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Evil Clowns Stalk California Town

Just in time for the new season of “American Horror Story” which focuses on a circus freak show and a serial killer clown…

clown-lobby-unhappy-about-killer-clown-in-American-Horror-Story…we’ve got a story for you about evil clowns popping up all over the place in Bakersfield California. The worst thing that’s happened to this town in the last several decades is spawning the band KoRn. But now…evil clowns. No thank you.

Not the first town to recently get stalked by mysterious and scary clowns, Bakersfield has got its hands full this time. Is there a number to call the Winchester Brothers anywhere?

Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie

Reports and even pictures have sprung up all over the town, now understandably in a furor over the horrible harlequins. And it gets worse. One child claims the clown chased him with an ax. Reports of seeing them commit various crimes run rampant, although the local Sheriff’s department couldn’t qualify any of them.

Rather than running for their lives like I would assume is the sensible thing to do, locals have organized into groups of clown-hunters, trying to chase the jester and take his picture. Check out some of these shots they’ve gathered:






Have fun clown chasers. Not me. They all float down there.

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Columbian Con-Man Lives Like a King as an “Ambassador” for Several Months

Jeison Neck Jair Garcia is far from the first to assume a false identity to live a life of luxury, but he further illustrates just how easily duped we all can be. Much like the famous Frank Abagnale that Steven Spielberg’s film “Catch Me if You Can” was based on, Jeison took advantage of how trusting people can be by asserting with some fake documents that he was actually a diplomat from Lebanon.



Using only two pieces of documentation, one identifying him as Ambassador of the Republic of Lebanon, and the other issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Jeison kept up the facade for several months, only coming under suspicion when an Army Commander Colonel heard him speak perfect Spanish and wondered why someone from Lebanon could speak so natively.

Until the game was up, he was put up in the best hotels, had dinner paid for at expensive restaurants, presented himself for lectures at Universities, had honored meetings with dignitaries from various cities, and was part of talks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with other real diplomats and honored guests. “I came to the city in February and last year he had already come up with his false identity as an alleged specialist in human rights,” said the Colonel who discovered the ruse. “He gave talks at universities, municipalities, and the government. He presented himself as a minister of Lebanon and participated in conferences on the Arab conflict. His accent generated many questions, so with support from the Criminal Investigation Task Force, we started an investigation.”

Jeison defended himself saying that he hadn’t really hurt anyone and a judge agreed: he was later released. Considering this was his second time to pull an identity con and get off scott-free (he posed as a relative of a famous Colombian musician to get special treatment) I suspect this might not be the last scam we’ll see from Mr. Garcia. But he’s got about six more identities to assume before he can approach Abagnale’s record of 8. Myself. I’m hoping he does. I always wanted to see a sequel to “Catch Me if you Can”.

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Human Skull Donated to Goodwill

There are many ways to dispose of a body, but donating pieces of it to a Goodwill is probably not one of them.


A Goodwill employee, when going through their donations box discovered the skull and alerted the police. The Travis County Medical Examiner’s Office determined that the skull was indeed real and from an adult who may have died two years ago. Causes of death, sex and race are still unknown currently.

“We think it was probably something that belonged to the person who donated it, to a relative of the person who donated it and it was part of a collection or an anatomical model or something like that. It could have been something that was kept by someone who was a student of anthropology, a student of medicine, dentistry…any of those things,” said Detective Derek Israel with APD’s Homicide Unit. Which begs the question: if it’s two years old, does it seem likely that it was a ‘collection’ or part of an ‘anatomical model’? Seems kinda sketchy to me. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more on this story as we get to the real bones of it.