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Brett Martin, a tugboat worker, captured this amazing photograph of the incoming dust tsunami.
Brett Martin, a tugboat worker, captured this amazing photograph of the incoming dust tsunami.

Check out these amazing photos coming out of Australia today.  They depict an enormous wall of dust and sand carried by a cyclone as it approaches the coast of northwestern Australia.

Dwarfed by the enormity of the dust cloud, these ships are about to be overcome.

These are not Photoshopped, folks. Just another reminder of the power and grandeur of mother nature. These truly awe-inspiring pictures depict a category-three cyclone as it carries tons of sand particles picked up by strong winds in the Indian Ocean.

Terrifying, yet beautiful, the dust storm is about to reach the Australian coast.


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After suffering a stroke, Alun Morgan woke speaking a different language and was unable to remember English.
After suffering a stroke, Alun Morgan woke speaking a different language and was unable to remember English.

The mysteries of the human brain never cease to amaze me.  It’s said that we only use a very small portion of our grey matter, but this story makes me wonder if somewhere in the inner recesses of the mind we all have the innate ability to learn another language simply by being exposed to it and learning it subconsciously.

What do you think?  Do you believe there will be a day when scientists will discover the secret of how to unlock each individual’s suppressed knowledge and hidden abilities?  Read this story from The Telegraph and share your opinions.


Alun Morgan, 81, was evacuated to Wales during the Second World War but left 70 years ago.

During his time there he was surrounded by Welsh speakers but never learned the language himself.

He left the country aged 10 and lived his life in England and recently suffered a severe stroke.

But when Mr Morgan regained consciousness three weeks later, doctors discovered he was speaking Welsh and could not remember any English.

It is thought that the Welsh Mr Morgan heard as a boy had sunk in without him knowing and was unlocked after he suffered the stroke.

Mr Morgan, who is retired and lives with his wife Yvonne in Bathwick, Somerset, is now being taught to speak English again.

“I’d not lived in Wales since I was evacuated there during the war. Gradually the English words came back, but it wasn’t easy,” he said.

Mr Morgan had been watching the lunchtime news when his wife noticed he was not responsive and called an ambulance.

He was rushed into hospital where he spent three weeks being stabilised and assessed.

Doctors diagnosed Mr Morgan with aphasia, a form of brain damage which causes a shift in the brain’s language centre.

He was helped by the Communication Support Service, run by the Stroke Association in Bath.

In 2012 grandmother Kay Russell, 49, of Bishop Cleeve in Gloucestershire, suffered a migraine and began speaking in a French accent.

Sarah Colwill, 35, of Plymouth, Devon, also suffered a migraine and began speaking with a Chinese accent.

Doctors say they suffered Foreign Accent Syndrome, a condition which damages the part of the brain that controls speech and word formation.

More than 150,000 people have a stroke every year in the UK, and a third end up with aphasia as a result.


READ MORE:  Englishman wakes up from stroke speaking fluent Welsh

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This incredible news was released today by Dr. Melba Ketchum, the head of the Bigfoot DNA study:




Five-Year Genome Study Yields Evidence of Homo sapiens/Unknown Hominin Hybrid Species in North America

Contact: Robin Lynne,, 231.622.5362

DALLAS, Nov. 24–A team of scientists can verify that their 5-year long DNA study, currently under peer-review, confirms the existence of a novel hominin hybrid species, commonly called “Bigfoot” or “Sasquatch,” living in North America. Researchers’ extensive DNA sequencing suggests that the legendary Sasquatch is a human relative that arose approximately 15,000 years ago as a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an unknown primate species.

The study was conducted by a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology, led by Dr. Melba S. Ketchum of Nacogdoches, TX. In response to recent interest in the study, Dr. Ketchum can confirm that her team has sequenced 3 complete Sasquatch nuclear genomes and determined the species is a human hybrid:

“Our study has sequenced 20 whole mitochondrial genomes and utilized next generation sequencing to obtain 3 whole nuclear genomes from purported Sasquatch samples. The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.

Hominins are members of the taxonomic grouping Hominini, which includes all members of the genus Homo. Genetic testing has already ruled out Homo neanderthalis and the Denisova hominin as contributors to Sasquatch mtDNA or nuDNA. “The male progenitor that contributed the unknown sequence to this hybrid is unique as its DNA is more distantly removed from humans than other recently discovered hominins like the Denisovan individual,” explains Ketchum.

“Sasquatch nuclear DNA is incredibly novel and not at all what we had expected. While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome, there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences. We describe it as a mosaic of human and novel non-human sequence. Further study is needed and is ongoing to better characterize and understand Sasquatch nuclear DNA.”

Ketchum is a veterinarian whose professional experience includes 27 years of research in genetics, including forensics. Early in her career she also practiced veterinary medicine, and she has previously been published as a participant in mapping the equine genome. She began testing the DNA of purported Sasquatch hair samples 5 years ago.

Ketchum calls on public officials and law enforcement to immediately recognize the Sasquatch as an indigenous people:

“Genetically, the Sasquatch are a human hybrid with unambiguously modern human maternal ancestry. Government at all levels must recognize them as an indigenous people and immediately protect their human and Constitutional rights against those who would see in their physical and cultural differences a ‘license’ to hunt, trap, or kill them.”

Full details of the study will be presented in the near future when the study manuscript publishes.

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Rendition of the underwater exploration from

We posted a story a couple of weeks ago detailing the discovery of a strange, underwater anomaly laying at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, while it most certainly looked like the Millenium Falcon had crashed into the sea floor, it turns out it is an absolutely humongous underwater mushroom!

Here’s the very first set of pictures from the team that went down to figure this out:

Huffington Post writes:

The unidentified circular object that has held the world in a viral grip for a year probably isn’t an alien spacecraft after all.

Over the past few days, divers have photographed the unusual anomaly on the seabed nearly 300 feet below the surface.

According to news released Friday by the OceanX treasure hunters who discovered the anomaly on June 19, 2011, “first they thought it was just stone or a rock cliff, but after further observations, the object appeared more as a huge mushroom, rising 10-13 feet from the seabed, with rounded sides and edges.

“The object had an egg-shaped hole leading into it from the top, as an opening. On top of the object they also found strange stone circle formations, almost looking like small fireplaces. The stones were covered in something resembling soot,” reports the OceanX website.

One of the OceanX divers, Stefan Hogeborn, a veteran of more than 6,000 dives in his 20-year career, is completely puzzled by what he saw.


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Chandra Wisnu and his wife of 33 years, Nanik Tri Haryani.

We’ve written a story on Chandra before and his amazing strength and will-power to contiue on in the face of severe adveristy. Well now he’s reaching out to people all over the world to help him find a cure but, not so much for him, for his children who have begun to develop the same tumors that have caused his life to be so difficult.

The Sun writes:

Chandra Wisnu, 57, is thought to be one of the few people in the world with a rare skin disease which causes large, bubble-like lumps to develop all over his body.

The married dad-of-four, from Indonesia, rarely leaves his house and when he does he is forced to cover his face with a balaclava and wear sunglasses for fear of frightening or being ridiculed by others.

Lesions began to develop on Chandra’s face when he was just 19.

By the time he was 24 they had spread to his back and by age 32 they almost completely covered his body.

During the early stages of the disease, Chandra’s parents took him to see a number of doctors and dermatologists who were baffled by the severity of his symptoms.

He was told the condition was genetic and may be caused by an abnormality in the nervous system that causes benign tumours to develop on the skin or bone.

He was prescribed a number of creams — but they did nothing to stop the lesions from spreading.

Unable to find a cure and no longer able to afford medical treatment, Chandra was forced to live with the bizarre condition.

Chandra has now decided to unveil his face to the world in a bid to find a cure for the disease after discovering his eldest son Martin Ananda, 32, and daughter Lis Candra, 26, have begun to develop it too.

The brave father cannot afford for his children to see a doctor and fears they too will end up looking like him.


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Are cows being hit with an alien death-ray in Canada? Picture courtesy of

A Canadian farmer that’s facing trial pretty soon over the death of many of his cattle, is doing all he can to get out of his animal cruelty charges, and then some.

Werner Bock claims that he’s not killing his own cows, in fact, he says aliens are. …with a death-ray!

Here’s a video that shows Bock’s cows in poor health and gives a possible explanation for their illnes other than mistreatment and an alein death-ray:

Huffington Post writes:

A Canadian farmer has lost at least 250 cows in the past 10 years. While the government has charged him and says he failed to feed them, the farmer claims the alien defense.

Werner Bock has posted plenty of YouTube videos in recent years detailing his cattle’s malnourished appearance, sunken features and hair loss. He declares that his cows were the victims of “death rays,” some form of alien weapon that’s been covered up by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

“At least 250 head of cattle have died from what we call a death beam,” Bock said on camera in May of last year. “Where the atmospheric air is manipulated into a death beam, focused on the noses of the animals.”

The animals breath in the death beam and slowly die, the eastern New Brunswick farmer claims.


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Is the shark a common ancestor of humans and fish?

Recent studies have revealed that humans may have evolved from a shark that dates back to 300 million years ago.

As research continues, more and more evidence is discovered that points our ancestral lines to a prehistoric shark that existed in a time when fish with cartilage and fish with bones (what humans are said to evolve from) were not separated into two different evolutionary lineages, yet.

Telegraph writes:

The primitive fish named Acanthodes bronni was the common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates on Earth – including mankind, according to new research.

Acanthodes, a Greek word for “spiny”, existed before the split between the earliest sharks and the first bony fishes – the lineage that would eventually include human beings.

Fossils have been found in Europe, North America and Australia.

Compared with other spiny sharks it was relatively large, measuring a foot long. It had gills instead of teeth, large eyes and lived on plankton.

Professor Michael Coates, a biologist at the University of Chicago, said: “Unexpectedly, Acanthodes turns out to be the best view we have of conditions in the last common ancestor of bony fishes and sharks.

“Our work is telling us the earliest bony fishes looked pretty much like sharks, and not vice versa. What we might think of as shark space is, in fact, general modern jawed vertebrate space.”


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Honduras has dense jungles that could hide just about anything, even an ancient city.

Researchers at the University of Houston, together with the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) have combined efforts to map an area of Honduras that legend says is hiding a full ‘White City’ of gold.

Looks like they found it.

Daily Mail writes:

A team of scientists using advanced laser mapping have detailed a remote region of Honduras that may have revealed the legendary lost city of Ciudad Blanca, known as the ‘White City’ of gold.

Researchers from the University of Houston and the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) flew over the Mosquitia region in a small plane shooting billions of laser pulses at the ground to create a 3D digital map of the topology beneath the jungle canopy. Compiling their data, the analysts revealed what appears to be man-made elevation changes that are thought to show a forgotten city plaza dotted with pyramids reclaimed by the jungle.

According to legend, Ciudad Blanca or the ‘White City’ is full of gold and has been sought out by explorers and treasure hunters since conquistador Hernando Cortes first made reference to it in a 1526 letter to King Charles V of Spain. Inspired by this legend, cinematographer and Ciudad Blanca enthusiast Steven Elkins sought backing from private investors to pay for the team at NCLAM to use their laser mapping technology to chart the forest floor of Mosquitia.

Over the course of a week, the NCALM and University of Houston engineers flew over 60 square miles of forest in their dual-engine Cessna planes. And at the end of each day, the data was transferred to Bill Carter, a University of Houston engineer who works with the NCLAM. He discovered the first indications of what appeared to be man-made structures in the jungle.

‘I’m the only person right now on the planet that knows that there’s these ruins,’ said Carter as he recalled his thoughts when he saw straight lines and right angles on the 3D digital map. ‘My wife walked in and looked over my shoulder and she was the second person to know.’

This was one of the first times that laser mapping, specifically light detection and ranging (LiDAR) had been used to locate ancient ruins.

Read more:

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Fire fighters had to battle the blaze caused by excessive body-fat clogging the air filters.

A crematorium went up in flames the other day when the rather-obese woman set to be cremated was too large and had more body-fat than usual ended up clogging the air vents, causing falmes, black smoke and soot to pour out of the building.

The Province writes:

A Graz Austria crematorium caught on fire this week. The unusual part of this whole bazaar incident is that they were cremating a 200 kg body that caused the fire. Usually there’s not enough fat on a body to cause such a fire but this one was extremely fat and started the place on fire billowing black smoke from the building. Graz firefighters rushed to the scene, where they were confronted by thick black smoke which, in the words of the Daily Mail, left them “covered with a layer of sooty grease”. See picture above. It’s the same principal as on a  BBQ when the fat drips off the chicken or meat and flares up.

They eventually knocked the fire down by aiming water through the vents which are used to clear the filters of the cremation oven. This is not an uncommon occurrence as its happened in Germany and Switzerland before but now they have a weight limit. Graz likely will also instigate this weight limit in the crematorium.


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An alien ‘expert’ has given fair warning to the people of earth, extra-terrestrials may be ready to reveal themselves very soon, and that may not be such a good thing.

Press TV writes:

“With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable,” said Nick Pope, who has worked with the Ministry of Defense for more than two decades.

Pope who investigated UFO reports between 1991 and 1994, says his studies convinced him that the sightings raised important defense for national security and air safety issues.

“It has been a widely held belief in Ministry of Defense circles that “aliens” have been able to detect us for decades via TV and radio broadcasts,” he said adding that mass summer events would be a prime time for alien crafts to present themselves to mankind.

“If aliens have studied our psychology, they may choose to appear in our skies on a significant date – the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games is one date being widely circulated by conspiracy groups.”