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Since the release of the DNA results by Dr. Ketchum and her team of their study of the Russian “Bigfoot” hair, we’ve been scouring websites for any type of update or new information. Not much else has happened just yet but the great guys at have a bit to say and have found a recent interview of Finding Bigfoot’s lead researcher, Cliff Barackman, where he was asked about and weighs in on the research.

Cryptomundo writes:

Watching Finding Bigfoot co-host Cliff Barackman on G4’s Attack of the Showis like having Thanksgiving all over again. At least in the sense that you are reminded what you are thankful for. There are only a handful of people who make great ambassadors, represent serious Bigfoot research. We are thankful for that.

The Attack of the Show host, Matt Mira starts with the typical ribbing of the title “Finding Bigfoot,” since they have not found Bigfoot. Then he pivots and asks sincere questions about breeding populations, habitat, and then drops the bomb, “What do you think about the Bigfoot DNA study that came out last weekend?”

Watch the interview with Barackman on G4 here:


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The Museum of the Weird is officially haunted…

… so we have asked our resident “Texas mojo man”, Doc Ravencraft, so help get to the bottom of things.  This Halloween weekend, Doc will be performing a series of old-time séances to try to contact the spirit (or spirits) that are roaming the Museum’s corridors.

Would you like to take part?  Well you can!  Doc Ravencraft is reserving a very select few seats for guests who would like to attend and take part in contacting the spirits here.  You can get more info and reserve your seat here.

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Lone Star Spooks with Nate Riddle on The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour

10:00 PM CST, Wednesday, 10/19/2011: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

Nate Riddle joins us to talk about his book “Lone Star Spooks.”  It should be another great discussion of haunts in Texas.

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight. (Wednesday, October 19, 2011) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. Be sure to check out the show notes, too. See you in the shadows…

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The SHADOW HOUR – Dreaming with Diane Pascual

The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour

10:00 PM CST, Wednesday, 9/28/2011: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

Diane Pascual returns to talk about dreams and more.  We may also spend time on her views about extraterrestrials and 2012.

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight. (Wednesday, September 28, 2011) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. Be sure to check out the show notes, too. See you in the shadows…

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Join the Shadow Hour tonight with Larry Flaxman on 11:11 and 11/11/11

The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour

10:00 PM CST, Wednesday, 9/21/2011: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

It’s been a while since we’ve had the chance to talk to Larry Flaxman.  Tonight we’re going to discuss his research into the mysterious significance of the 11:11 time prompt and whether we should come to expect anything when the date hits 11/11/11.

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight. (Wednesday, September 21, 2011) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. Be sure to check out the show notes, too. See you in the shadows…

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Join THE SHADOW HOUR for Voice of the Unknown, the Movie

The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour

10:00 PM CST, Wednesday, 9/7/2011: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

As the interest in paranormal investigation works its way through the media pathway, isn’t it time that we had “Ghost Hunter, the Motion Picture?” Your host might not line up for that one, but he is interested in seeing the outcome of guest, Will Scoville’s film “Voice of the Unknown, A Paranormal Investigation.” Will has been working in films and television for years, but you don’t have to believe us— check out his IMDB page.

When Will encountered friends and family who were involved with paranormal investigation, he saw the opportunity to tell an interesting story. We talked a while back with Robbie Prince about this project from the view of the investigative team. Now we’ll hear about it from the view of the film makers.

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight.  (Wednesday, September 7, 2011) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast.  Be sure to check out the show notes, too.  See you in the shadows…

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Join THE SHADOW HOUR with your story for open lines

The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour

10:00 PM CST, Wednesday, 8/31/2011: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

Tonight is open lines.  We’ll be talking about your own experiences of the strange, odd and unusual.  Call up and share!

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight (Wednesday, August 31st) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. See you in the shadows…

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Join THE SHADOW HOUR for meditation with Malana Ashlie

The Shadow Hour


The Shadow Hour

10:00 PM CST, Wednesday, 8/17/2011: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

When Malana Ashlie was last on the show we talked about how meditation made a profound difference in her life.  Many listeners were interested in meditation and wanted to know more specific information.  Tonight, Malana returns for a deeper discussion on the methods and benefits of meditation, and how anyone can get started.

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight (Wednesday, August 17th) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. See you in the shadows…

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Tonight on THE SHADOW HOUR: Share your stories on the air

The Shadow Hour


The Shadow Hour

10:00 PM CST, Wednesday, 8/10/2011: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

This week Chris and Mark will open the lines for your stories about the weird.  Have you had a strange encounter?  Gone on your first ghost hunt?   Had dreams that have been coming true?  We want to hear from you.  Everything is on the table.

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight (Wednesday, August 10th) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. See you in the shadows…

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Tonight on THE SHADOW HOUR: Talk with paranormal investigators Ripcrew

The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour


10:00 PM CST, TONIGHT: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

Tonight we’ll be talking to Robbie Prince, from the paranormal investigation group, Ripcrew.  We’ll talk about their origins, methods and stories.  We’ll also talk about the work some members have been doing with a filmmaker to create a dramatic recreation of their work.  It will be a live, call-in show, so get your questions ready!

As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight (Wednesday, August 3rd) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. See you in the shadows…