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The CIA are said to have covered up the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947.

The 65 year anniversary of the famous crash in Roswell, New Mexico was July 8th and one man decided it would be the perfect time to give his input on the matter. He might actually know what he’s talking about, after all, he was an agent of the CIA for 35 years and rather high-up as well.

Huffington Post writes:

Happy anniversary, Roswell, N.M. It was 65 years ago today that the Roswell Daily Record blasted an infamous headline claiming local military officials had captured a flying saucer on a nearby ranch. And now, a former CIA agent says it really happened.

“It was not a damn weather balloon — it was what it was billed when people first reported it,” said Chase Brandon, a 35-year CIA veteran. “It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed and I don’t doubt for a second that the use of the word ‘remains’ and ‘cadavers’ was exactly what people were talking about.”

Brandon served as an undercover, covert operations officer in the agency’s Clandestine Service for 25 years, where he was assigned missions in international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics trafficking and weapons smuggling. He spent his final 10 years of CIA service on the director’s staff as the agency’s first official liaison to the entertainment and publication industries. It was during this time, in the mid-1990s, that he walked into a special section of CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., called the Historical Intelligence Collection.

“It was a vaulted area and not everybody could get in it,” Brandon told The Huffington Post. “One day, I was looking around in there and reading some of the titles that were mostly hand-scribbled summations of what was in the boxes. And there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell.


“I took the box down, lifted the lid up, rummaged around inside it, put the box back on the shelf and said, ‘My god, it really happened!'”

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'Spacing Out' explores UFOs, space, the search for extraterrestrial life, etc.

Thanks to a new web series from the great folks over at, you now have an amazing, nightly news-esque way to get your fix of all things UFO and space exploration related!

Maureen Elsberry and Jason McClellan take a different approach to presenting the sci-fi happenings from around the world that usually get dismissed or pushed aside for more something more ‘entertaining’ . They’ve stayed in the format of your favorite local news station just giving you the facts they have, letting you take a look at the evidence and, allowing you to make up your own mind, just the way it should be.

The Huffington Post writes:

If you’re tired of the nightly local “eyewitness news” and would like to see more stories about UFOs and the search for aliens, try “Spacing Out.”

No, it’s not a state of mind. Rather, it’s a weekly webseries that presents the latest otherworldly news on UFOs and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence in a format similar to a traditional news broadcast. But instad of 30 minutes of news, sports highlights and the weather, “Spacing Out” is all about the general mysteries of the universe.

Produced by, “Spacing Out” debuted on May 4 and is co-hosted by Jason McClellan and Maureen Elsberry, who offer a fresh take on how UFOs and related topics are presented to the public.

The hook of the show features interviews with top researchers, journalists, media personalities and scientists — whether it’s photographic and video analysts in the UFO field or people who are scientifically searching for ET.

“We structure it in an eyewitness news format to give more of an objective view of all the subjects,” Elsberry told The Huffington Post. “This keeps it more easily digestible for both the general public and not just hard-core enthusiasts. In a news format, you’re able to objectively present facts and then let viewers formulate their own opinions.”

Read more at or watch episode of 9 of spacing out right here, featuring some awesome UFO footage:




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What are the chances this celebrity psychic is telling the truth?

65 year old, Uri Geller claims that his very own property, the island Firth of Forth, is a real life UFO hotspot with ‘strange lights’ reported flying around over the island by many locals.

News source writes:

CELEBRITY psychic Uri Geller is hoping to prove that his private island in the Firth of Forth is a UFO hotspot.

The 65-year-old surprised many people three years ago when he bought Lamb Island because he believed it had a connection with the Egyptian pyramids.

He said that since then he has been contacted by members of the public who have reported seeing “strange lights” in the skies above his uninhabited rock.

Geller is now hoping that cameras set up by the Scottish Seabird Centre on Lamb Island to record wildlife can also be used to look for the UFOs.

“I have received a lot of e-mails from local people telling me about strange lights above the area,” he said.

“There definitely appears to be something strange and mysterious going on there.

“Locals have told me they have seen strange objects moving above it. I can’t believe it would be an aircraft or a balloon and they have assured me it is not either of those.

“I know some people don’t believe in UFOs, but there’s many people who don’t believe in my mental powers either.”


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Are cows being hit with an alien death-ray in Canada? Picture courtesy of

A Canadian farmer that’s facing trial pretty soon over the death of many of his cattle, is doing all he can to get out of his animal cruelty charges, and then some.

Werner Bock claims that he’s not killing his own cows, in fact, he says aliens are. …with a death-ray!

Here’s a video that shows Bock’s cows in poor health and gives a possible explanation for their illnes other than mistreatment and an alein death-ray:

Huffington Post writes:

A Canadian farmer has lost at least 250 cows in the past 10 years. While the government has charged him and says he failed to feed them, the farmer claims the alien defense.

Werner Bock has posted plenty of YouTube videos in recent years detailing his cattle’s malnourished appearance, sunken features and hair loss. He declares that his cows were the victims of “death rays,” some form of alien weapon that’s been covered up by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

“At least 250 head of cattle have died from what we call a death beam,” Bock said on camera in May of last year. “Where the atmospheric air is manipulated into a death beam, focused on the noses of the animals.”

The animals breath in the death beam and slowly die, the eastern New Brunswick farmer claims.


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An alien ‘expert’ has given fair warning to the people of earth, extra-terrestrials may be ready to reveal themselves very soon, and that may not be such a good thing.

Press TV writes:

“With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable,” said Nick Pope, who has worked with the Ministry of Defense for more than two decades.

Pope who investigated UFO reports between 1991 and 1994, says his studies convinced him that the sightings raised important defense for national security and air safety issues.

“It has been a widely held belief in Ministry of Defense circles that “aliens” have been able to detect us for decades via TV and radio broadcasts,” he said adding that mass summer events would be a prime time for alien crafts to present themselves to mankind.

“If aliens have studied our psychology, they may choose to appear in our skies on a significant date – the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games is one date being widely circulated by conspiracy groups.”


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What could this falling object be?

Another UFO is stirring up some up some trouble over in the Middle-East.

A large unidentified falling object was seen high above a number of middle-eastern like Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and other countries that left many of their people alarmed and confused. writes:

A spaceship flying over Israel? A satellite or a Russian ballistic missile? An unidentified flying object observed in Middle East countries Thursday night has caused panic, with people calling the police to say they witnessed a UFO.

The mysterious shining object seen in the skies swirled around and looked like smoke, some observers said. The object gave off light and was followed by a smoke trail.

The strange flying phenomenon was also reported in Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and other countries in the region.

The Israeli Defense Forces made a statement following the incident saying they were unaware of any operations in the area.


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Denver, Colorado at sunset.

 A UFO caused some trouble over the skies of the Denver airport the other day, when an airplane flying at 8,000 feet was buzzed by an unidentified aircraft flying in the opposite direction that looked like it had no pilot!

The pilot of the observing plane said it may have been remotely controlled, though it seems it was traveling far too fast for him to get any proper visual, and the darn thing didn’t even show up on radar for officials to investigate. How bizarre!

9 News of Denver writes:

DENVER – The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a mystery in the sky. A mysterious object flying over Denver nearly caused a mid-air collision Monday evening, 9Wants to Know has learned.

As far as investigators know, the mystery object did not show up on radar Monday.

Investigators believe this object, whatever it is, could pose a serious safety hazard to planes.

Radio transmissions from confirm a nervous-sounding pilot reported a strange object at 5:17 p.m. Monday.

The pilot is heard telling air traffic control: “A remote controlled aircraft, or what? Something just went by the other way … About 20 to 30 seconds ago. It was like a large remote-controlled aircraft.”

The corporate jet, a Cessna Citation 525 CJ1, was flying at 8,000 feet above sea level over Cherry Creek when the mystery object came close enough to make any pilot nervous.


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Angel, alien, or CGI?

A new video has been circulating recently that claims to be evidence of an angel, or possibly an alien, making a quick stop down on Earth, then flying away in an instant. It all happens pretty quick and was caught on a security camera nearby, even a few people ran over to inspect where the thing had landed. Is this footage of something we’ve never seen before, or another person trying to pass off a fake video as the real deal?

What do you think this video shows?

The Huffington Post writes:

Is it the work of a holy being, or a homely prankster?

A security video taken on Sept. 11 last year — reportedly at the Cilandak Town Square in Jakarta, Indonesia — appears to show what YouTubers describe as an“angel-like spirit” flying into view and leaving in a burst of light seconds later.

People with flashlights then storm the area where the winged being appeared, seemingly to investigate the strange occurrence.

Some are saying that the video shows an angel — others think the “humanoid” figure might be a visit from another dimension.

“You can see the pulsating. … I think it’s an extraterrestrial,” says the narrator ofanother YouTube video who dissected the images.

United Press International is reporting this week that the video could be a hoax, basing its findings on YouTube comments.

“First of all, we have one static picture, on which picture of alleged ‘light being’ is mounted,” the news site quoted a commenter as saying. “Nothing in that lobby moves except it. And then suddenly, after it disappears, we see a man in lower right quadrant of video who is walking by, who has suddenly appeared in almost middle of frame, coming from nowhere, apparently un-baffled by appearance of huge winged light creature in front of his undisplayed path. And creature illuminated entire floor of that building. Eh.”


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Did NASA capture a ufo on film near the Sun?

NASA cameras have caught something very interesting hanging out near the sun recently.

The photo above shows a white streak in the bottom left hand corner which, in the time-lapse style the photo was taken in, represents a large, moving object, oddly close to the sun. In fact, they’ve never seen anything like it before!

Whatever it is, we can be sure it’s big, it’s floating around in space, it can withstand the heat of the sun, and it moves of its’ own accord and, that alone is fascinating!

Daily Mail writes:

A strange object flying close to the sun looks unnervingly like a huge, metallic ‘mothership’ familiar from Hollywood blockbusters.

The picture was released by Nasa’s sun-watching Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, known as SOHO – and has become an immediate cult hit on the internet.

UFO fan site Gather News said: ‘An unusually shaped, gigantic UFO was spotted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and posted in a video on YouTube.

‘The unidentified flying object, which bears no resemblance to anything ever spotted near the Sun, somehow manages to withstand the blazing heat thrown off by solar flare activity and the incredibly high temperatures emanating from nuclear fusion generated on the surface of the star.


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As if things weren’t creepy enough for the staff of a hotel that had recently had a UFO sighting, they were apparently paid a visit by the enigmatic figures known as “men in black,” which often appear on the scene shortly after a UFO encounter.

Afterwards, one of the hotel staff decided to check the security cams, and sure enough the MIB were captured by the hotel’s cameras.  If real, then this would mark the first time the mysterious “men in black” phenomenon has been recorded on video.

Ghost Theory writes:

From the Aerial Phenomen Investigations Team in Maryland comes this unique case with an exceptionally unique footage. According to the API Team, a recent UFO investigation case in Maryland received some attention from two strange looking men dressed in all black and looking so alike, that employees thought that they might be twins. They wore the exact same clothing, hats, and even had the same facial features. The men were captured on a hotel’s security camera entering the lobby in a straight strut.

According to those employees who talked to the men, they described them as tall, with extremely pale skin and no visible facial hair. Including no eyebrows and no eyelashes. Their eyes were described as being “so big and so blue, that they almost hypnotized..

Here’s a clip of the actual footage:


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