We’ve written a story on Chandra before and his amazing strength and will-power to contiue on in the face of severe adveristy. Well now he’s reaching out to people all over the world to help him find a cure but, not so much for him, for his children who have begun to develop the same tumors that have caused his life to be so difficult.
The Sun writes:
Chandra Wisnu, 57, is thought to be one of the few people in the world with a rare skin disease which causes large, bubble-like lumps to develop all over his body.
The married dad-of-four, from Indonesia, rarely leaves his house and when he does he is forced to cover his face with a balaclava and wear sunglasses for fear of frightening or being ridiculed by others.
Lesions began to develop on Chandra’s face when he was just 19.
By the time he was 24 they had spread to his back and by age 32 they almost completely covered his body.
During the early stages of the disease, Chandra’s parents took him to see a number of doctors and dermatologists who were baffled by the severity of his symptoms.
He was told the condition was genetic and may be caused by an abnormality in the nervous system that causes benign tumours to develop on the skin or bone.
He was prescribed a number of creams — but they did nothing to stop the lesions from spreading.
Unable to find a cure and no longer able to afford medical treatment, Chandra was forced to live with the bizarre condition.
Chandra has now decided to unveil his face to the world in a bid to find a cure for the disease after discovering his eldest son Martin Ananda, 32, and daughter Lis Candra, 26, have begun to develop it too.
The brave father cannot afford for his children to see a doctor and fears they too will end up looking like him.
Read more at thesun.co.uk