NASA cameras have caught something very interesting hanging out near the sun recently.
The photo above shows a white streak in the bottom left hand corner which, in the time-lapse style the photo was taken in, represents a large, moving object, oddly close to the sun. In fact, they’ve never seen anything like it before!
Whatever it is, we can be sure it’s big, it’s floating around in space, it can withstand the heat of the sun, and it moves of its’ own accord and, that alone is fascinating!
Daily Mail writes:
A strange object flying close to the sun looks unnervingly like a huge, metallic ‘mothership’ familiar from Hollywood blockbusters.
The picture was released by Nasa’s sun-watching Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, known as SOHO – and has become an immediate cult hit on the internet.
UFO fan site Gather News said: ‘An unusually shaped, gigantic UFO was spotted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and posted in a video on YouTube.
‘The unidentified flying object, which bears no resemblance to anything ever spotted near the Sun, somehow manages to withstand the blazing heat thrown off by solar flare activity and the incredibly high temperatures emanating from nuclear fusion generated on the surface of the star.
A man flying over Seoul, South Korea got to see something extra-spectacular and seems to have been lucky enough to capture it on film it as well.
Gather News writes:
A classic, saucer-shaped UFO was filmed from the window of an airplane flying over Seoul, South Korea. What is it?
As the passenger uses a video camera to catch the view of the city out the window, a saucer-shaped, white-colored unidentified flying object whizzes by, erratically flying in a crazy path. It dips upward for a second before it disappears from view.
The witness is clearly surprised, speaking a dialect which sounds eastern European. In any language, it’s clear he is trying to call someone else’s attention, but by then it’s too late.
A lightning fast fly-by from a UFO at an airshow in Chile.
It seems an extra fast ufo got a little curious as to what all the ruckus was about over in Chile and decided to have a little look-see.
Little did it know it would be captured on seven different cameras filming the event from seven different angles while it traveled through the air at over 4,000 mph.
Daily Mail writes:
Video from Chile is stirring up the UFO debate after an unusual object took a fly-by during an air-show.
The footage, from 2010, appears to show a ‘spot’ moving quickly from frame to frame, causing the engineer who spotted the aberration enough alarm that he alerted the Chilean Government.
The UFO made an appearance during an acrobatic air-show at the El Bosque Air Force Base in Santiago, and apparently went un-noticed at the time.
Whether this is because this was due to advanced alien cloaking technology, or because the object is just an artifact on the film depends on your viewpoint.
Investigative journalist and UFO author Leslie Kean told MSN’s Cosmic Log: ‘This is a very, very unusual case, and I’m hoping that this case will help move forward the recognition that there really is something here that’s worthy of further study.
‘It has the possibility of being a breakthrough case.’ However ‘debunker’ Robert Sheaffer told the website: “They are “unexplained cases” only if you ignore the explanation. ‘That’s what’s going to happen in this case.’
Kean said that CEFAA, the government agency which investigates strange air phenomena, found the object on seven separate pieces of video tape, which implies the object – whatever it is – is not an abberation on the video tape.
Ricardo Bermudez, CEFAA’s director, told a UFO conference last month that the spots were caused by an object traveling at speeds in excess of 4,000 mph.
Kean picked out a few elements that make this sighting a little special, in particular that the Government investigated the footage so thoroughly, and found examples of the object on seven pieces of film.
They're here: In this still from the film clip, an object which appears to be disc-shaped with flashing lights hovers above the Siberia landscape
For an alien looking to explore Earth, the frozen wastes of Siberia may not be the most attractive of landing locations.
But if this film footage is to be believed, that’s exactly where these ‘little green men’ chose to land their UFO.
The clip, filmed in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia, appears to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.
It shows what seems to be an alien about four feet tall, standing 15 feet away from its glowing craft, with four other similar figures nearby.
The short clip was taken two days after mysterious lights illuminated the Siberian night skies above Bayanday, also in Irkutsk.
‘These two videos from two independent witnesses show that a UFO event of Roswell-sized proportions has taken place in Russia,’ said UFO expert Mike Cohen.
‘Two days after these clips were taken the town of Bayanday reported a crash of a huge pink and blue glowing object.
‘An enormous explosion was then heard over a wide area.’
He claimed police and rescue departments were flooded with phone calls from frightened residents.
‘The military soon confirmed that it had not been doing any exercises in the area and therefore cannot be responsible for any reports of UFOs,’ he added.
But he claims the authorities organised a cover-up of the UFO landing.
Officials declared the event classified and told journalists the area of impact would not be revealed, he said.
Only hours prior to the March 1 event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia, claim to have picked up a UFO on radar traveling at 6000 mph at a height of 65,000ft.
When they tried to speak with the crew of the craft they heard bizarre cat noises being uttered to them.
‘What I want to know is did the craft actually crash at all or was this just a noisy landing?’ said Mike.
The latest UFO claim to come out of Siberia comes months after the apparent discovery of an alien’s body was revealed as a hoax.
In April, two students who claimed to have recovered the body from a UFO crash site admitted that the creature was in fact made out of BREAD.
Friends Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, shot the video that showed the alien’s mangled remains frozen in snow in Irkutsk, Siberia.
The pair were questioned by police over their ‘extraterrestrial discovery’ but admitted to their stunt.
But not before their creation became an internet sensation, drawing almost 700,000 hits on YouTube.
Their find was deemed serious enough for the Kremlin to get involved and a spokesman from the Russian interior ministry confirmed the hoax.
‘We found the alien in one of the student’s homes,’ he said.
‘It was lying under his bed and an examination of it revealed it had been made of bread crumbs which were covered in chicken skin.’
Prosecutors are now considering whether or not the pair have committed any crimes.
This video, first reported by Michael Cohen of, claims to show archival secret footage of an alien Grey. Here’s the text that accompanied the video:
Alien footage leaked of Roswell UFO crash survivor
Michael Cohen
Old footage showing a “grey” type alien who might have been a survivor of the Roswell UFO crash that occurred over sixty years ago in New Mexico has been released onto the Internet. The black and white clip is allegedly part of a much larger collection of footage that was filmed by government agents working on top secret UFO and alien matters between the years 1942 and 1969. Only a fraction of the much longer 180 minute archive of footage has been released thus so far.
The people or person who leaked the footage alleges to have done so anonymously as a precaution to ensure their safety. The alien seen in the video is clearly humanoid and is said to originate from the nearby Zeta Reticuli star system. As can be seen he is wearing the tight fitting space suit so commonly described by those who have experienced close encounters with aliens
It is this publication’s believe that this footage is genuine and this is yet another deliberate leak attesting to government knowledge on the UFO issue on the road to to an official announcement of knowledge of alien visitors to Earth.
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Here’s the video, let us know what you think: clever CGI fake, or the real deal?
Students Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, have admitted their 'find' of an alien in the Siberian woods was just a stunt
Seriously? They made this thing out of chicken skin and breadcrumbs??? Someone, please… get these kids a job at Industrial Light and Magic, already!
We said it was too good to be true and, sadly, it was.
The students behind the discovery of an alien’s body at a UFO ‘crash site’ have admitted that it was a ‘crummy’ hoax made out of stale bread.
Friends Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, shot the video that showed the alien’s mangled remains frozen in snow in Irkutsk, Siberia.
The pair were questioned by police over their ‘extraterrestrial discovery’ but admitted to their stunt.
But not before their creation became an internet sensation, drawing almost 700,000 hits on YouTube.
Their find was deemed serious enough for the Kremlin to get involved and a spokesman from the Russian interior ministry confirmed the hoax.
‘We found the alien in one of the student’s homes,’ he said.
‘It was lying under his bed and an examination of it revealed it had been made of bread crumbs which were covered in chicken skin.’
Prosecutors are now considering whether or not the pair have committed any crimes.
The pair of pranksters used bread crumbs wrapped in chicken skin to create the realistic-looking alien in the snow
Sergei Zvedzin, a police spokesman, said: ‘What are we going to do with them? We have not yet decided.
‘We will be looking to see if a crime has been committed in connection with the use of animal skin. If they have committed an offence they will have to pay for it.’
Their bogus claims appeared after locals reported seeing an alien spaceship crash in the area last month.
Local UFO expert, Alex Komanov, from the Russion UFO Research Centre, dismissed the find saying: ‘The body is interesting. The texture is similar to a real biological entity.
‘However, the creature has no clothes and I am sure that intelligent beings would be dressed in something like a space suit or coveralls.’
However, conspiracy theorists have already started accusing the government of a cover up. One said: ‘We know what we saw. Powerful people in the military just don’t want us to see this.’
Does this still frame of a recently shot video show the corpse of an alien?
This video recently showed up on YouTube, and appears to show the corpse of an alien. Uploaded by YouTube user “SashafromBaikal” on April 14th, the description in Russian says:
Россия, республика Бурятия, Кабанский район, посёлок городского типа Каменск! Ребята в лесу, за посёлком, обнаружели НЛО!!!
Which roughly translates as:
Russia, the republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, an urban type Kamensk! The guys in the woods behind the village, obnaruzheli UFO!
Which would put the site roughly in this area of Russia, north of Mongolia:
Alleged location of Russian alien corpse video
What do you think? Real or hoax? Watch the video and share your thoughts.