A man in Pennsylvania claims to have been vandalized while camping in the woods, not from local kids causing trouble, but from Mr. Cryptid himself, Bigfoot!
ABC News writes:
A Pennsylvania man has his eye on a large, furry and elusive suspect who he accused of vandalizing his 1973 Dodge Winnebago.
John Reed, a self-described Bigfoot tracker since the age of 10, said he was camping with his girlfriend when he saw the creature walk past his motor home window. Reed said the Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, reportedly threw rocks at his mobile home’s outside light to escape discovery.
Reed, who is the founder of the Lykens Valley Sasquatch Hunters, and his girlfriend, jumped into their truck and gave chase, making special ‘Bigfoot calls’ to locate the creature.
“As soon as I did it, something stood up on her side of the truck,” he said. ”She seen the eyes glaring in the light of the truck, stood up and walked this way into the woods.”
This alleged sighting is the third time Reed said he has come into contact with the creature.
“Do I believe in Bigfoot? Yes I do,” he said. “Have I had sightings of what I believe to be Big Foot? Yes.”
While police believe the damage may have been caused by vandals, for Reed it was a warning from Sasquatch to get off his territory.
Read more at abcnews.go.com