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Terry the Sheep, has the ability to twist his head upside down!

Here’s a a story that’s a little different, a sheep in the UK has the odd ability to turn it’s head complete upside-down!

Terry the Sheep, who was born with an extremely curved spine, has lived into adulthood with this starnge ability.

Here’s video posted on YouTube by Allen McNamara:

Ghost Theory hilariously writes:

In our latest segment of “The Strange World Of Sheep” comes this story about a sheep who obviously has his head on backward, or upside down as it were.

A bloke named Allen McNamara filmed the wooly bugger named “Terry” in the UK and the video has since been a smash hit.

Since there’s not much more to say, I believe I will now run around in circles waving my arms and screaming until someone smacks me in the face….or I realize I’m an idiot, whichever comes first.

In our latest segment of “The Strange World Of Sheep” comes this story about a sheep who obviously has his head on backward, or upside down as it were.

A bloke named Allen McNamara filmed the wooly bugger named “Terry” in the UK and the video has since been a smash hit.

Since there’s not much more to say, I believe I will now run around in circles waving my arms and screaming until someone smacks me in the face….or I realize I’m an idiot, whichever comes first.

From what I understand, Terry was born with a curved spine that allows him to twist his head upside down. According to local sources, it was determined that Terry was otherwise fine and fully capable of living normally, albeit the occasional bumping into things and not knowing who he’s mating with. I’d be inclined to believe that Terry has a distinct advantage though, as the females might be getting tired of the same old standard looking sheep they’ve dated over the years.

Some are claiming that the whole thing is a hoax, however it’s obvious that Terry was sent from Fukushima. Am I right? Huh? Yea!

OK, that’s all I have. Now, go about your business and leave me alone.

Thanks to Allen McNamara for providing this upsidedownlifting story. Get it? I took “uplifting” and made it int….alright, forget it.


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Bigfoot? Deer? Chupacabra? With a photo this blurry, it could be anything.

My belief in the almighty Bigfoot is based on common sense and some words from the foremost knowledgeable person on primates and monkeys, Jane Goodall. She basically says that the chance of them existing is incredibly high with the vast amount of untouched and truly un-examined Pacific NorthWest of America that, if there was something in there and it didn’t want to be found, that wouldn’t be a problem. If you’ve ever flown over the area, it’s a vast land of nothing but tree tops and canopy for miles upon miles, upon miles.

Today’s story comes from a picture submitted by a reader of Field & Stream Magazine caught on his own trail cam usually used for tracking the wildlife in the area. This creature on the other hand seems to be anything but the usual deer or fox.

Ghost Theory writes:

Fresh off the presses over at Bigfoot Evidence, this Bushnell trail cam photo contest entry (whew!), stands widely apart from the rest. A reader from Field & Stream submitted this interesting photo of a slightly intriguing animal dashing by.

Definitely an interesting photo to say the least. At a quick glance, the stalwart creature looks bipedal and oddly shaped. At a closer inspection, the oddness becomes a bit more revealing. Take the hind legs for example. They’re shaped more like a deer’s hind quarters than the anatomy that we’ve come to accept as what a Sasquatch should have. Next, take a good look at the front appendages. Either those are deer-like hooves or this Sasquatch is suffering from the T-Rex syndrome.

Now, onto the dubiousness that is to be the creature’s head. It’s puzzling. I’m really not sure what to say about this one. I mean it seems too anatomically incorrect, against Mother Nature herself, that a creature of that size and that posture can run with its head cocked in such manner. Oh no wait, I got it. I think I see it now. This forearm-lacking Sasquatch is about to eat shit. One of those nature bloopers, which are rarely witnessed by humans, was serendipitously caught by a trail camera.

This photo rightfully deserves to win.

Read more and investigate further at

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The horse given birth to by a woman in Benin City, Edo State, on Tuesday.

 Now here is a truly weird story! A woman claims to have given birth to a foal during a religious ceremony in Nigeria.

Could it be true? Maybe the church’s leader, evangelist Silva Wealth, knows more than he’s letting on.

Apparently, during prayers he had a revelation that there was a woman with an issue and that something was blocking her womb. Then the woman “gave birth” to the foal.

According to Wealth, “We have seen several things people vomit during our service but not this type of thing.”

Hmm… kinda makes me want to vomit…

The Nigerian Tribune writes:

A woman purportedly gave birth to a foal (horse like) creature, otherwise known as a baby horse, on Tuesday at the World Liberation Ministry, on the Benin-Sapele road old during the church’s prophecy programme.

The strange creature, which threw the church members into panic, had died by the time the church following journalists visited the strange occurrence.

The identity of the woman was yet to be known but some church members said she started screaming during the prayer session and began bleeding from her private part just before the foal-like creature emerged.

General Overseer of the church, Evangelist Silva Wealth, said I was still shocked by what came out of the woman’s womb.

During I said I had a revelation prayers that there was a woman with an issue and that something was blocking her womb.

According to him, as intensified prayers, the woman started screaming and began to bleed and eventually gave birth to the creature.

Evangelist Wealth could not have said the creature was confirm whether dead or alive because he did not go near it.

“I can not describe the object. We have seen several things people vomit during our service but not this type of thing. God has been blessing our ministry with prophecies and miracles,” he added.

The woman was reported to have gone for medical check-up when journalists visited, just as elders and leaders of the church’s host community, Evboriaria, were said to have launched investigation into the bizarre development.


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Could this be the Russian Loch Ness Monster? Is there a Siberian Nessie?

The Siberian times writes:

Known as ‘Russia’s Loch Ness Monster’, the accounts of the creature in Yakutia predate the Scottish claims yet in many ways are similar.

Intriguingly, too, there are theories that Labynkyr – which has unusual cracks on its 60 to 80 metre deep floor  – is connected by underwater channels to another lake, Vorota, where monster sightings have also been recorded, including by respected Soviet geologist Viktor Tverdokhlebov, an academician not given to hyperbole.

Associate Professor of Biogeography Lyudmila Emeliyanova revealed to The Siberian Times that on her own scientific mission to Labynkyr she recorded ‘several seriously big underwater objects’ with sonar readings.

She is not the only researcher to have done so.

‘It was our fourth or fifth day at the lake when our echo sounding device registered a huge object in the water under our boat,’ she said.

‘The object was very dense, of homogeneous structure, surely not a fish nor a shoal of fish, and it was above the bottom. I was very surprised but not scared and not shocked, after all we did not see this animal, we only registered a strange object in the water. But I can clearly say – at the moment, as a scientist, I cannot offer you any explanation of what this object might be.’


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Mark Anders uploaded a video of pictures taken in Ranchita, CA to YouTube in September of 2011.

An anonymous hiker in California has captured what he believes to be a genuine Sasquatch on film. Not wanting to give out his information he gave permission to another man, Mark Anders to publish the photos.

Ghost Theory writes:

Mark was recently going through some photos when he realized that the figure behind a pile of twisted tree limbs was not part of the pile. At first he was upset because this head had ruined his artistic photo….OK, I made that part up. Hmm, I wonder if something else has been made up here *wink* *wink*.

Actually, I don’t know what’s going on with this photo other than what we see in the video below.


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A family in New Mexico is plagued by a creature of the night.

A video posted on Youtube by user JC Jhonson shows a small family in New Mexico seemingly plagued by a beast that comes in the night. Some have even compared it to the demon-man of the hollywood movie ‘Jeepers Creepers’.

Ghost Theory writes:

When I do my rounds I usually stop by Youtube and throw in some keywords to see what’s current. Today, I found a new video that seems somewhat interesting, so I thought our readers would enjoy debating about it.


Recently a family in the Four Corners area of New Mexico contacted JC Johnson of Crypto Four Corners with quite a story.

Allegedly the family has been visited by some sort of large creature that torments them at night. The beast is described as resembling the Creeper from the film series Jeepers Creepers and apparently claws at the exterior walls of family home. Other activity includes damage to the family automobile and claw marks on the daughters back while she sleeps.


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Is this new footage posted by Find Bigfoot the real thing?

New alleged footage of Bigfoot has been posted on the Find Bigfoot page on the Facebook social network. Could this be the real deal?

Check the facebook group out at and for more insight, updates and breakdowns of Bigfoot and other Cryptid related stories, go to


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Some of the remains belong to well known ice age creatures, some have yet to be identified.

While building a new wastewater treatment plant near Mexico City, workers discovered the largest cache of ice age animal bones ever.

The Telegraph writes:

The bones could be between 10,000 and 12,000 years old and may include a human tooth from the late Pleistocene period, Mexico‘s National Institute of Anthropology and History said on Thursday.

Tusks, skulls, jawbones, horns, ribs, vertebrae and shells were discovered 65 feet deep in Atotonilco de Tula, a town in the state of Hidalgo, as workers built a drain, the institute said.

These remains belong to a range of species including mastodons, mammoths, camels, horses, deer and glyptodons, the armadillo’s ancestor. Some bones may belong to bison, while others have not been identified.

Archeologists have worked for the past five months to recover the bones.

“It is the largest and most varied discovery of extinct megafauna found together in the Mexico basin,” archeologist Alicia Bonfil Olivera said in a statement.


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Certified Genuine BIGFOOT Hair? We sure hope so! Only time will tell but, the adventure begins now!

You’ve read that right, folks! We have gotten ourselves a hold of quite the crypto-important find here, a set certified genuine BIGFOOT hair samples all the way from Washington state!

We ran into a story posted over on one of of our favorite Bigfoot related websites,, the other day that spoke of  a man that had some hair samples in his possession. When we learned that they’d be up for auction this weekend, we knew immediately we had to have them!

Owner and operator of Museum of the Weird himself, Steve Busti, made sure that would most certainly be the case.

For when a possible answer to the mystery of Bigfoot comes calling, he has got to try and answer!

The folks over at have written a few words about the auction:

The Nacogdoches Auction in Nacogdoches, Texas, sold a vintage bedroom set, antique dolls, a 1950s Schwinn bicycle, antique furniture and a lock of hair from … Bigfoot.  Wait, what?! Hair from Bigfoot? Uh, yes, hair from Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch.

With a bid of $225, Steve Busti was the lucky winner for what actually appears to be hair from — something.

“I’m excited,” Busti said by phone soon after Saturday night’s auction. “I’m really looking forward to having the hair tested. If they come back with some unusual result, it could really change things. This could really be like the smoking gun, if you will, that will prove the existence of this animal.”

Busti owns the Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas, and plans to add the hair to an existing Bigfoot exhibit that includes alleged Bigfoot tracks in plaster casts.

We appreciate the mention and you can read the rest of the story over at

Obviously, there’s always the chance of not actually being from a bigfoot but, that’s why we’ll be sending it in for DNA testing as soon as possible and you, our readers of the Weekly Weird News, will be the first to hear what the results are.

We couldn’t be more excited to be involved with the Bigfoot community and hope we can contribute our own research, findings, and now, quite possibly, actual evidence of the sasquatch himself, Bigfoot.

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The cast of 'Finding Bigfoot

Did the cast of ‘Finding Bigfoot” finally capture some real evidence of Bigfoot?

If the newest claims are true, they most certainly have except, it’s in Australia!

The Telegraph writes:

The four-member team from Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot series were on an expedition through remote forests spanning the Queensland and NSW border when they made the recordings.

Bigfoot Field Research Organisation member James “Bobo” Fay said that of the more than 20 expeditions conducted around the world by the TV team, this was “maybe the best one as far as audio recordings”.

While he was reluctant to give details ahead of presenting their evidence on the still-to-be-completed third season of the US show, Fay said that in two different locations they had activity that they had attributed to a yowie – the fabled ape-like creature of the Aussie bush.

“We got some really compelling audio,” he said.

“It is not a known species, I can tell you that. One of the details (convinces us) there is nothing else it could have been.”