellie, 11, and Jaydon, six, have fled their house in terror several times because of bizarre goings-on.

They include pots and pans being thrown around the kitchen, window blinds moving up and down by themselves, lights being switched on and off and drawers being opened.

Last week they were even forced to climb out of a window after being trapped in their living room when the door locked by itself.

Now they have been advised to wear crucifixes by a priest after capturing video footage of a chair moving by itself in Ellie’s bedroom.

Carer Miss Manning, 34, shot the film two weeks ago after putting hidden cameras in the family’s home in Holbrooks, an area of Coventry.

The 52-second clip shows a wardrobe door opening before a pink swivel chair moves slowly backwards towards the wall.


Poltergeist haunts Coventry house


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2500 year old brain of Iron Age man
Grey matter: The 2,500-year-old preserved brain has baffled scientists after it was found during an excavation at the University of York

Archaeologists believe they have discovered one of the world’s oldest brains that once belonged to a man in Iron Age Britain who was sacrificed in a ritual killing.

Scientists found the cranium in a muddy pit when they were excavating a site before a new campus was to be built at the University of York. When a researcher reached inside the skull, she was stunned to discover the soft tissue of the 2,500-year-old brain still preserved.

Fractures and marks on the bones suggest the man, who was aged between 26 and 45, died most probably from hanging, after which he was carefully decapitated and his head was then buried on its own.

Scientists have been baffled by how the brain tissue – which usually rots after a couple at years – managed to remain intact for so long.

‘The survival of brain remains where no other soft tissues are preserved is extremely rare,’ said Sonia O’Connor, research fellow in archaeological sciences at the University of Bradford.

‘This brain is particularly exciting because it is very well preserved, even though it is the oldest recorded find of this type in the UK, and one of the earliest worldwide.’

Philip Duffey, a neurologist at York Hospital who scanned the skull, said: ‘I’m amazed and excited that scanning has shown structures which appear to be unequivocally of brain origin.’

Baffled: Dr Sonia O Connor, from the University of Bradford, examines the remains of the brain

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'Miracle': The sheep/dog and the ewe that allegedly gave birth to him in Shaanxi Province, China

Vets say it’s impossible – but to Chinese farmer Liu Naiying his birth is a miracle.

For Mr Liu insists one of his sheep has given birth to a dog.

The ‘puppy’ has wool like a lamb but its mouth, nose, eyes, paws and tail look more like a dog’s.

His ‘sheep dog’ even plays like a hound.

The birth has prompted thousands to flock to his farm in Shaanxi Province to see for themselves.

Mr Liu told how he found the unusual baby animal shortly after it was born in one of his fields.

‘I was herding the sheep, and saw a sheep licking her newborn lamb on the grassland. The lamb was still wet,’ he said.

‘When I went up close to check on the lamb I was shocked because it looked so weird, like a cross between a sheep and a dog.

Strange: The 'puppy' has wool like a lamb but it's mouth, nose, eyes, paws and tail look more like a dog's
















‘I was a bit frightened, as I’ve been raising sheep for 20 years and had never seen such a creature.’

Yue Guozhang, a researcher at Xi’an City Animal Husbandry Technology Centre, said sheep and dogs were different species.

‘It’s not possible that a sheep could become pregnant with a puppy,’ he said. ‘It’s likely that this is just an abnormal lamb.’



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Scientists grow organs in lab

Regenerated ear

Regenerated ear
Above: The synthetic scaffold of an ear sits bathed in cartilage-producing cells, part of an effort to grow new ears for wounded soldiers.

More than 100,000 people are waiting for organ transplants in the U.S. alone; every day 18 of them die. Not only are healthy organs in short supply, but donor and patient also have to be closely matched, or the patient’s immune system may reject the transplant. A new kind of solution is incubating in medical labs: “bioartificial” organs grown from the patient’s own cells. Thirty people have received lab-grown bladders already, and other engineered organs are in the pipeline.

The bladder technique was developed by Anthony Atala of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Researchers take healthy cells from a patient’s diseased bladder, cause them to multiply profusely in petri dishes, then apply them to a balloon-shaped scaffold made partly of collagen, the protein found in cartilage. Muscle cells go on the outside, urothelial cells (which line the urinary tract) on the inside. “It’s like baking a layer cake,” says Atala. “You’re layering the cells one layer at a time, spreading these toppings.” The bladder-to-be is then incubated at body temperature until the cells form functioning tissue. The whole process takes six to eight weeks.

Solid organs with lots of blood vessels, such as kidneys or livers, are harder to grow than hollow ones like bladders. But Atala’s group—which is working on 22 organs and tissues, including ears—recently made a functioning piece of human liver. One tool they use is similar to an ink-jet printer; it “prints” different types of cells and the organ scaffold one layer at a time.

Other labs are also racing to make bioartificial organs. A jawbone has sprouted at Columbia University and a lung at Yale. At the University of Minnesota, Doris Taylor has fabricated a beating rat heart, growing cells from one rat on a scaffold she made from the heart of another by washing off its own cells. And at the University of Michigan, H. David Humes has created an artificial kidney from cells seeded onto a synthetic scaffold. The cell-phone-size kidney has passed tests on sheep—it’s not yet implantable, but it’s wearable, unlike a dialysis machine, and it does more than filter toxins from blood. It also makes hormones and performs other kidney functions.

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Video: Could this be Bigfoot hunted by a helicopter?

Bigfoot hunted by helicopter

Posted by Steve Busti

Craig Woolheater at Cryptomundo posted this video today, what do you think?

Watch in the upper right hand side at the 0:37 mark, as soon as the kid shoots the gun. You’ll see a figure that had been crouching the entire time run off to the right.


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BREAKING NEWS: Video surfaces of supposed paranormal M6 car crash

M6 Highway

Posted by Steve Busti

Last year the internet was abuzz with reports coming out of both Paris and Birmingham concerning simultaneous fatal car crashes that involved very mysterious circumstances, including “dematerializing occupants,” a cover-up by the police, and speculation of UFO involvement and even time travel(!).

Now this YouTube video appeared on March 6th, with an accompanying email written to Lon Strickland of the Phantoms and Monsters blog:


My mates have been nagging me to put this footage out we recorded at that weird crash on the M6 that everyone’s been talking about. Dino


Since the story behind this is very sketchy (and a little confusing), I will compile all the info I can find and make a cohesive story about what this all could be about. Check back soon…


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Is the eastern cougar really extinct?

Easter Cougar Extinct

Posted by Steve Busti

The photo of this taxidermied cougar above supposedly shows the last cougar killed in Pennsylvania in 1874. On Wednesday, March 2, 2011 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officially declared the eastern cougar extinct.

I have reason to believe the truth to be otherwise.

You see, if you are to acknowledge the official account that all eastern cougars were indeed eradicated by man nearly a century ago, then what am I to make of an eyewitness report of a cougar by someone very close to me — my own father.

I remember years ago my dad had told us of his late night encounter with what he believes without a doubt to have been a mountain lion, or cougar.

Today, upon hearing this news about the big cat supposedly being extinct for the past 80 or so years, I once again questioned my dad about his sighting, and he is still adamant about what he saw — “It was a mountain lion.”

It was about thirty years ago, in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. At the time, my dad was still commuting back and forth every weekend to his job in Brooklyn, New York, while the rest of the family stayed in our new home in the woods of PA. My father had just left our house to begin the 3 hr commute to the city, it was a Sunday night about 4 o’clock in the morning and still dark out. He was traveling on Rt 590 East in the small rural township of Bohemia, and he had just passed a local bar and long-standing landmark, The Cuckoo’s Nest (which is still there today). He suddenly saw a large animal cross the road in front of his headlights.

He described the animal as being large, about the size of a German Shephard, but insists it was definitely not a dog, but was more feline-like. He says it moved from left to right across the road, and disappeared into the underbrush. It wasn’t running, but he said it stayed close to the ground and was slinking. Although it was dark, he got a good view in his headlights, and described the animal as being a golden brown color. He estimates the entire sighting lasted about two seconds.

He doesn’t believe it could be anything but a cougar.


ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The “ghost cat” is just that.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Wednesday declared the eastern cougar to be extinct, confirming a widely held belief among wildlife biologists that native populations of the big cat were wiped out by man a century ago.

After a lengthy review, federal officials concluded there are no breeding populations of cougars — also known as pumas, panthers, mountain lions and catamounts — in the eastern United States. Researchers believe the eastern cougar subspecies has probably been extinct since the 1930s.

Wednesday’s declaration paves the way for the eastern cougar to be removed from the endangered species list, where it was placed in 1973. The agency’s decision to declare the eastern cougar extinct does not affect the status of the Florida panther, another endangered wildcat.

Some cougar enthusiasts have long insisted there’s a small breeding population of eastern cougars, saying the secretive cats have simply eluded detection — hence the “ghost cat” moniker. The wildlife service said Wednesday it confirmed 108 sightings between 1900 and 2010, but that these animals either escaped or were released from captivity, or migrated from western states to the Midwest.

“The Fish and Wildlife Service fully believes that some people have seen cougars, and that was an important part of the review that we did,” said Mark McCollough, a Fish and Wildlife Service biologist who led the eastern cougar review. “We went on to evaluate where these animals would be coming from.”

A breeding population of eastern cougars would almost certainly have left evidence of its existence, he said. Cats would have been hit by cars or caught in traps, left tracks in the snow or turned up on any of the hundreds of thousands of trail cameras that dot Eastern forests.

But researchers have come up empty.

The private Eastern Cougar Foundation, for example, spent a decade looking for evidence. Finding none, it changed its name to the Cougar Rewilding Foundation last year and shifted its focus from confirming sightings to advocating for the restoration of the big cat to its pre-colonial habitat. The wildlife service said it has no authority under the Endangered Species Act to reintroduce the mountain lion to the East.

Once widely dispersed throughout the eastern United States, the mountain lion was all but wiped out by the turn of the last century. Cougars were killed in vast numbers, and states even held bounties. A nearly catastrophic decline in white-tailed deer — the main prey of mountain lions — also contributed to the species’ extirpation.

McCollough said the last wild cougar was believed to have been killed in Maine in 1938.

Read the rest of this story at: