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Well, the amazingly large stones of Stonehenge have been traced back to where they came from, a quarry in Wales over 150 miles away, how insane!

If you’ve ever been to Stonehenge itself, located in Amesbury, Wiltshire, in the United Kingdom, you would think that moving stones of this size from such a distance, or any distance really, would be impossible. Yet, somehow, our ancestors of thousands of years ago knew methods and secrets of doing so that we are still trying to figure out today but, we’re getting closer and closer to the how of it all every day.

Now the only question we really need to answer is, “Why?”.

The Huffington Post writes:

For the first time ever, scientists say they have determined the exact origins of some of the rocks that make up England’s famous Stonehenge.

By studying the mineral make-up and texture of fragments of the stones, two geologists claim to have traced the rocks that form a horseshoe and the innermost ring of the prehistoric landmark to an outcropping 160 miles away, according to the BBC.

The rhyolite debitage rocks — dubbed bluestones — come from a 230-foot cluster in Pembrokeshire, Wales, called Craig Rhos-y-Felin, The Independentreports.

Though significant, the discovery by geologists Robert Ixer and Richard Bevins doesn’t answer one of Stonehenge’s biggest mysteries: How exactly the builders of the ancient site transported the rocks such a great distance.

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I think this more than qualifies many times over as being weird news! What do you think?

Ever have any possesions or contact with spirits in your life?

Leave us a comment and let us know all about it!

The Huffington Post writes:

Are your children misbehaving at school? Are your loved ones suffering from medical ailments? Is your home infested with bedbugs?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, you’ll be happy to know that there’s a simple reason you are experiencing these seemingly unrelated misfortunes: Your dog is possessed by a demon.

And, thankfully, there’s a simple solution: A $197 pendant sold by a woman who claims her poodle was inhabited by a demonic spirit.

But wait, there’s more!

New York artist Olga Horvat started designing demon-deterring accessories after she adopted Princess, a pure-bred toy poodle that she credits — or blames — for literally tearing her life into pieces.

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It seems as though one of the most important relics in human history could possibly be shown to the public!

Check back here for details as they develop!

The Daily Mail writes:

A very British problem of a leaky church roof could be about to give the world the chance to glimpse the legendary Ark of the Covenant.

That’s because the claimed home of the iconic relic – a small chapel in Ethiopia – has sprung a leak and so the Ark could now be on the move.

The Ark – which The Bible says holds God’s Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai – is said to have been kept in Aksum, in the Chapel of the Tablet, adjacent to St Mary of Zion Church, since the 1960s.

According to the Old Testament, it was first kept in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem for centuries until a Babylonian invasion in the 6th century BC.

Since then it’s been the goal of many adventurers and archaeologists to find it. Most-famously, but also fictitiously, Indiana Jones was shown in the 1981 Steven Spielberg film Raiders of the Lost Ark.

There has also been a long-running claim from the Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia that they have had the Ark for centuries, and since the 1960s it has apparently been kept in the chapel.


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Thanks giving

Old sketch of Doc RavencraftWhile some of you might think that someone who goes by the title of “Authentic Texas Mojo Man” might be squatting in a hut somewhere, shunning any connection with technology and eating anything unlucky enough to crawl within my grasp, the truth is that I’m fairly wired for a wizard.  Technology helps me keep up with others in the world and I benefit from it a lot.  I also make sure that I know where the off switch is for everything!  This week I’m going to be turning off a lot of my technology while I surround myself with the love and company of family and friends in the traditional Thanksgiving holiday as celebrated in the United States.

However, as I prepare, I thought it was fun to see the Google search trends moving from the typical sports, politics, murder and other things that pass for news nowadays to people searching for green bean casserole and pecan pie recipes.  That gives me hope for the humans and starts me thinking about what makes this time a special and sacred one.

There is a profound power in the giving of thanks.  It seems like such a trivial thing, but it is the completion of the cycle of wishing.  First you decide what you want.  Then you visualize it clearly and send that idea out into the Universe.  Next you do the work and put the resources that you can into making things come true… while you accept what the Universe has to offer to bring your wish.  Finally, you acknowledge what you received and you give thanks!  If you leave out that last step then you aren’t done.

Why?  Why is it important to give thanks?  It seems to me that anyone who would ask that question is looking for a loophole, and I’m tempted to just let them discover for themselves.  I won’t worry about them, though and I’ll give my answer to you.  It’s simple energy.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  When you make the wish and the wish is granted that leaves the ball in your court so to speak.  If you don’t lob it back by giving thanks then the game is over.  When you do give thanks it takes some of that energy that you received and puts it back into play, available for you and for everyone who needs it.

You may not believe that.  That’s OK.  It doesn’t really matter if you believe it or not.  It still works.  Think abut the last time that you gave profound thanks for something, expressed true gratitude.  Do you remember the way that felt, that wash of goodness?  Do you remember the joy that you felt in others as you thanked them?  All of that is real.  That is energy moving around and it makes a difference.  If you’ve gotten out of the habit of showing gratitude for what you receive then you’ve just forgotten what all of this feels like and you need to get back into the game.

There will be a lot of people who will sit around the table with family and friends and they will bitch about everything.  They’ll bring up old family squabbles and pick, pick, pick on each other.  They’ll complain about problems with work, with the car, with everything.  It will throw a huge grey cloud over everything that not even grandma’s homemade pie can overcome.  Don’t you do that!

Think of everything, anything, that you have.  If you’ve gotten caught up in everyone’s misery game you may have to work for it, but I promise you that there is something to be grateful for.  (I’ll give you a hint.  You have life. That’s a start.)  Once things come to mind they will likely lead to others and you will realize that you have a greater abundance than you imagined.  If not, then you’re just out of practice.  If there are people at hand who you feel deserve some of this gratitude, then thank them directly.  You’ll light them up.  If not, then just thank God, or the Universe or whatever you can envision.  Think about how what you have has made a difference to you and let that good feeling flow out of you.  Feels good, doesn’t it?

You may even find that if you take an attitude of genuine gratitude that you’ll infect the others and they will feel the joy of gratitude as well.  You may even find that the conversation turns to good memories and people let the cares and concerns go for just a little while.

Let the mojo flow, my friends.

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Looks like Einstein had a few tricks up his old sleeve.

Live Science writes:

Every night, amateur ghost-hunting groups across the country head out into abandoned warehouses, old buildings and cemeteries to look for ghosts. They often bring along electronic equipment that they believe helps them locate ghostly energy.

Despite years of efforts by ghost hunters on TV and in real life, we still do not have good proof that ghosts are real. Many ghost hunters believe that strong support for the existence of ghosts can be found in modern physics. Specifically, that Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds of all time, offered a scientific basis for the reality of ghosts.

A recent Google search turned up nearly 8 million results suggesting a link between ghosts and Einstein’s work covering the conservation of energy. This assertion is repeated by many top experts in the field. For example, ghost researcher John Kachuba, in his book “Ghosthunters” (2007, New Page Books), writes, “Einstein proved that all the energy of the universe is constant and that it can neither be created nor destroyed. … So what happens to that energy when we die? If it cannot be destroyed, it must then, according to Dr. Einstein, be transformed into another form of energy. What is that new energy? … Could we call that new creation a ghost?”


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Scientist Michael Raduga claims to have solved our little alien problem we seem to have.

Apparently, he has proven that they don’t exist at all…period.

So, you can disregard the testimonials from  millions of  people, the thousands of encounters recorded in history, the few but well documented encounters from not only our own governments but, the majority of the world’s governments as well, AND the evidence that stretches back thousands of years and sleep a little more soundly tonight knowing that it’s all just your imagination.

MSNBC writes:

Researchers say they have conducted “the first experiment to ever prove that close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind.”

In a sleep study by the Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles, 20 volunteers were instructed to perform a series of mental steps upon waking up or becoming lucid during the night that might lead them to have out-of-body experiences culminating in encounters with aliens.

According to lead researcher Michael Raduga, more than half the volunteers experienced at least one full or partial out-of-body experience, and seven of them were able to make contact with UFOs or extraterrestrials during these dream-like experiences.

Raduga designed the experiment to test his theory that many reports of alien encounters are actually instances of people experiencing a vibrant, lifelike state of dreaming. If he could coach people to dream a realistic alien encounter, he said, that could prove that reports of such encounters are really just a product of our imaginations.

“When people experience alien abductions in the night, they usually don’t know they are actually in REM sleep and having an out-of-body experience,” Raduga told Life’s Little Mysteries, adding than an estimated 1 million Americans have such experiences each year.

“It’s very realistic and people cannot understand how it happens. [Our study] shows that it’s not about aliens, it’s about human abilities, and it can happen to almost anyone.”

So there you have it. It’s just that simple! He had 6 out of 20 people in a study, where he told them specifically to “contact aliens” in their dreams, actually say that met up with aliens and from these 6 random people, decided that he has proven aliens just plain don’t exist. That since we see them in dreams, that’s the only place they are. Well, how helpful! Thanks for clearing that up for us.

We should use his highly complicated and technical scientific process to test some more folks at random and get rid of that old belief in ghosts or dinosaurs that seems to linger around. I mean, despite the huge piles of evidence for them, have YOU ever hung out with said aliens, ghosts or dinosaurs? What’s that you say? “You haven’t.”? But, you have had a dream about them once? Oh, well then, problem solved, we just proved they don’t exist!






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This is one where we want our reader’s to give some input and see what you think about this kind of thing. Do you think it’s real? Can you explain this? Do you have the ability and know-how to make something like this of your own? Give us some feedback and let us here at The Museum Of The Weird know what you think!

Read more at The Sun!

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(CNN) — Nina De Santo was about to close her New Jersey hair salon one winter’s night when she saw him standing outside the shop’s glass front door.

It was Michael. He was a soft-spoken customer who’d been going through a brutal patch in his life. His wife had divorced him after having an affair with his stepbrother, and he had lost custody of his boy and girl in the ensuing battle.

He was emotionally shattered, but De Santo had tried to help. She’d listened to his problems, given him pep talks, taken him out for drinks.

When De Santo opened the door that Saturday night, Michael was smiling.

“Nina, I can’t stay long,” he said, pausing in the doorway. “I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for everything.”

They chatted a bit more before Michael left and De Santo went home. On Sunday she received a strange call from a salon employee. Michael’s body had been found the previous morning — at least nine hours before she talked to him at her shop. He had committed suicide.

If Michael was dead, who, or what, did she talk to that night?

“It was very bizarre,” she said of the 2001 encounter. “I went through a period of disbelief. How can you tell someone that you saw this man, solid as ever, walk in and talk to you, but he’s dead?”

Today, De Santo has a name for what happened that night: “crisis apparition.” She stumbled onto the term while reading about paranormal activities after the incident. According to paranormal investigators, a crisis apparition is the spirit of a recently deceased person who visits someone they had a close emotional connection with, usually to say goodbye.

Reports of these eerie encounters are materializing in online discussion groups, books such as “Messages” — which features stories of people making contact with loved ones lost on September 11 — and local ghost hunting groups that have sprung up across the country amid a surge of interest in the paranormal.

Although such encounters are chilling, they can also be comforting, witnesses and paranormal investigators say. These encounters suggest the bond that exists between loved ones is not erased by death.

“We don’t know what to do with these stories. Some people say that they are proof that there’s life after death,” said Steve Volk, author of “Fringe-ology,” a book on paranormal experiences such as telepathy, psychics and house hauntings.

Scientific research on crisis apparitions is scant, but theories abound.

One theory: A person in crisis — someone who is critically ill or dying — telepathically transmits an image of themselves to someone they have a close relationship with, but they’re usually unaware they’re sending a message.

Others suggest crisis apparitions are guardian angels sent to comfort the grieving. Another theory says it’s all a trick of the brain — that people in mourning unconsciously produce apparitions to console themselves after losing a loved one.

A telepathic link between loved ones

Whatever the source for these apparitions, they often leave people shaken.

Nor are apparitions limited to visions. The spirit of a dead person can communicate with a loved one through something as subtle as the sudden whiff of a favorite perfume, Volk says.

“Sometimes you just sense the presence of someone close to you, and it seemingly comes out of nowhere,” Volk said. “And afterward, you find out that person was in some kind of crisis at the time of the vision.”

Many people who don’t even believe in ghosts still experience a mini-version of a crisis-apparition encounter, paranormal investigators say.

Did you ever hear a story of a mother who somehow knows before anyone told her that something awful has happened to her child? Have you ever met a set of twins who seem to be able to read each other’s minds?

People who are extremely close develop a virtual telepathic link that exists in, and beyond, this world, said Jeff Belanger, a journalist who collected ghost stories for his book, “Our Haunted Lives: True Life Ghost Encounters.”

“People have these experiences all the time,” Belanger said. “There’s an interconnectedness between people. Do you know how you’re close to someone, and you just know they’re sick or something is wrong?”

An eerie phone call at night

Simma Lieberman said she’s experienced that ominous feeling and has never forgotten it — though it took place more than 40 years ago.

Today, Lieberman is a workplace diversity consultant based in Albany, California. In the late 1960s though, she was a young woman in love.

Her boyfriend, Johnny, was a mellow hippie “who loved everybody,” a guy so nice that friends called him a pushover, she said. She loved Johnny, and they purchased an apartment together and decided to marry.

Then one night, while Lieberman was at her mother’s home in the Bronx, the phone rang and she answered. Johnny was on the line, sounding rushed and far away. Static crackled.

“I just want you to know that I love you, and I’ll never be mean to anybody again,” he said.

There was more static, and then the line went dead. Lieberman was left with just a dial tone.

She tried to call him back to no avail. When she awoke the next morning, an unsettled feeling came over her. She said it’s hard to put into words, but she could no longer feel Johnny’s presence.

Then she found out why.

“Several hours later, I got a call from his mother that he had been murdered the night before,” she said.

Johnny was shot in the head as he sat in a car that night. Lieberman thinks Johnny somehow contacted her after his death — a crisis apparition reaching out not through a vision or a whiff of perfume, but across telephone lines.

She’s sorted through the alternatives over the years. Could he have called before or during his murder? Lieberman doesn’t think so.

This was the era before cell phones. She said the murderer wasn’t likely to let him use a pay phone, and he couldn’t have called after he was shot because he died instantly.

Only years later, when she read an article about other static-filled calls people claimed to have received from beyond the grave, did it make sense, she said.

Johnny was calling to say goodbye.

“The whole thing was so bizarre,” she said. “I could never understand it.”


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Now THIS is intense! writes:

(Springfield, MO) — The Ozark Mountain Paranormal Investigation Team has explored some of the areas most haunted homes.

Their skeptical team members always take hundreds of pictures in the dark.

But their most recent trip brought back a shocking image that is making believers out of the biggest of skeptics.

“The first thing I want to do is disprove it.” says Robert McCall, skeptic and co-founder of the Ozark Mountain Paranormal Investigation Team.*

Robert spends a lot of time disproving apparent haunting in the region.   “A lot of times people think there is a presence in the room and it turns out the room is where the breaker box is.  Or your meters on the outside of the wall and there is a lot of energy there.  Sometimes people think they are hearing things and it turns out they are just hearing things.”

But something that happened during his latest ghost hunt left Robert with no explanation.  A family in north Springfield contacted the group because of some odd things that were happening.

“All the lights were shut off and the doors were locked,” says Robert.  ” I came around to lock up the front door and as soon as I turned the corner I heard a growling disturbance on my EVP and seen something darker then dark move around in the hallway so I just started taking pictures of a completely dark hallway with nobody there.”

There was no one in the hallway but something else showed up on camera.
“When I first seen the picture, I saw a reaper,” says McCall.  “Typical of what you would think.”  Now it almost looks like a mother and child.”



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Now this is a bit creepy… writes:

Residents in a California community are scratching their heads after a mysterious tombstone appeared in front of a condominium complex, predicting an unknown man’s death.

Not unlike many other headstones honouring the dead, the grave marker reads: ‘Loving Husband Father and Physician Jeffrey Lang.’

But in a chilling twist some guess is a practical joke, Mr Lang’s year of death is inscribed as 2012.