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There is no spoon

The word pareidolia has been bandied about quite a bit as a result of the strange pictures coming from Mars that seem to depict everything from a jedi woman to machinery. Now we have a strange picture that appears to be a spoon floating on Mars.


NASA’s response is predictable:

It seems that we are to believe that Mars is filled with nothing but rocks and dirt! Perhaps it’s true, but where is the fun in that? I didn’t spend all my time reading H. G. Wells and watching Devil Girl from Mars to have my hopes dashed. It’s…it’s just disappointing!

Actually, it’s fascinating how our minds are so geared to find meaningful patterns. It’s what allows us to appreciate art. It’s what makes emoticons work. 🙂

It seems that that our brains are wired to seek patterns, especially faces. In his book Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark Carl Sagan wrote

As soon as the infant can see, it recognizes faces, and we now know that this skill is hardwired in our brains. Those infants who a million years ago were unable to recognize a face smiled back less, were less likely to win the hearts of their parents, and less likely to prosper. These days, nearly every infant is quick to identify a human face, and to respond with a goony grin.”

Recognizing your parents is good, but it’s probably also helpful to see the potential for anything that might eat you. While we are less concerned about sabre tooth tigers today, haven’t we all had a moment where we saw something that looked like an intruder? The heart pounds, the body prepares to fight or fly. It ends up being a pile of clothes. From a defensive position, though, wouldn’t you rather that your body geared up for action and discovered it was a false alarm than to only activate as something was reaching out for you?

So, this fascinating ability of our brains causes us to recognize all sorts of thing, and keep the NASA public relations team up nights trying to fend it all off. Or…they really are out there and it’s all a big cover-up. Fortunately we still have pictures like this, which appears to show the silhouette of a man doing maintenance on the rover.


Now, tell me what kind of rock that is! To help you keep the dreams alive, here is a trailer for Devil Girl from Mars. You might even be able to find a full version to watch!

Keep watching the skies!

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Could Mysterious Radio Signals Be E.T.?


Is it possible that SETI has finally found what it’s been looking for — an extraterrestrial message from deep space?  Apparently for some time now, scientists have been receiving these unusual radio signals, and are at a loss for what could explain them.


From the Huffington Post:

What are those things?

For the past eight years, astronomers have been scratching their heads over a series of strange radio signals emanating from somewhere in the cosmos. And now, the mystery has deepened.

A new study shows that the so-called “fast radio bursts” follow a weirdly specific pattern — a finding that the researchers behind the study say “is very hard to explain.”

“There is something really interesting we need to understand,” study co-author Michael Hippke, a scientist at the Institute for Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, told New Scientist. “This will either be new physics, like a new kind of pulsar, or, in the end, if we can exclude everything else, an E.T.

Alien signals, really? That might sound far out, but a leading scientist in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) says we shouldn’t rule out that possibility.


READ MORE:  Are Aliens Behind Mysterious Radio Bursts? Scientists Weigh In

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The latest snapshots of the surface of Mars has revealed what some are saying is a “fossilized creature.” Personally, it looks like someone tagged a rock with artwork from a Misfits album cover. Here are the original raw images directly from NASA itself. What do you think?



Image Source : NASA

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Thanks to NASA’s Cassini spacecraft scientists have caught the first glimpse of a hurricane 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) wide within an ambiguous six-sided weather pattern known as the hexagon. The eye alone is twenty times larger than any storm ever recorded on Earth with wind speeds reaching 330mph (150 meters per second), swirling around Saturn’s north pole. Scientists will be studying the storm closely in an effort to find a deeper understanding of Earth’s own hurricanes. While there is no actual body of water near to this particular storm the study will be based on the way in which Saturn’s atmosphere uses the water vapor contained within it.

Last week on the NASA website, Andrew Ingersoll, a Cassini imaging team member at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena stated, “We did a double take when we saw this vortex because it looks so much like a hurricane on Earth. But there it is at Saturn, on a much larger scale, and it is somehow getting by on the small amounts of water vapor in Saturn’s hydrogen atmosphere.”

The intense similarities between Earth’s hurricanes and the storms on Saturn are striking, even given the vast difference in the atmospheric compositions of the two planets. Saturn’s atmosphere is primarily made of the simple molecules hydrogen and helium. There is also a large quantity of sulfur, which gives the planet its yellowish hue. The storm spied by Cassini on Saturn has been in rotation since at least 2004, when the spacecraft first arrived at the planet. The hurricane appears to be stuck at the north pole. Without a major change in the atmosphere of the planet, it is anyone’s guess just how long it will remain.

For more information about Cassini and its mission, visit: and


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Today the NASA/SOHO ipad app reported the sighting of an unusually large, triangular object heading for our sun. The images posted by UFO Sightings Daily are remarkable to behold and beg the question: Just what exactly is traveling towards the center of our solar system?

Scott C. Warring, the gentleman who posted the news about the UFO stated, “I was looking at the still photos of the sun on the official NASA/SOHO app and noticed a triangle UFO of massive proportions that was far from the sun but heading towards its center at 12:42 (photo below in blue). Then the this same triangle UFO was caught in a SOHO photo at 12:48 that same day, but this time it was even closer to the sun which is in the photo above. Look at the massive amount of space this UFO has crossed in just 6 minutes. No planet, asteroid or meteor could do that!”

Take a look at these images and tell us what you think in the comments below…



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The skies over Chelyabinsk, Russia light up after a meteorite breaks up in the atmosphere.
The skies over Chelyabinsk, Russia light up after a meteorite breaks up in the atmosphere.

Could it be the Mayans were a couple of months off?

It might seem like something out of the movie Armageddon, but within a day of each other two frightening and spectacular astronomical events occurred that show just how close we could get to a real doomsday scenario.

The first happened in the skies over Russia, when on Thursday a meteor streaked through the skies over Russia, exploding with a shockwave that shattered glass windows for miles around, injuring up to 1000 people.


The second event occurred yesterday when an asteroid labeled 2012 DA-14 flew by Earth at a record-breaking distance of just 17,200 miles — the closest ever recorded for an asteroid of its size.

While that may still seem like quite a distance, to put it in perspective, the asteroid came closer to our planet than some communications satellites we have in orbit. In the grand scheme of our universe, that’s just a hair’s breadth away.

Had the 50 meter rock actually hit the Earth, it would have enough destructive force to level a city the size of New York, not to mention the environmental catastrophe it would cause. It is believed by scientists that a large asteroid that hit the Yucatan Peninsula 65 million years ago was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Watch this video, which shows Nasa’s coverage of the asteroid’s near-miss fly-by.

statement. “In videos of the meteor, it is seen to pass from left to right in front of the rising sun, which means it was traveling from north to south. Asteroid DA14′s trajectory is in the opposite direction, from south to north.”



Asteroid 2012 DA14 in record-breaking Earth pass

Russian Meteor Not Related to Asteroid Flyby, NASA Confirms


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The folks over at have pulled together a fantastic review of our past presidents and their relationship/ knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrials.

Ghost Theory writes:

E Pluribus Unum: Out of many, One is what it says on the Seal of the President of the United States of America. Traditionally the phrase is meant to express that out of the many colonies that formed the nascent new country a single nation was born. In a more modern context it could be interpreted equally to mean that out of many cultures and beliefs the people who form a nation are derived. In the context of this article it could also be said that out of many in power there is one we presume to have answers. Even out of many who have held the office, the one currently in office should be in possession of the answers so many of us would like to hear. The question is; What do we really know about UFOs?

There have been a number of US Presidents who have addressed the UFO issue and it makes you wonder. Twelve Presidents have held office in what we will call the UFO Age, that period of time during which UFOs have been both figuratively and literally on the radar of the population of the Earth. During that time the United States has evolved from a partner to other nations in attaining peace from threats, to a parent scolding others for threatening actions and seemingly falling back again to a partner who must work with others in place of imposing rules upon them. Still the question of whether or not there is a larger threat, or greater parent hangs over our heads. Yet whenever a question faces the world at large there are few if any who do not turn to the United States for their knowledge, their influence, their protection, or for someone to blame soIF there are UFO secrets to be had, and there almost certainly are whether they be to prove or disprove, it seems likely those secrets reside within the borders of the United States at the very least.

Which brings us back to asking “What does the President know?” It is a facet of short term thinking to believe that the office of President gives some sort of ultimate power when it comes to running the government, when in truth it is a temporary posting lasting just four to eight years, at least during the time frame of the UFO Age, while those who keep the wheels turning, or I guess put on the brakes in some regards, have longer careers that are not dependant upon current office holders. If there is a secret to be kept, a secret that has implications far beyond the immediate state of affairs of any nation who do you tell? If you are one of the secret keepers a person who has a short term agenda would not be on that list. So far several Presidents have announced an intent to learn the truth of the UFO phenomenon, but none have done carried out that intent, at least so far as to inform the public.

Let’s start at the beginning.
Two events mark the start of the UFO Age; those being the Kenneth Arnold sighting at Mt Ranier on June 24th 1947, and the Roswell crash(s) of July 1947. Harry Truman as Vice_President to Franklin Roosevelt assumed office in April of 1945, following the death of Roosevelt, and so became the first US President to be faced with the real potential of contact with beings from another world here on Earth…


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As the years go by, more and more people involved with, or privy to, any information relating to the infamous Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947 come forward to share what they know with the world.

As the years go by, more and more people involved with, or privy to, any information relating to the infamous Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947 come forward to share what they know with the world.

Walter Haut, a Lieutenant Colonel and Press Officer at Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) at the time of the crash, has left the public an audio tape of an interview conducted in secret that has him spilling the proverbial beans.

The Bragalia Files writes:

A Lieutenant Colonel and Press Officer at Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) in 1947 left a testament to the reality of fallen ET in a rare audio recording that was meant to be heard after his death. A portion of it is revealed here publicly for the first time.

It is in this taped message that Walter Haut (a decorated bombardier and Purple Heart recipient) first openly acknowledged his personal witness to an alien-piloted craft found on the desert floor in New Mexico. And people who knew Walter well have now come forward about what he had said about the matter very early on- and why he did not release all of this information until the winter of his life.
Walter would of course go on to sign a notarized declaration in December, 2002 of his full knowledge of the Roswell incident as a piloted, extraterrestrial event. This was famously reported in mainstream media based on the publication of the bestseller Witness to Roswelland the work of the book’s authors Tom Carey and Don Schmitt.
But it was four years before this in 1999 that Walter Haut had admitted for the first time to someone outside of a small circle what he knew about the entirety of the Roswell event.And he allowed it to be recorded.
Like the notarized affidavit, Walter did not wish this 1999 recorded confession released until some point after his death, which occurred in 2005 at age 83. This enabled him to honor his oath during his life to the ultimate secret: the recovery and retrieval of beings not from earth.


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An ‘Alien Mummies’ tv show is set to begin airing on Nov. 30, on the Science Channel, and promises to use all of the best technology available  to determine once and for all whether certain ‘Alien Mummies’ that have been claimed to be found, are real or not. Of course, you don’t get an entire series on tv by solving the problem in the first episode,  so keep an eye out for the show and come back here to discuss any ideas and thoughts you may have.

The Huffington Post writes:

Metepec, Mexico, is a rural community in Central Mexico that is home to cows, chickens and other farm animals.

But one night in May, 2007, one resident discovered a bizarre creature about 19 inches tall that didn’t resemble any known animal in the world: A pink, mostly hairless creature with large luminous eyes.

Although a picture of the creature exists, many believe it’s all just an elaborate hoax, while others are sure this is proof of alien life.

A new Science Channel special, “Alien Mummies,” debuting Nov. 30 at 10 p.m. EST, purports to solve the mystery of this creature using cutting edge science, advanced scanning technology and DNA testing, finally seeks to resolve this five year old mystery, and other E.T. anomalies as well.

The advance clip shows off the Metepec monster, but, you’ve been warned, it’s cute and cuddly like E.T.

Read more and watch the commercial for the show at