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The skeletons were found in a cemetery near Onavas, South Sonora.
The skeletons were found in a cemetery near Onavas, South Sonora.

Now these things look crazy! This is absolutely fascinating!

Full bodied skeletons were found in a cemetery of southern Mexico with severely elongated skulls.

The ultimate question of course, is why? What prompted them to do this?

Did they do it of their own accord or, were they possibly emulating someone, or something, else?

The Huffington Post writes:

Excavation of an ancient burial site in South Sonora, Mexico, has revealed a series of skeletons with intentionally deformed skulls.

Of the 25 sets of human remains found close to the Mexican village of Onavas, 13 had deformed craniums and five had evidence of dental mutilation.

According to Past Horizons, misshapen skulls have not been recorded before in the Sonora cultural groups, although they are documented among Mesoamerican peoples.

Some of the skeletons, believed to be 1,000 years old, wore nose rings, bangles, earrings,  by Savings Sidekick” href=””>necklaces and pendants made from shells found in the Gulf of California.

One was found with a turtle shell laid over its abdomen.

Archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno said: “This unique find shows a mix of traditions from different groups of northern Mexico.

“The use of ornaments made from sea shells from the Gulf of California had never been found before in Sonoran territory and this discovery extends the limit of influence of Mesoamerican peoples farther north than has been previously recorded.”

Moreno is director of the research project, which is being carried out on behalf ofArizona State University , with the approval of Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

She added: “Cranial deformation in Mesoamerican cultures was used to differentiate one social group from another and for ritual purposes, while the dental mutilation in cultures such as the Nayarit was seen as a rite of passage into adolescence.”

Elongated skulls have previously been misinterpreted as being of extra-terrestrial origin.

The process of elongating a skull usually begins in childhood with a process called “cradle-boarding”.

Ryan Matthews of Science Channel series Oddities told HuffPost Weird: “They would put two boards around the head and wrap it very securely.

“Because the head of a child is very soft, it can be manipulated forward, but the process would take several months.”


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As the years go by, more and more people involved with, or privy to, any information relating to the infamous Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947 come forward to share what they know with the world.

As the years go by, more and more people involved with, or privy to, any information relating to the infamous Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947 come forward to share what they know with the world.

Walter Haut, a Lieutenant Colonel and Press Officer at Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) at the time of the crash, has left the public an audio tape of an interview conducted in secret that has him spilling the proverbial beans.

The Bragalia Files writes:

A Lieutenant Colonel and Press Officer at Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) in 1947 left a testament to the reality of fallen ET in a rare audio recording that was meant to be heard after his death. A portion of it is revealed here publicly for the first time.

It is in this taped message that Walter Haut (a decorated bombardier and Purple Heart recipient) first openly acknowledged his personal witness to an alien-piloted craft found on the desert floor in New Mexico. And people who knew Walter well have now come forward about what he had said about the matter very early on- and why he did not release all of this information until the winter of his life.
Walter would of course go on to sign a notarized declaration in December, 2002 of his full knowledge of the Roswell incident as a piloted, extraterrestrial event. This was famously reported in mainstream media based on the publication of the bestseller Witness to Roswelland the work of the book’s authors Tom Carey and Don Schmitt.
But it was four years before this in 1999 that Walter Haut had admitted for the first time to someone outside of a small circle what he knew about the entirety of the Roswell event.And he allowed it to be recorded.
Like the notarized affidavit, Walter did not wish this 1999 recorded confession released until some point after his death, which occurred in 2005 at age 83. This enabled him to honor his oath during his life to the ultimate secret: the recovery and retrieval of beings not from earth.


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Now,  this seems to be quite the find coming from an unexplored part of an ancient pyramid; a mummified alien!

Before It’s News writes:

The body of a perfectly preserved, carefully mummified an alien was found buried in an ancient pyramid. A mysterious creature from between 150 and 160 centimeters was found by an archaeologist near Lahun when exploring a small pyramid near the Dynasty doceaba of Senusret II. However, this fact was not revealed immediately. “The mummy of what appears to be an alien, dates back more than 2000 years and it seems it would be a humanoid” said a source at the Egyptian Antiquities Department, who provided details and photographs of the find but did so under condition anonymity. “
Some online sources said that this is a species-being for its fur and reptilian traits that characterize them, such as their eyes, too large and oval shaped. Inscriptions on the tomb of the mummy showed that the king was a counselor named Osirunet, meaning star or sent from heaven. ” The mummified body was buried with great respect and care, accompanied by a number of strange objects far from the archaeological museum managers can not identify.


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One giant eyeball coming right up!

Something, somewhere is having a little trouble seeing clearly right now and, whatever it is, it’s big. What could this huge eyeball possibly belong to? What unknown sea monsters of the deep have eyes this big? Could it be an ancient dinosaur that survived the ice age in the dark recesses of the worlds’ oceans? Read more and leave a comment with your own theories!

The Huffington Post writes:

South Florida beaches are usually places where people find sea shells, tiny crawling creatures and a shark tooth here and there, but a man walking on Pompano Beach Wednesday came across something out of the ordinary.

A giant eyeball.

Large enough to fit into his cupped hands, the beach stroller made a few calls and eventually got in touch with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, who had an interest in his discovery, Carli Segelson, spokeswoman for the FWC told HuffPost Miami.

“This is definitely an unusual situation, where an eye would be found independent of any other body part,” she said.

Later in the day, an FWC employee came to pick up the blue-and-purple-colored eyeball and put it on ice. It will be shipped to the FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Center in St. Petersburg, where staffers hope to make an identification.

“It will probably take a little while to identify the eye,” Segelson said.

Read more and check out other photos at

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Does the proverbial 'light at the end of the tunnel' actually lead somewhere?

Here’s some news that seems to be shaking up the science world as of late. After a neurosurgeon had a near-death experience, he claims to have been to Heaven and returned and is now explaining how it’s possible, scientifically.

The Daily Beast writes:

As a neurosurgeon, I did not believe in the phenomenon of near-death experiences. I grew up in a scientific world, the son of a neurosurgeon. I followed my father’s path and became an academic neurosurgeon, teaching at Harvard Medical School and other universities. I understand what happens to the brain when people are near death, and I had always believed there were good scientific explanations for the heavenly out-of-body journeys described by those who narrowly escaped death.

The brain is an astonishingly sophisticated but extremely delicate mechanism. Reduce the amount of oxygen it receives by the smallest amount and it will react. It was no big surprise that people who had undergone severe trauma would return from their experiences with strange stories. But that didn’t mean they had journeyed anywhere real.

Although I considered myself a faithful Christian, I was so more in name than in actual belief. I didn’t begrudge those who wanted to believe that Jesus was more than simply a good man who had suffered at the hands of the world. I sympathized deeply with those who wanted to believe that there was a God somewhere out there who loved us unconditionally. In fact, I envied such people the security that those beliefs no doubt provided. But as a scientist, I simply knew better than to believe them myself.

In the fall of 2008, however, after seven days in a coma during which the human part of my brain, the neocortex, was inactivated, I experienced something so profound that it gave me a scientific reason to believe in consciousness after death.

I know how pronouncements like mine sound to skeptics, so I will tell my story with the logic and language of the scientist I am.


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Princess Ukok, preserved for 2,500 years, of ancient Russia had several intricate tattoos.

It seems that right now is far from the first time for  humans to have tattoos come into fashion, it’s just taken a little bit time to come back around. Like, 2,5o0 years or so.

Daily Mail writes:

The astonishing 2,500 year old tattoos of a Siberian princess, and how they reveal little has changed in the way we decorate our bodies

  • Incredibly well preserved body found high in the Altai mountains, with two warriors buried close by for protections and six horses to ease the journey into the next life
  • Tattoos on left shoulder, including a deer with a griffon’s beak and a Capricorn’s antlers.

The intricate patterns of 2,500-year-old tattoos – some from the body of a Siberian ‘princess’ preserved in the permafrost – have been revealed in Russia. 

The remarkable body art includes mythological creatures and experts say the elaborate drawings were a sign of age and status for the ancient nomadic Pazyryk people, described in the 5th century BC by the Greek historian Herodotus.

But scientist Natalia Polosmak – who discovered the remains of ice-clad ‘Princess Ukok’ high in the Altai Mountains – is also struck about how little has changed in more than two millennia.

‘I think we have not moved far from Pazyryks in how the tattoos are made,’ she told the Siberian Times ( ).

‘It is still about a craving to make yourself as beautiful as possible.’

For example, about the British.

‘A lot of them go on holiday to Greece, and when I’ve been there I heard how Greeks were smiling and saying that a British man’s age can be easily understood by the number of tattoos on his body. 

‘I’m talking the working class now.

‘And I noticed it, too.

‘The older a person, the more tattoos are on his body.’

Read more:

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This female mummy was found comprised of at least 3 different people.

A little over 10 years ago, archaeologists in Scotland found a set of 4 skeletons that dated back to almost 3,500 years ago but, there was a problem.

Every other bone or so dated back to a different time, some of them 100 of years apart! How could this be?

LA Times writes:

An international team of archaeologists have discovered that two mummies found on an island off the coast of Scotland are, like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster, composed of body parts from several different humans. The mummified remains, as much as 3,500 years old, suggest that the first residents of the island of South Uist in the Hebrides had some previously unsuspected burial practices.

The West Coast of South Uist was densely populated from around 2000 BC until the end of the Viking period around AD 1300. Researchers led by archaeologist Michael Parker-Pearson of the University of Sheffield have been working at a site near the modern graveyard of Cladh Hallan, which gives the site its name.  The team has so far excavated three roundhouses from a village that was apparently occupied from around 2200 BC to 800 BC. A little more than a decade ago, they found the two skeletons under one of the houses, as well as the remains of a teenage girl and a 3-year-old child.

The two primary skeletons were buried in a fetal position and showed evidence of having been preserved. Chemical evidence suggests they were mummified by being placed in nearby peat bogs for a year or longer. The high acidity and low oxygen content of the bog prevents bacteria from breaking down body tissues. After preservation, the skeletons were apparently removed from the bog and buried.

But the skeletons did not “look right” to the researchers. The female’s jaw didn’t fit into the rest of her skull, for example. Closer examination of the male, they reported in the Journal of Archaeological Science, showed that arthritis was present on the vertebrae of the neck, but not on the rest of the spine. The lower jaw had all of its teeth, while the upper jaw had none; but the condition of the lower jaw’s teeth showed that they had been paired with upper teeth. The team concluded that the skeleton has been assembled from parts of at least three bodies, some of which were separated by several hundred years of time.


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A common depiction of a Bigfoot walking as humans do.

With all the weird news I see daily, THIS story is by far the most fascinating I’ve ever seen. has transcribed a portion of a radio broadcast featuring a conversation between a talk show host and one of the two hunters said to have killed and captured a bigfoot juvenile in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

His story is amazing and just plain incredible, if true.

Cryptomundo writes:

We saw this creature. It was walking on two legs, hairy. The best way I can describe it is it looked like a person in a suit. Probably 3 or 4 seconds had gone by, and it started to walk towards us, between 80 and 100 yards away…It had its arms in the air and was waving them, almost like, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!” Kind of a universal thing in any language. Anybody raises his hands – sign of surrender.

I didn’t know what it was. To me it was just a monster. I’m looking at this monster. By this time I have the bullet in the chamber, my finger on the trigger, and it’s coming towards us, slowly. It’s taking steps, waving.

A lot of people are saying I shot it in the back, but if you have a deer, and you shoot it behind the shoulder, then you’re going to penetrate both lungs. On a person it’s a hard area to describe, but it’s basically right under the shoulder where the lungs are located.

So maybe 5 seconds had passed, and my buddy says, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot! It’s not a bear. Do not shoot.” And I’m still kind of locked in on this thing. To me it was a monster, that’s all it was.

Here is the entire audio from the broadcast, posted on YouTube.

Read more from the transcript of this broadcast at

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Well, we here at The Museum of the Weird were certainly excited about this suposed “Yeti” finger that was to be tested and were hoping for final proof of something that we all believe to be very real.

The hand, the finger tested was removed from, along with a scalp of unknown origin.

Unfortunately, science was not on our side this time and debunked what was looking to be a very promising path to proof of the Nepalese “Yeti” or, Abominable Snowman.

Cryptomundo writes:

The Pangboche Yeti finger was rediscovered while on display at London’s Royal College of Surgeons. The late Dr. William Charles Osman Hill, a consultant to the Tom Slick expeditions, bequeathed it to the Hunterian Museum, which is a division of the Royal College of Surgeons.

The alleged Yeti finger from the Pangboche hand was found by the UK’s Daily Mail reporter Matthew Hill, several months ago and has undergone DNA testing. This certainly has been a year of surprises coming forth from the Tom Slick expeditions of the late 1950s.

Today, on a BBC program, the results of a new DNA test were broadcast. The result of the DNA analysis were announced on a program entitled “Yeti Finger” on BBC Radio 4 on December 27, 2011, at 11 am local time.

For the detailed results and MUCH more info and even videos from the original expedition to Nepal in the 50s, head on over to

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Now THIS is intense! writes:

(Springfield, MO) — The Ozark Mountain Paranormal Investigation Team has explored some of the areas most haunted homes.

Their skeptical team members always take hundreds of pictures in the dark.

But their most recent trip brought back a shocking image that is making believers out of the biggest of skeptics.

“The first thing I want to do is disprove it.” says Robert McCall, skeptic and co-founder of the Ozark Mountain Paranormal Investigation Team.*

Robert spends a lot of time disproving apparent haunting in the region.   “A lot of times people think there is a presence in the room and it turns out the room is where the breaker box is.  Or your meters on the outside of the wall and there is a lot of energy there.  Sometimes people think they are hearing things and it turns out they are just hearing things.”

But something that happened during his latest ghost hunt left Robert with no explanation.  A family in north Springfield contacted the group because of some odd things that were happening.

“All the lights were shut off and the doors were locked,” says Robert.  ” I came around to lock up the front door and as soon as I turned the corner I heard a growling disturbance on my EVP and seen something darker then dark move around in the hallway so I just started taking pictures of a completely dark hallway with nobody there.”

There was no one in the hallway but something else showed up on camera.
“When I first seen the picture, I saw a reaper,” says McCall.  “Typical of what you would think.”  Now it almost looks like a mother and child.”