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New analysis of 36-year-old data, resuscitated from printouts, shows that NASA found life on Mars, an international team of mathematicians and scientists conclude in a paper published this week.

Further, NASA doesn’t need a human expedition to Mars to nail down the claim, neuropharmacologist and biologist Joseph Miller, with the University of Southern California’sKeck School of Medicine, told Discovery News.

“The ultimate proof is to take a video of a Martian bacteria. They should send a microscope — watch the bacteria move,” Miller said.

“On the basis of what we’ve done so far, I’d say I’m 99 percent sure there’s life there,” he added.

Miller’s confidence stems in part from a new study that reanalyzed results from a life-detection experiment conducted by NASA’s Viking Mars robots in 1976.

Researchers crunched raw data collected during runs of the Labeled Release experiment, which looked for signs of microbial metabolism in soil samples scooped up and processed by the two Viking landers. General consensus of scientists has been that the experiment found geological, not biological, activity.

The new study took a different approach. Researchers distilled the Viking Labeled Release data, provided as hard copies by the original researchers, into sets of numbers and analyzed the results for complexity. Since living systems are more complicated than non-biological processes, the idea was to look at the experiment results from a purely numerical perspective.

They found close correlations between the Viking experiment results’ complexity and those of terrestrial biological data sets. They say the high degree of order is more characteristic of biological, rather than purely physical, processes.

Critics counter that the method has not yet been proven effective for differentiating between biological and non-biological processes on Earth, so it’s premature to draw any conclusions.


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The research is published online in the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences.

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An amazing discovery has been made that gives us evidence of 9 different planets in a solar sytem that is so similar to ours, it’s been called our ‘twin’!

Scientists and astronomers alike are finding more and more exoplanets and systems that could support life like ours, very literally, daily. Fascinating!

An animation created when the system was thought to only have 7 planets:

Discovery News writes:

In 2010, a star 127 light-years away stunned the world — it had become the largest star system beyond our own, playing host to five, possibly seven, alien worlds. Now, the star (called HD 10180) is back in the headlines; it may actually have nine exoplanets orbiting it.

Interestingly, HD 10180 is a yellow dwarf star very much like the sun, so this discovery has drawn many parallels with our own Solar System. It is a multi-planetary system surrounding a sun-like star. But it is also a very alien place with an assortment of worlds spread over wildly different orbits.

It is believed that one of HD 10180’s exoplanets is small — although astronomers only know the planets’ masses, not their physical size or composition. The smallest world weighs-in at 1.4 times the mass of Earth, making it a “super-Earth.”


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A UFO as seen out the window of an airplane.

A man flying over Seoul, South Korea got to see something extra-spectacular and seems to have been lucky enough to capture it on film it as well.

Gather News writes:

A classic, saucer-shaped UFO was filmed from the window of an airplane flying over Seoul, South Korea. What is it?

As the passenger uses a video camera to catch the view of the city out the window, a saucer-shaped, white-colored unidentified flying object whizzes by, erratically flying in a crazy path. It dips upward for a second before it disappears from view.

The witness is clearly surprised, speaking a dialect which sounds eastern European. In any language, it’s clear he is trying to call someone else’s attention, but by then it’s too late.


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Cleveland, Ohio

Another triangle-type ufo has been spotted over a shopping center parking lot in december and was captured on good ol’ shaky handcam film as we’re so used to seeing in the world of weird news.

Meets The Weird writes:

According to the video’s description, a couple noticed this triangular UFO/light formation while leaving a shopping center somewhere in Ohio on November 27th. The report goes on to say that the object held its position for at least an hour before disappearing. Even without any more background information, this video is still interesting. First, we have what appears to be the original audio track and it does not seem to contain any aircraft-type noises. Also, there is plenty of “framing” footage that gives us a good frame of reference and clearly shows that the object is in the sky. Additionally, there is none of the telltale flicker of a Chinese lantern visible. At the end of the clip, we are presented with a zoomed in view of the craft. Here, we can just make out some sort of strobe like flashes present in the lights, which might indicate a terrestrial aircraft, however the light configuration/color scheme doesn’t seem to indicate an aircraft following FAA regulations. This combined with the audio evidence would lead me to believe that this at least not a “normal” aircraft. What then could it be, a UFO, a TR-3b type secret aircraft, or something else? What do you think?


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Firemen of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947

There is only one surviving member of the Roswell, New Mexico firemen of 1947, and it’s an elderly man, 90 years old, that finally gets to tell his story.

It seems as though this man, who’s name has not been released, finally gets to be relieved of all that weight he’s carried around on his shoulders the last 65 years. He tells his story of what happened in 1947 when the “unknown object from someplace else” crashed into the earth just outside the now infamous city of Roswell, New Mexico.

UFO Iconoclast(s) writes:

A firefighter who was with the Roswell Fire Department in 1947 has confirmed that the mysterious crash in the New Mexico desert that Summer was in fact of an unearthly craft!

The firefighter, now age 90, related stunning information to this author in a lengthy interview conducted recently. Respected Roswell author Kevin Randle also talked with the involved fireman to confirm the details of his story.

Some time ago I located the son of Rue Chrisman. Rue was the Fire Chief for the Roswell Fire Department in 1947, passing in 1981 at age 98. Chrisman’s son explained to me that he knew that the town’s Fire Department was somehow involved in the crash event. But the son was sparse in his conversation, not really wishing to elaborate. When pressed, the son said, “It did happen. There was a big coverup. The crash was real.” I asked him how he knew of this, he paused and said, “I knew too many who knew.”


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A lightning fast fly-by from a UFO at an airshow in Chile.

It seems an extra fast ufo got a little curious as to what all the ruckus was about over in Chile and decided to have a little look-see.

Little did it know it would be captured on seven different cameras filming the event from seven different angles while it traveled through the air at over 4,000 mph.

Daily Mail writes:

Video from Chile is stirring up the UFO debate after an unusual object took a fly-by during an air-show.

The footage, from 2010, appears to show a ‘spot’ moving quickly from frame to frame, causing the engineer who spotted the aberration enough alarm that he alerted the Chilean Government.

The UFO made an appearance during an acrobatic air-show at the El Bosque Air Force Base in Santiago, and apparently went un-noticed at the time.

Whether this is because this was due to advanced alien cloaking technology, or because the object is just an artifact on the film depends on your viewpoint.

Investigative journalist and UFO author Leslie Kean told MSN’s Cosmic Log: ‘This is a very, very unusual case, and I’m hoping that this case will help move forward the recognition that there really is something here that’s worthy of further study. 

‘It has the possibility of being a breakthrough case.’ However ‘debunker’ Robert Sheaffer told the website: “They are “unexplained cases” only if you ignore the explanation. ‘That’s what’s going to happen in this case.’

Kean said that CEFAA, the government agency which investigates strange air phenomena, found the object on seven separate pieces of video tape, which implies the object – whatever it is – is not an abberation on the video tape.

Ricardo Bermudez, CEFAA’s director, told a UFO conference last month that the spots were caused by an object traveling at speeds in excess of 4,000 mph.

Kean picked out a few elements that make this sighting a little special, in particular that  the Government investigated the footage so thoroughly, and found examples of the object on seven pieces of film.


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New Zealand releases real life 'x-files' to the public.

New Zealand has compiled and made public 9 books and over 50 years worth of government papers documenting ufo sightings and activity.

You can even browse the documents in pdf form right in your web browser!

Ghost Theory writes:

Here we go again. Another government takes a step in the right direction. New Zealand has just released official UFO reports from the years 1952 to 2009. In a digital library collection, the UFO reports fill up nine volumes of civilian and military reports on the little green men.

Read more and browse the official documents over at

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President Eisenhower meeting with other government officials.

Some believe the leaders of the free world have been meeting with and receiving information from alien beings since the beginning of the American Presidency, and it seems one believer has found some proof that a number these meetings actually took place, with President Eisenhower at the helm, on several occasions, and has even spoken out on the radio to argue his side.

What do you think?

Leave us some feedback in the comments section below and let us know if you think our leaders have leaders… of the alien kind.

Daily Mail writes:

Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, a former US government consultant has claimed. The 34th President of the United States met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to lecturer and author Timothy Good.

Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organised the showdown with the space creatures by sending out ‘telepathic messages’. The two parties finally met up on three separate occasions at the Holloman Air Force base and there were ‘many witnesses’. Conspiracy theorists have circulated increased rumours in recent months that the meeting between the Commander-in-Chief and people from another planet took place.

But the claims from Mr Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent academic. Speaking on Frank Skinner’s BBC2 current affairs show Opinionated, he said that governments around the world have been in regular contact with aliens for many decades.


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There’s plenty of stories that tell a tale of an endless, bottomless pit that houses all kinds of wonders and supernatural beings down in its’ depths.

Supposedly, there’s one right here in America, hidden in the forests of Washington and only one man claims to have ever seen  it.

Komo News writes:

ELLENSBURG, Wash. — From Bigfoot to the disappearance of D.B. Cooper, the Pacific Northwest is full of mysteries. Another mystery buried deep in the hills of eastern Washington keeps resurfacing. Ellensburg and its surrounding valleys and Manastash Ridge are beautiful in any season. Some believe what lies beneath is a deep, dark hole with supernatural powers.

A man named Red Elk is one of the only people alive known to have ever seen the mysterious hole. A Native American Shaman, or medicine man, Red Elk said his dad first showed him the hole in 1961.  “He said ‘This is an endless hole,'” Red Elk said. Red Elk’s been back many times and said strange things happen every time he goes near it. “People get it confused with what I call the devil’s hole,” he said.

Many locals claim to know about the hole, but it didn’t become phenomena until 1997, when Mel Waters went on the Coast to Coast radio show with Art Bell.  “I brought the dogs with me.” Waters said on the show. “They wouldn’t go anywhere near the damn thing.” Waters said the hole had a three-foot stone wall around it. It seemed bottomless to him, so he used an old shark fisherman’s trick — sending thousands of feet of fishing line down.

“What I did, was I sent down a roll of lifesavers,” he said. “So when it hit water the lifesavers would dissolve.” But the lifesavers came back up whole — no water — so how deep was this hole? Waters said he believed it descended miles into the earth and he heard strange stories about its powers. “One guy claims that he threw his departed canine down into the hole,” he said. “He swears the dog actually came back to him.”


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UFO sightings are not uncommon in southern California nearing the Mexican border, but this one UFO in-particular, was sighted many times in the small town of Mexicali just recently and was subsequently chased around town by local law-enforcement trying to figure out just what was flying around their town.

There’s said to be video of the UFO caught on security cameras from around town but none has been released yet but, we will have it up as soon as it shows.

Inexplicita writes:

“A UFO with white lights, blue and yellow flashes” — The first report was received from the airport area, and [the object] was even seen by C-4 operators manning the safety cameras that appear to have recorded it. The sighting prompted the mobilization of police officials. Martin Ruelas, supervisor of the western sector, was able to see it with his own eyes, but it was too fast and it was impossible to follow.

An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) prompted an intense mobilization by elements of the Public Safety Forces of the City of Mexicali, arising from citizen reports about the presence of a strange device in the air.