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A lightning fast fly-by from a UFO at an airshow in Chile.

It seems an extra fast ufo got a little curious as to what all the ruckus was about over in Chile and decided to have a little look-see.

Little did it know it would be captured on seven different cameras filming the event from seven different angles while it traveled through the air at over 4,000 mph.

Daily Mail writes:

Video from Chile is stirring up the UFO debate after an unusual object took a fly-by during an air-show.

The footage, from 2010, appears to show a ‘spot’ moving quickly from frame to frame, causing the engineer who spotted the aberration enough alarm that he alerted the Chilean Government.

The UFO made an appearance during an acrobatic air-show at the El Bosque Air Force Base in Santiago, and apparently went un-noticed at the time.

Whether this is because this was due to advanced alien cloaking technology, or because the object is just an artifact on the film depends on your viewpoint.

Investigative journalist and UFO author Leslie Kean told MSN’s Cosmic Log: ‘This is a very, very unusual case, and I’m hoping that this case will help move forward the recognition that there really is something here that’s worthy of further study. 

‘It has the possibility of being a breakthrough case.’ However ‘debunker’ Robert Sheaffer told the website: “They are “unexplained cases” only if you ignore the explanation. ‘That’s what’s going to happen in this case.’

Kean said that CEFAA, the government agency which investigates strange air phenomena, found the object on seven separate pieces of video tape, which implies the object – whatever it is – is not an abberation on the video tape.

Ricardo Bermudez, CEFAA’s director, told a UFO conference last month that the spots were caused by an object traveling at speeds in excess of 4,000 mph.

Kean picked out a few elements that make this sighting a little special, in particular that  the Government investigated the footage so thoroughly, and found examples of the object on seven pieces of film.


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New Zealand releases real life 'x-files' to the public.

New Zealand has compiled and made public 9 books and over 50 years worth of government papers documenting ufo sightings and activity.

You can even browse the documents in pdf form right in your web browser!

Ghost Theory writes:

Here we go again. Another government takes a step in the right direction. New Zealand has just released official UFO reports from the years 1952 to 2009. In a digital library collection, the UFO reports fill up nine volumes of civilian and military reports on the little green men.

Read more and browse the official documents over at

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President Eisenhower meeting with other government officials.

Some believe the leaders of the free world have been meeting with and receiving information from alien beings since the beginning of the American Presidency, and it seems one believer has found some proof that a number these meetings actually took place, with President Eisenhower at the helm, on several occasions, and has even spoken out on the radio to argue his side.

What do you think?

Leave us some feedback in the comments section below and let us know if you think our leaders have leaders… of the alien kind.

Daily Mail writes:

Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, a former US government consultant has claimed. The 34th President of the United States met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to lecturer and author Timothy Good.

Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organised the showdown with the space creatures by sending out ‘telepathic messages’. The two parties finally met up on three separate occasions at the Holloman Air Force base and there were ‘many witnesses’. Conspiracy theorists have circulated increased rumours in recent months that the meeting between the Commander-in-Chief and people from another planet took place.

But the claims from Mr Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent academic. Speaking on Frank Skinner’s BBC2 current affairs show Opinionated, he said that governments around the world have been in regular contact with aliens for many decades.


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UFO sightings are not uncommon in southern California nearing the Mexican border, but this one UFO in-particular, was sighted many times in the small town of Mexicali just recently and was subsequently chased around town by local law-enforcement trying to figure out just what was flying around their town.

There’s said to be video of the UFO caught on security cameras from around town but none has been released yet but, we will have it up as soon as it shows.

Inexplicita writes:

“A UFO with white lights, blue and yellow flashes” — The first report was received from the airport area, and [the object] was even seen by C-4 operators manning the safety cameras that appear to have recorded it. The sighting prompted the mobilization of police officials. Martin Ruelas, supervisor of the western sector, was able to see it with his own eyes, but it was too fast and it was impossible to follow.

An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) prompted an intense mobilization by elements of the Public Safety Forces of the City of Mexicali, arising from citizen reports about the presence of a strange device in the air.


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Venice, Italy from above.

With the a fresh new year comes a fresh new crop of UFO sightings and we love it! What a better way to start good ol’ 2012, the year we’ve all been waiting for, than with a whole bunch of, possibly extraterrestrial, activity.

Italy has  a good start on the rest of the world with activity with this most recent sighting that has two separate vehicles zooming around on film in day light.

UFO News writes:

In the latest UFO news, a video was taken of strange lights over Mt. Bisbino, Italy on January 7, 2012. What are they?

What makes this video unique is the time of day, just before sunset. That means the sky is bright enough to make the unidentified flying objects more visible. And more chilling.

Although the videographer fiddles with the focus a bit too much, it’s readily obvious that the multiple objects are not moving like any known aircraft. But it’s how they behave aerodynamically which is the most confounding.

In the background of the cloudless sky there is a puff of vapor, behind from which at least two UFOs emerge and fly crazily about. As the video goes in and out of focus, the objects split up and one disappears suddenly. The other then seems to split in two, with four lights shining brightly.

Then, just as instantly as they appeared, the objects disappear from sight. Did they go back inside the cloud? It’s a really weird sight.


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This image of the ufo in question was captured by a passing vehicle while it traveled through the usually, quiet Kansas road.

What a site this must have been!

Imagine driving to work just like any other day, maybe running a little bit behind, thinking to yourself  “Oh man, I’m totally gonna be late for… wait, what is that? Is that a UFO on the back of that truck? In Kansas?”

I bet this town was quite the flurry of activity and chatter trying to figure what just drove through their homely little town.

Not to spoil the fun I’m having here but, it turns out it was just a new kind of American military drone being transported to a nearby base

… so they say.

UFO or drone? Either way it looks rather impressive and deadly.

The Huffington Post writes:

What do you call a flying saucer that isn’t flying?

That’s what residents of Cowley County, Kan. are asking themselves after a mysterious 32-foot-long shrouded object that closely resembled sci-fi depictions of UFOs rolled down US 77 on a flatbed truck.

“There was this funny sphere that went through on this big trailer and my first thought was, ‘That looks like a UFO’,” Kammi Root told ABC-7.

The UFO — in this case an unidentified freight object — was so big that police had to remove signs so it could turn a corner, Sheriff Don Read told the station.

“They told us that it was an aircraft and that they had explored other ways to transport it but this was the best way for them to do it and they asked us not to say a whole lot about it,” Read said.


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Large photo of the Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun in front of Mercury. No UFO yet..
Did NASA finally release proof of alien life, on accident?
According to some sources and commentors on various blogs, that’s the case after NASA released a series of photos and video of a coronal mass ejection from the sun that seems to have captured a “cloaked” space ship becoming visible for just a moment.
Is the cylindrical object to the right of the CME and Mercury an alien spaceship revealed?
The Huffington Post writes:

A NASA spacecraft has captured the image of a huge “cloaked” alien ship near the planet Mercury. Unless, of course, it didn’t.

On Dec. 1, NASA’s Heliospheric Imager-1 telescopephotographed a huge coronal mass ejection (CME) streaming from the sun.

But ever-observant, keen-eyed ET hunters claim that the short video also reveals a previously hidden or cloaked giant spaceship.

Comment below and give us your thoughts.

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If you are familiar with the theory of aliens visiting earth and creating humans to mine gold for them to save their dying planet, you’re in for a treat.

A UFO convention in South Africa has released to the media that they know this theory to be a fact, and have evidence to back it up, supposedly.

The Huffington Post writes:

If humanity wants to understand the greed in a man or woman’s heart, he might want to look to the stars . . . and the little green men who might be living on them.

Aliens — much like humans — have been plundering the planet for gold for thousands of years, according to the organizer of South Africa’s first UFO Science and Consciousness Conference, held in Johannesburg last week.

“There’s a battle for Earth by some interesting dark forces,” conference organizer Michael Tellinger told News 24. “All the governments in the world are puppets and instruments to implement the will of a small group of individuals. The royal political bloodline goes back thousand of years.”


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One frame of the live broadcast from a recent NFL game.

Who would’ve thought that aliens are football fans?

Apparently, they are, and it seems they have gotten themselves the best seats in the house, ones that fly around incredibly fast and can travel through space and time!

How much would a season pass for one of those go for? Anybody?

Here's proof that it couldn't possibly be a bug, like some critics say. You can see clearly it is in the distance and travels BEHIND the cathedral tower hundreds of meters away!

AOL writes:

For many football fans who watched the New Orleans Saints rout the Indianapolis Colts on Oct. 23, the most unusual thing about the game was the lopsided final score of 62-7.

But for UFO aficionados and paranormal experts who tuned in, they may have seen something in the sky that was even more out-of-the-ordinary than the tossing of more touchdowns vs. incompletions.

As NBC’s cameras returned from a commercial break and focused on the historic, triple-steepled St. Louis Cathedral in the city nicknamed the Big Easy, a couple of lit objects seemed to streak across the darkening sky — and they’ve yet to be definitively identified.

Viewed in real-time, it’s hard to see much more than something flashing across the screen. But a frame-by-frame scrutiny of the video reveals a rod-shaped object topped with brightly lit dots.


Here’s the video and frame-by-frame of the live broadcast.

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Scientist Michael Raduga claims to have solved our little alien problem we seem to have.

Apparently, he has proven that they don’t exist at all…period.

So, you can disregard the testimonials from  millions of  people, the thousands of encounters recorded in history, the few but well documented encounters from not only our own governments but, the majority of the world’s governments as well, AND the evidence that stretches back thousands of years and sleep a little more soundly tonight knowing that it’s all just your imagination.

MSNBC writes:

Researchers say they have conducted “the first experiment to ever prove that close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind.”

In a sleep study by the Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles, 20 volunteers were instructed to perform a series of mental steps upon waking up or becoming lucid during the night that might lead them to have out-of-body experiences culminating in encounters with aliens.

According to lead researcher Michael Raduga, more than half the volunteers experienced at least one full or partial out-of-body experience, and seven of them were able to make contact with UFOs or extraterrestrials during these dream-like experiences.

Raduga designed the experiment to test his theory that many reports of alien encounters are actually instances of people experiencing a vibrant, lifelike state of dreaming. If he could coach people to dream a realistic alien encounter, he said, that could prove that reports of such encounters are really just a product of our imaginations.

“When people experience alien abductions in the night, they usually don’t know they are actually in REM sleep and having an out-of-body experience,” Raduga told Life’s Little Mysteries, adding than an estimated 1 million Americans have such experiences each year.

“It’s very realistic and people cannot understand how it happens. [Our study] shows that it’s not about aliens, it’s about human abilities, and it can happen to almost anyone.”

So there you have it. It’s just that simple! He had 6 out of 20 people in a study, where he told them specifically to “contact aliens” in their dreams, actually say that met up with aliens and from these 6 random people, decided that he has proven aliens just plain don’t exist. That since we see them in dreams, that’s the only place they are. Well, how helpful! Thanks for clearing that up for us.

We should use his highly complicated and technical scientific process to test some more folks at random and get rid of that old belief in ghosts or dinosaurs that seems to linger around. I mean, despite the huge piles of evidence for them, have YOU ever hung out with said aliens, ghosts or dinosaurs? What’s that you say? “You haven’t.”? But, you have had a dream about them once? Oh, well then, problem solved, we just proved they don’t exist!
