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Photo from Getty Images

A family in Scotland had strange lights dancing in the skies above their farm for over 5 hours and kept them so scared they couldn’t sleep!

Watch the footage taken by the husband at

STV News writes:

An Aberdeenshire family were left terrified after a UFO invaded the skies above their home for nearly five hours.

Grandmother Morag Ritchie, 50, awoke suddenly at 2am on Saturday to see strange lights circling in the distance a few hundred yards from her rural property near Fraserburgh.

In the video, taken by her daughter’s fiancee, Scott Bower, a row of flickering lights can be seen hovering in the sky, before one of the lights moves off to the right and disappears.

Ritchie, who woke up her family to witness the event, said: “I saw lights in the sky and thought it was a strange looking star. When I looked closer, I realised they were moving in a spinning motion and then occasionally something shot off to the side. I kept going back to my bed but I was so unsettled that I continued waking up.

“When Scott looked at it, he was shocked; he didn’t think it was real. Even my husband, who is very sceptical, was convinced there was something strange going on.”

The group ventured outside to film the paranormal object that was seen occupying the same spot for almost five hours.

Ritchie, who is known for her role lobbying the government over fishing quotas as a Cod Crusader, added: “It’s like nothing I have ever seen before. I have seen Chinese lanterns and aircrafts at night and this was nothing like that.

“I was quite apprehensive going to bed, I just kept wondering if it could see me. I wasn’t happy to be outside; I didn’t want to walk about my garden alone.”

When Ritchie woke at 7am, the spectacle had vanished but she remains disturbed by the unexplained object that awoke her that night.

Ritchie’s daughter Cara, 27, said: “It was really scary, I’m actually still scared just in case something happens; like the alien invasion in Mars Attacks.

Read more and watch the footage taken by the husband at

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Well, those who believe in UFOs understand that they are most likely coming from another planet but, recent declassified documents from the US Air Force show that the UFO’s the world has been seeing, may have come from us!

You can see some of the earliest tests from the US Air Force of a real flying saucer below and, if they had made that much progress back then, imagine what’s possible today.

Wired writes:

Officially, aliens have never existed but flying saucers very nearly did. The National Archives has recently published never-before-seen schematics and details of a 1950s military venture, called Project 1794, which aimed to build a supersonic flying saucer.

The newly declassified materials show the U.S. Air Force had a contract with a now-defunct Canadian company to build an aircraft unlike anything seen before. Project 1794 got as far as the initial rounds of product development and into prototype design. In a memo dating from 1956 the results from pre-prototype testing are summarized and reveal exactly what the developers had hoped to create.

The saucer was supposed to reach a top speed of “between Mach 3 and Mach 4, a ceiling of over 100,000 ft. and a maximum range with allowances of about 1,000 nautical miles,” according to the document.

If the plans had followed through to completion they would have created a saucer, which could spin through the Earth’s stratosphere at an average top speed of about 2,600 miles per hour. Wow. It was also designed to take off and land vertically (VTOL), using propulsion jets to control and stabilize the aircraft. Admittedly the range of 1,000 nautical miles seems limited in comparison to the other specifications – but if you’d hopped on the disk in New York it could’ve had you in Miami within about 24 minutes.

You can read more and see more details at

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Does this photo show a weather balloon, parachute, or an authentic UFO from another world?

While trying to catch a photo of the natural wildlife of the Greek Islands, tourists caught a little something extra on film that wasn’t seen until they looked back through the photos at home. Not ones to jump to conclusions, they tried to figure out just what on Earth it could be but, it seems it may not be from this planet at all.

Ghost Theory writes:

I’ve seen a lot of UFO pictures in my time, but occasionally one comes along that for the life of me, I just can’t logically explain. Now I have to depend on our UFO ID expert Henry and I’m not so sure even Henry can come up with a feasible explanation on this one.

A German couple out photo-journaling the day last month got a big shock while going through shots they had taken along Balos Beach, Gramvousa in Crete.

There are obviously goats in the foreground, however, up in the sky, we can see an oddly shaped metallic object. My first inclination was a bird as it does have some shape aspects that tend to lean that way, but the reflection of the sun off the metal-like surface tells me something different. What that something may be, is where I get stuck.

Watch the video and

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A former Air Force Colonel claims the government is actively covering up UFO reports and incidents.

Could the “Men In Black” be a real agency linked to the United States government? One Ex-Air Force Colonel certianly thinks so, and wouldn’t he be one to know?

The Huffington Post writes:

LAS VEGAS — Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt accused the federal government of a UFO cover-up that involves a secret agency to deal with what might be extraterrestrial visitations.

“I’m firmly convinced there’s an agency, and there is an effort to suppress,” Halt told an audience of 200 people Saturday night at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum.

Two former Air Force officers who were part of the infamous Project Blue Book — the military’s official UFO investigation in the 1950s and ’60s — and a former investigator with Britain’s Ministry of Defense were among the panel of speakers for a program entitled “Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed.”

Halt, pictured below, was the deputy base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and one of numerous eyewitnesses to several UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. He believes the observed UFOs were either extraterrestrial or extradimensional in origin.

“I’ve heard many people say that it’s time for the government to appoint an agency to investigate,” Halt said.

“Folks, there is an agency, a very close-held, compartmentalized agency that’s been investigating this for years, and there’s a very active role played by many of our intelligence agencies that probably don’t even know the details of what happens once they collect the data and forward it. It’s kind of scary, isn’t it?


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A family in New Mexico is plagued by a creature of the night.

A video posted on Youtube by user JC Jhonson shows a small family in New Mexico seemingly plagued by a beast that comes in the night. Some have even compared it to the demon-man of the hollywood movie ‘Jeepers Creepers’.

Ghost Theory writes:

When I do my rounds I usually stop by Youtube and throw in some keywords to see what’s current. Today, I found a new video that seems somewhat interesting, so I thought our readers would enjoy debating about it.


Recently a family in the Four Corners area of New Mexico contacted JC Johnson of Crypto Four Corners with quite a story.

Allegedly the family has been visited by some sort of large creature that torments them at night. The beast is described as resembling the Creeper from the film series Jeepers Creepers and apparently claws at the exterior walls of family home. Other activity includes damage to the family automobile and claw marks on the daughters back while she sleeps.


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The strangest thing about this rock is how alone it is. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The Curiosity Rover missions are going extremely well, finding and discovering all sorts of new stuff but, here’s something a little unexpected. A strange, pyramid shaped rock out in the middle of nowhere.

NASA writes:

‘Jake Matijevic’ Contact Target for Curiosity

The drive by NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity during the mission’s 43rd Martian day, or sol, (Sept. 19, 2012) ended with this rock about 8 feet (2.5 meters) in front of the rover. The rock is about 10 inches (25 centimeters) tall and 16 inches (40 centimeters) wide. The rover team has assessed it as a suitable target for the first use of Curiosity’s contact instruments on a rock. The image was taken by the left Navigation camera (Navcam) at the end of the drive.

The rock has been named “Jake Matijevic.” This commemorates Jacob Matijevic (1947-2012), who was the surface operations systems chief engineer for the Mars Science Laboratory Project and the project’s Curiosity rover. He was also a leading engineer for all of the previous NASA Mars rovers: Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity.

Curiosity’s contact instruments are on a turret at the end of the rover’s arm. They are the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer for reading a target’s elemental composition and the Mars Hand Lens Imager for close-up imaging.

See more pictures from the Mars Curiosity missions at

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Gliese 163c is now the prime local for alien life!

More and more earth-like planets are found daily using high-powered telescopes all over the world but, this one, this one is the closest and most suitable for alien life as we expect to find it!

Live Science writes:

A newly discovered alien planet may be one of the top contenders to support life beyond Earth, researchers say.

The newfound world, a “super Earth” called Gliese 163c, lies at the edge of its star’shabitable zone — that just-right range of distances where liquid water could exist.

“There are a wide range of structures and compositions that allow Gliese 163c to be ahabitable planet,” Xavier Bonfils, of France’s Joseph Fourier University-Grenoble, told by email.

He went on to caution that several possible uninhabitable combinations exist as well. [The Top 5 Potentially Habitable Alien Planets]

A newfound super Earth

Bonfils and an international team of astronomers studied nearly 400 red dwarf stars with the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), a spectograph on the 3.6-meter telescope at the European Southern Observatory’s La Silla Observatory in Chile.

Gliese 163c was one of two alien planets found orbiting the star Gliese 163, which lies about 50 light-years from Earth in the Dorado constellation The team found indications of a third planet as well but cannot confirm it at this time.

Weighing in at about seven times the mass of Earth, Gliese 163c could be a rocky planet, or it could be a dwarfed gas giant, researchers said.

“We do not know for sure that it is a terrestrial planet,” Bonfils said. “Planets of that mass regime can be terrestrial, ocean, or Neptune-like planets.”

Orbiting at the inner edge of the habitable zone, Gliese 163c takes 26 days to zip around its parent star, which is considerably dimmer than our sun. The second planet, Gliese 163b, has an orbital period of only nine days, while the third unconfirmed planet circles from a distance.


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Are these little spheres true signs of alien life?

Have we finally found signs of alien life? And on Mars of all places, the place we actually suspected we’d find something? How weird!

Gizmodo writes:

NASA claims that new mysterious spheres discovered by the Mars Opportunity rover are puzzling researchers to no end. According to Opportunity’s principal investigator, Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, “this is one of the most extraordinary pictures from the whole mission.”

Soon after Opportunity landed, it discovered similar spheres. The scientists nicknamed them blueberries and soon they discovered that they were rich on hematite. Those were evidence of a Mars’ past full of water. But these spheres—which are 3 millimeters in diameter—are nothing like that.

Found in the Kirkwood outcrop, in the western rim of Endeavour Crater, these spherules’ composition is completely different from the old Martian blueberries. Scientists still don’t know how they got there and what they are supposed to be, says Squyres:

“They are different in concentration. They are different in structure. They are different in composition. They are different in distribution. So, we have a wonderful geological puzzle in front of us. We have multiple working hypotheses, and we have no favorite hypothesis at this time. It’s going to take a while to work this out, so the thing to do now is keep an open mind and let the rocks do the talking.”

In the image you can also see spheres that have been eroded, showing a concentric internal structure. Researchers are now conducting more tests, trying to come up with an explanation on what these may be and how they got there.


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The original, but quite shaky and hard to view, footage has been re-done in beautiful HD.

You have got to watch this:

The LA Times writes:

You may have seen video of Curiosity’s descent before, but you haven’t seen it like this — with the craters on Mars rendered in high definition, the contrast amped up, and the whole thing set to a string score by Kevin Macleod that helps heighten the grandeur, and also the loneliness, of the rover’s descent to the red planet.

(Never underestimate the importance of a soundtrack!)

Consider it the Mars Curiosity descent post-production video. It’s like the original, but better.

The video was put together by Dominic Muller, known on Reddit as Godd2, reports iO9.

On the video’s YouTube page Muller explains that he used an editing technique called frame interpolation, which allowed him to take the original choppy video released by NASA and smooth it out. He writes that it took him four straight days to put it together.

You can find a thorough and technical explanation of how Muller made this video on Reddit.

Or you can just watch this over and over again and think about how awesome Mars looks.

As one commenter wrote, “It’s weird that we’re looking at another world.”


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What could this be flying above Vestal, NY?


Vestal, NY (WBNG Binghamton) One viewer says he saw an unidentified flying object in the Southern Tier sky.

Brian Titus says he was at Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton, when he saw something rising behind a hill in Vestal.

In an email, Titus wrote, “It sat there for about ten seconds and then it shot up like a bullet and vanished.”

He says at least ten people saw it happen.

Minutes later when he was coming home, Titus saw the U.F.O. again.

During this second sighting, Titus snapped the picture.

Titus wrote, “I am so exited and freaked out at the same time.”