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What happened over Rendelsham Forest?

In a recent article we referenced statements by former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, about his belief that we were being visited by beings from other planets and that the US government was covering it up. Now we find footage featuring another witness that we would expect to be credible describing a detailed UFO experience with a similar claim.

US Army deputy commander Colonel Charles Halt recounts his experience, December 1980, when he witnessed UFO activity over Rendelsham Forest in Suffolk, England.

Often, a criticism of such accounts is that The witnessed are untrained observers or not credible. In both of these cases we have people who should have good authority on these matters. Surely their experiences should create curiosity. Stories like these remain on the fringe, however. Fortunately, we at the Museum of the Weird continue to look in the shadowy areas of the news and bring this to you.

Do you think Earth is visited by creatures from other worlds? Do you think they are here to help us or harm us? We’ll continue to share the best evidence we can find.

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Which aliens are you rooting for?

You’re stopped on a deserted road, responsibly pulled over as you text your friends. Suddenly, the phone goes dead. The car goes dead. You are stranded in the dark in the middle of nowhere. A light, as bright as the sun, erupts in the darkness and you are chilled to the bone as you realize you are about to have a close encounter with alien life. But which ones will it be?

According to the article,  The 6 Alien Species Currently Fighting for Control Over Earth, not all aliens are alike. Does this seem fantastic to you? Then maybe you missed this interview by former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, as he went on international television to discuss his personal knowledge of 4 major species. Here is an excerpt from this interview.

The full, half-hour interview is available on YouTube. We talked about Mr. Hellyer’s startling perspective in a previous article from 2011. He has not strayed from his story and continues to promote his belief that we are being watched and warned to get our act together.

Does that sound familiar? It’s the plot of a 1951 movie called The Day the Earth Stood Still. We found a radio adaption of this classic story broadcast by the Lux Radio Theater on January 4, 1954. You can listen here or download the mp3 for some drive-time entertainment. Is Hellyer recalling a famous science fiction plot, or is this story a reflection of real events?

Audio Player

Are we being visited by creatures from another world? Are they genuinely interested in our well-being, or are we just curiosities to them, to be studied and experimented on as we would with rats and insects? Have you had an alien encounter? Tell us about it!