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Thanks giving

Old sketch of Doc RavencraftWhile some of you might think that someone who goes by the title of “Authentic Texas Mojo Man” might be squatting in a hut somewhere, shunning any connection with technology and eating anything unlucky enough to crawl within my grasp, the truth is that I’m fairly wired for a wizard.  Technology helps me keep up with others in the world and I benefit from it a lot.  I also make sure that I know where the off switch is for everything!  This week I’m going to be turning off a lot of my technology while I surround myself with the love and company of family and friends in the traditional Thanksgiving holiday as celebrated in the United States.

However, as I prepare, I thought it was fun to see the Google search trends moving from the typical sports, politics, murder and other things that pass for news nowadays to people searching for green bean casserole and pecan pie recipes.  That gives me hope for the humans and starts me thinking about what makes this time a special and sacred one.

There is a profound power in the giving of thanks.  It seems like such a trivial thing, but it is the completion of the cycle of wishing.  First you decide what you want.  Then you visualize it clearly and send that idea out into the Universe.  Next you do the work and put the resources that you can into making things come true… while you accept what the Universe has to offer to bring your wish.  Finally, you acknowledge what you received and you give thanks!  If you leave out that last step then you aren’t done.

Why?  Why is it important to give thanks?  It seems to me that anyone who would ask that question is looking for a loophole, and I’m tempted to just let them discover for themselves.  I won’t worry about them, though and I’ll give my answer to you.  It’s simple energy.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  When you make the wish and the wish is granted that leaves the ball in your court so to speak.  If you don’t lob it back by giving thanks then the game is over.  When you do give thanks it takes some of that energy that you received and puts it back into play, available for you and for everyone who needs it.

You may not believe that.  That’s OK.  It doesn’t really matter if you believe it or not.  It still works.  Think abut the last time that you gave profound thanks for something, expressed true gratitude.  Do you remember the way that felt, that wash of goodness?  Do you remember the joy that you felt in others as you thanked them?  All of that is real.  That is energy moving around and it makes a difference.  If you’ve gotten out of the habit of showing gratitude for what you receive then you’ve just forgotten what all of this feels like and you need to get back into the game.

There will be a lot of people who will sit around the table with family and friends and they will bitch about everything.  They’ll bring up old family squabbles and pick, pick, pick on each other.  They’ll complain about problems with work, with the car, with everything.  It will throw a huge grey cloud over everything that not even grandma’s homemade pie can overcome.  Don’t you do that!

Think of everything, anything, that you have.  If you’ve gotten caught up in everyone’s misery game you may have to work for it, but I promise you that there is something to be grateful for.  (I’ll give you a hint.  You have life. That’s a start.)  Once things come to mind they will likely lead to others and you will realize that you have a greater abundance than you imagined.  If not, then you’re just out of practice.  If there are people at hand who you feel deserve some of this gratitude, then thank them directly.  You’ll light them up.  If not, then just thank God, or the Universe or whatever you can envision.  Think about how what you have has made a difference to you and let that good feeling flow out of you.  Feels good, doesn’t it?

You may even find that if you take an attitude of genuine gratitude that you’ll infect the others and they will feel the joy of gratitude as well.  You may even find that the conversation turns to good memories and people let the cares and concerns go for just a little while.

Let the mojo flow, my friends.

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More mojo in your little finger…

Old sketch of Doc RavencraftI know someone who is much more than he will allow himself to be.  As I think about it, I know a number of people like that.  They are people who look at what is going on the world and they just curl up into a ball and wish that someone would come and fix things for them.  You tell them that they get to pick the color of their glasses (I like mine rose-colored myself) and they look at you and say “That’s all good for you, but it doesn’t work that way for me.”

Did you hear that?  They look at me and explain that their view of the world is that stuff like that doesn’t happen to them, and they are right!  Drives me crazy.  Of course, these are the same people that come back later asking me if I can send a little mojo their way to help them with this or that.  Usually it’s not something that really needs my help.  It’s something that they could do themselves, but they fear it somehow, and I sometimes lack the stamina to hand out tough love.

It saddens me terribly to see people driven by so much fear today.  It’s especially sad when I can see the power that people have.  I can see it, but I can’t make people use it.  I can’t make them talk about themselves and their world in positive terms rather than always giving power to the negative things.  I can’t make people trust themselves and their ability to get through something rather than waiting for someone to tell them that it’s safe.  Ha!  It’s never safe!  Plans go awry; mistakes are made; plans fall apart… and every single one of those things leads you to the next thing… but with you walking your path, not shivering in the shadow of others!

OK.  I’ve gotten a little excited here.  I’ll calm down a bit.  What I want to tell you —  yes, you — is that you’ve got more mojo in your little finger than those worldly fears have in their entire being.  You — yes, I’m still talking about you — can shape the world by your thoughts and your words.  Now, don’t be stupid and expect to close your eyes and open them as a hip-hop star with gold records.  You always start from where you are.  Also, a picture like that is pretty immature.  That’s something you’d see on a TV show.  Do you really want to be that person, or do you want to have a happy life, with your material needs fulfilled, spending every day using your creativity, surrounded by people who appreciate your gifts?  Maybe that looks like the gold-covered guy in the L.A. mansion.  Maybe not.  Maybe your reality — once realized — is even better.

So, universe rearranging 101 (and I’m not the only one who says this… it’s always worked like this):

  • Stop talking about what you don’t want and start talking about what you do want. — Stop saying things like “I wish my boss didn’t treat me like a slave.” and start saying things like “I wish my boss respected my time.” Everyone and everything follows your lead.  If you keep bringing up viewing everything in negative terms, you will be right.  Stop sending that garbage out there and send out the stuff that you want.
  • There is always another option and the choice is always yours. — This is a tough one.  When you are used to being pushed around by circumstances, you imagine that there is no way out of the things you fear.  There is always a way out, but you must choose it.  There is always a cost associated with that choice.  You may suffer some inconvenience or lose friends, possessions, or get out of your comfort zone, but it is up to you to take action or not.  So, if your job makes you physically ill, leave it.  If you complain about the place that you live, move.  If the people around you depress you, get away from them.  What will happen when you do something?  Who knows?  Whatever it is, it will be better than the rot that you are experiencing now.  Use that mojo in your little finger to start some motion.
  • Pay attention to the good stuff. — This should be easy, but it seems it’s not.  When good things happen to you, acknowledge them.  Why?  Because otherwise you will forget them as you go back to your list of evil.  Good things can be simple… you woke up this morning and you weren’t dead…. you found a decent parking place… there’s a 2-for one coupon on your favorite food… anything!  When something good happens I like to say “Stuff like that happens to me.” I find that as I’ve started saying that, it has become more and more true.  Maybe it was always true and I wasn’t paying attention.  Hmmmm?  Paying attention will prove to you that your mojo is doing something… even if it’s just little ripples that are building into waves.
  • Express gratitude. — While you are acknowledging the good stuff, say “Thank you.”  Whom shall you thank?  Everyone!  When the traffic breaks just when you need it to, thank God or the universe or however you envision the larger forces that make things go.  If that break in traffic came from the person behind you, give a wave and think “Thank you, nice traffic person.” Look at different ways to express your thanks to people in everyday life.  Get them a cup of coffee when you go to the break room.  Write them a little sticky-note.  There must be a hundred different on-line sites to send a free electronic card.  I hear that stores still sell Thank You cards.  Make gratitude a part of your life because that sends your mojo back into the universe.  It takes the good that you’ve gotten and spreads it around, if only as a happy energy.

I can hear some of you grumbling about this “motivational crap.”  Where’s the real power?  Ha!  Those are people that I’ll probably have to dress a candle for later.  The truth is, the real power is in making the things that are in our head manifest out here where we can touch them.  That’s what it’s all about.  It can be grand and elaborate, with lots of candles and incense — and if that helps, there is nothing wrong with doing that work.  It can also start to happen right there in your head.

Ahhhhh… there you go.  Now you’re looking at that little finger, and you’re staring to wonder…  Ha!  Go for it!



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Tonight on THE SHADOW HOUR: Magic and Witchcraft

The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour

Posted by Chris Walden

10:00 PM CST, TONIGHT:  It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.

Tonight’s guest is author and magical practitioner Allie Theiss, who will join us to talk about her experiences with magic and witchcraft.

As always, the lines will be open and we encourage you to call in with your questions. The call in number for tonight’s show is (347) 826-9662 or call toll-free at (877) 867-0829.

Listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget in the sidebar. You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in every Wednesday at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. See you in the shadows…