It is a shame that 66 years after the Roswell crash we STILL don’t know the truth… and with one of the last credible witnesses having passed away now, I fear we never will.
Marcel Jr. was one of the last surviving witnesses to the debris recovered during the Roswell incident.
Dr Jesse Marcel was the son of Major Jesse Marcel whose involvement in the recovery of debris from the Roswell UFO crash in 1947 had made him a household name. First on the scene following the incident, Marcel Sr. famously appeared in a series of photographs taken of the debris strewn out on the floor, materials that the United States military would later claim to be the remains of a weather balloon experiment.
Following the retrieval of the debris, his father allowed him to have a look at the strange materials which included beams marked with undecipherable symbols and a mysterious type of metal that would spring back in to shape when bent. Despite the level of controversy surrounding these events Marcel stood firm to his words and never changed his story, a fact that many in the field see as a testimony to his sincerity and dedication to the truth.
Jessie Marcel Jr. was himself a keen disclosure advocate and made several public appearances to tell his side of the story including the recent Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure. He also wrote a book on his experiences called “The Roswell Legacy” which detailed the events as he recalled them.
Dr Marcel died of a suspected heart attack at his home at the age of 77.
SOURCE: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/253509/key-roswell-witness-jesse-marcel-jr-dies