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Is this plaster-cast molded from a baby bigfoot print?

The hunt for Bigfoot shall never end, not as long as curious and adventurous humans are out there, slogging through the mud and rain, climbing up the biggest hills and traversing desert plains, all in the name of science!

A few of these adventurers have found crypto-gold in the form of a set of well preserved foot and hand prints, all of a juvenile Bigfoot and an older one, possibly a parent, that left behind a few tracks as well!

Who knows if anything more comes of this or even if they ever catch the elusive ‘squatch. Either way, I’m more than happy to follow along with the rest of the world, eyes wide open, waiting for the next sign of a mysterious creature lurking in our lands.

What do you think is out there?

David Claerr at Yahoo Voices writes:

The vast ecosystem formed by the Red River watershed on the borders of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana affords a habitat comprised of many micro-climates with an incredible diversity and richness of plant and animal life. In many of the deep ravines where the creeks and waterways have cut through the the limestone cap rock, the vegetation has a nearly tropical aspect. Towering, ancient cypress trees form a canopy above the underbrush and thick hanging vines. These ravines are like a primordial oasis, seldom traversed by humans. Often in remote wildernesses, surrounded by thousands of acres of temperate woodlands and meadows. The ravines are a favored living quarters for the Sasquatch or “Bigfoot”

From one of these ravines, a very significant group of footprints of a “Baby Bigfoot” were cast in plaster, along with a hand- and footprints from a more mature Sasquatch, most likely the juvenile’s older sibling or mother. The prints, pressed into the fine clay of the creek bed are rare specimens, since not only are they from a rarely documented young juvenile, but the casts also retain detailed anatomical features that are not generally preserved in other types of soil.


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Has the Loch Ness Monster known as 'Nessie' been caught on sonar?

This mobile phone photo supposedly shows the sonar read-out of what is said to be the Loch Ness Monster herself, Nessie.

Has she finally been discovered or has someone gotten a little ahead of themselves?

The sonar image showing a large, unidentified, living object deep underwater was recorded by Loch Ness boat skipper Marcus Atkinson.

Cryptomundo writes:

Questions are being raised a day after news of the new sonar image became widespread.

First off, it has been brought to my attention, as noted at the “Loch Ness Investigation” site of Dick Raynor’s, that,

“From time to time people on boats see unusual images on their fish-finder sonar screens, and if they are on Loch Ness there is always the possibility of accidental misinterpretation.”

Exampled explanations are shown here.

But perhaps truly damning, this year “Cruise Loch Ness” are running special monster hunting trips with underwater cameras on the boat skippered by…Marcus Atkinson – the man behind all the publicity of this new “discovery.”

Therefore, some locals are questioning Atkinson’s big splash in the media this week. Is it a marketing move?





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Is this image proof of a white bigfoot?

A recently released video has re-sparked some interest in the all mighty cryptid, Bigfoot. Yet, this time instead of being silver or brown, he’s solid white.

Our friends over at have posted an extensive video breakdown of some fantastic footage that has surfaced of a white bigfoot captured on a trail camera the property owner had set up.

Cryptomundo writes:

We’re not sure how recent this alleged Bigfoot footage is that M.K. Davis has in his possession, but it shows an amazing white Bigfoot on all-fours, and then getting up on two legs, sprinting out of view at an incredible rate. According to Davis, this alleged white Bigfoot came from the southern part of the United States. Davis also points out the sheer size of the Sasquatch compared to the cow in front of it.

Accompanying the footage is a “howl” audio lasting about 3 seconds. You can listen to this towards the end of the breakdown.

Read more @

Here’s another video that is said to show a ‘white bigfoot’:

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Is this the clearest photo of bigfoot ever?

Has the best and clearest photo of bigfoot finally been released?

Are the skeptics finally going to admit the truth?

Why can we only see his back?

Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, this photo makes you take a moment to think hard about what exactly the creature in this photo could be.

Ghost Theory writes:

A blogger by the name of Melissa Hovy has been maintaining a Bigfoot blog for quite some time now. It wasn’t until recently that the Sasquatch community caught wind that Melissa could be holding the ultimate photo of all ultimate photos depicting the big guy.

The story goes that four years ago Melissa was contacted by someone who claimed to have a clear picture of Bigfoot on a trailcam. The witness sent Mellisa the picture but wouldn’t allow her to publish it….until now that is.

A message released from the blogger herself:

This witness asked for my (Melissa Hovey) help in seeking protection for what he/she claimed was a Bigfoot that had been coming onto his/her property.

The witness broke contact after becoming concerned for his/her privacy and the safety of the animal. He/she was concerned people would discover who he/she is and that he/she would be called, “crazy”. The witness also expressed concern that if his/her identity were discovered the alleged animal would be in danger of being killed…

The photo has been examined…But, rest assured I have no desire to “string this out” any longer than I must – and that is only to make sure the information and the opinions given are published properly.


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Is this a real Woolly Mammoth, thought to have gone extinct over 3,000 years ago?

This is a remarkable sighting if you can believe your eyes!

This fuzzy still frame from a video posted on Youtube seems to show a Woolly Mammoth in Siberia crossing an icy, flowing river in the heart of winter.

Although, on closer inspection,  it seems a bit more likely to be a very large bear carrying a rather large fish. What would be the “trunk” of this beast doesn’t articulate like your average elephants would, doesn’t seem to be connected judging by the color seperation that happens where the link to the head would be and it seems to be dangling and moves only with the rushing of the water hitting it.

Here’s the footage shot by a government engineer while surveying for the new construction of roadways in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug region of Siberia. You be the judge of what you see and leave us some feedback!

The Sun writes:

A BEAST lurches through icy waters in a sighting a paranormal investigator thinks could prove woolly mammoths are not extinct after all.

The animal – thought to have mostly died out roughly 4,000 years ago – was apparently filmed wading through a river in the freezing wilds of Siberia.

The jaw-dropping footage was caught by a government-employed engineer last summer in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug region of Siberia, it is claimed.

He filmed the elephant-sized creature as it struggled against the racing water.

Its hair matches samples recovered from mammoth remains regularly dug up from the permafrost in frozen Russia.


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A common depiction of a Bigfoot walking as humans do.

With all the weird news I see daily, THIS story is by far the most fascinating I’ve ever seen. has transcribed a portion of a radio broadcast featuring a conversation between a talk show host and one of the two hunters said to have killed and captured a bigfoot juvenile in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

His story is amazing and just plain incredible, if true.

Cryptomundo writes:

We saw this creature. It was walking on two legs, hairy. The best way I can describe it is it looked like a person in a suit. Probably 3 or 4 seconds had gone by, and it started to walk towards us, between 80 and 100 yards away…It had its arms in the air and was waving them, almost like, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!” Kind of a universal thing in any language. Anybody raises his hands – sign of surrender.

I didn’t know what it was. To me it was just a monster. I’m looking at this monster. By this time I have the bullet in the chamber, my finger on the trigger, and it’s coming towards us, slowly. It’s taking steps, waving.

A lot of people are saying I shot it in the back, but if you have a deer, and you shoot it behind the shoulder, then you’re going to penetrate both lungs. On a person it’s a hard area to describe, but it’s basically right under the shoulder where the lungs are located.

So maybe 5 seconds had passed, and my buddy says, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot! It’s not a bear. Do not shoot.” And I’m still kind of locked in on this thing. To me it was a monster, that’s all it was.

Here is the entire audio from the broadcast, posted on YouTube.

Read more from the transcript of this broadcast at

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Well, we here at The Museum of the Weird were certainly excited about this suposed “Yeti” finger that was to be tested and were hoping for final proof of something that we all believe to be very real.

The hand, the finger tested was removed from, along with a scalp of unknown origin.

Unfortunately, science was not on our side this time and debunked what was looking to be a very promising path to proof of the Nepalese “Yeti” or, Abominable Snowman.

Cryptomundo writes:

The Pangboche Yeti finger was rediscovered while on display at London’s Royal College of Surgeons. The late Dr. William Charles Osman Hill, a consultant to the Tom Slick expeditions, bequeathed it to the Hunterian Museum, which is a division of the Royal College of Surgeons.

The alleged Yeti finger from the Pangboche hand was found by the UK’s Daily Mail reporter Matthew Hill, several months ago and has undergone DNA testing. This certainly has been a year of surprises coming forth from the Tom Slick expeditions of the late 1950s.

Today, on a BBC program, the results of a new DNA test were broadcast. The result of the DNA analysis were announced on a program entitled “Yeti Finger” on BBC Radio 4 on December 27, 2011, at 11 am local time.

For the detailed results and MUCH more info and even videos from the original expedition to Nepal in the 50s, head on over to

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Now this is news! We finally got ourselves a Bigfoot!

…well, on some decent quality film at least!

Here are a number of high-res photos taken in Russia just weeks ago. These are some the newest and best “Bigfoot” photos around. Have a look!

Here is the link to the original story and photos but, it’s in Russian, so use Google Translate if needed to help read it.

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Well, captured in a photograph, at least.  Hmm… Nessie and a rainbow in the same picture?  Almost seems too good to be true!


It’s been said before and it’s being said again .. Nessie is alive under the waves of Loch Ness.

Once more the notoriously shy Loch Ness monster has been reportedly sighted in Scotland’s deepest loch. This time close to a commercial fish farm.

Jon Rowe, from nearby Lewiston in Drumnadrochit, took the eerie snaps moments before the mysterious shape slipped beneath the water.

Could this be Nessie? Jon Rowe says his image shows a pair of humps which soon disappeared under the waves


And the stunned fish farmer is convinced that the shapes he saw in the morning light are Nessie.

He said: ‘It was a very strange morning. It was misty with a bit of rain and sunny at the same time.

‘There was a rainbow so I got my camera out to take a photo and noticed this really large dark shape in the loch with two humps that were barely out of the water.

‘My instant reaction was “That’s Nessie”.’

Mr Rowe has dismissed claims that the shapes he saw in the water were not the legendary beast of the deep said to stalk the atmospheric Highland loch.

He added: ‘I have no doubt, I work on the loch everyday and I’ve never seen anything like it.

‘Almost as soon as I took the shot the shape disappeared under the water and out of sight.

The 31-year-old told how he had not believed that a monster swam the depths of Loch Ness until he captured Nessie on film.

‘It can’t have been a buoy or a mooring as it’s in the wrong place and the ropes would be visible in the water.

‘A few people have said it was birds diving under the water – but I didn’t see any birds fly by. It can’t have been birds – the whole thing went down into the loch.

‘It was quite spooky but I think it’s really interesting.’


Loch Ness: The two humps are clearly visible bottom centre in Jon Rowe's photo, as is the rainbow he originally set out to capture


Read more:






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This video was posted on YouTube just a few days ago by user “.”  While the shots of the creature are fleeting, it is definitely better than most “Blobsquatch” videos out there.

Here’s what the user posted on his video:

Thanks for the comments that have been received. I do have several more shots of what we saw. Unedited. I’m just not sure that ‘Youtube’ is the proper platform to release them. I am working with a friend of mine who knows more about this stuff than I do. He has advised me to keep the rest of the material unreleased until i have proper counsel. These images were simply a quick snap shots or some of the highlights of the captured images. The entire film will be made public once I have been advised.

Last week in the mountains of Utah. We were target shooting after a long day of fishing. We scared something from the trees. We had two separate cameras running as we were shooting…. None of us slept very well for the next couple of nights. We found some sort or ‘hut’ about 100 yards from our camp and tried not to disturb anything. None of us are believers or can truly explain what we saw. But, we saw something.

Whatever it is, it looks massive!  I don’t think I’d be spending another night in the woods after an encounter like this, how about you?