Tag: Cryptids
“We have been sharing the same backyard for over a century and we believe it’s time to do what has never been done, and that is to offer a one million dollar reward to anyone who can ensure the safe capture of Bigfoot,” Evan and Daren Metropoulos stated in an official press release from the company. They continue, “When we say safe capture that means Bigfoot has to be alive and breathing folks, with no wounds.”
You heard it, folks. Bigfoot has to be alive and ready for his close-up when the exchange happens!
According to the official rules of the contest, “Evidence may include, but is not limited to DNA Evidence. DNA Evidence may include hair, blood, tissue or saliva that proves the DNA sequence of the donor shows that said donor resides in the primate evolutionary family tree, among other apes or hominids, but does not have the same genetic markers and DNA sequence as any known species.”
For more information visit http://olympiabigfoot.com/. Be the first to submit a photo or video to their site!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gl3H_KGC_8&version=3&hl=en_US]
**Photo by Invergarry Lodge http://www.invergarrylodge.co.uk/site/2012/cakes-ahoy/

Hey folks, just wanted to let everyone know that we’ll be a part of a fantastic cryptozoology event called CRYPTOPALOOZA, held deep in the heart of the Piney woods of East Texas in the comfy-cozy town of Jefferson. They’ll be movie screenings from across the crypto-sphere, Q & A’s with directors, presentations, music performances by major cryptozoologists, and we, the Museum of the Weird, will even be participating with a traveling version of our collection of oddities for all who attend to be entertained and astounded! Meet the owner of the Museum himself, Steve Busti, with a possible surprise appearance by the most famous cryptid of them all! Who, or better yet, WHAT could it be? Well, you’ll just have to come on down and check it out for yourself on the 19th, 20th and 21st of October in Jefferson, Texas just off of Highway 59 near Marshall.
Mister Cryptomundo himself, Craig Woolheater, says:
Cryptopalooza has been a long time in the making, but it’s finally a reality. Over the years friends Michael Esordi, founder of Believe It Tour, and Craig Woolheater, founder of Cryptomundo, have tossed around ideas about the conference experience and how to make it even better for people. Out of those discussions the idea began to form of starting something new and unique. Michael hit on the name Cryptopalooza and things started to pick up steam when the city of Jefferson, Texas contacted Craig about doing an event in their city.
With the growing number of Bigfoot and cryptozoolgy conferences spreading across the country, it’s obvious there’s an interest in these topics and a need for events to bring people together.
You won’t want to miss this event.
Join us October 19-20, 2012, for a weekend of music, movies, speakers, cryptids, and fun!
It’s sure to be an amazing weekend of good fun, good food, and good friends!

The following video was shot by Darrin Jackson, who was driving through a neighborhood in Goodyear, Arizona when he came upon this strange creature.
“I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I seen it, and it looked real strange, then as I kinda drive by I say ‘That looks just like the chupacabra on the video I saw, the thing they found in Texas!’ ”
At that point Jackson turned his car around to get a better look. He managed to get a good minute or so of footage of the frightened creature in a Fry’s parking lot while he contemplated what to do next.
“I said, well if I call 911, they’re gonna think I’m crazy if I say I saw the chupacabra. So I just said I seen a crazy animal.”
While on the phone with animal control, the creature managed to slip through a gate and escaped into a sewer.
Here’s the video of Jackson recounting his sighting, watch it and let us know your thoughts. Mangy coyote, Mexican hairless dog, or blood-sucking cryptid? You decide.
Source: http://cryptozoologynews.blogspot.com/2011/04/chupacabra-sighting-in-goodyear.html