This news just in from Russia Today:
A group of Scandinavian boffins have gathered enough money through crowdfunding to try and bridge the gap between animals and humans by producing a gadget that can translate what a dog is thinking into plain English.
They claim that a new invention from Sweden, No More Woof, will be able to translate a dog’s thoughts into words.
A headset will be strapped to the animal’s head. The device will read EEG signals from the dog’s brain and software will then attempt to translate those thoughts into English.
Sounds exciting, but I think most dog owners probably already know what their dogs are thinking, as one commenter points out:
I already know what my dog(s) will say on this device: “MINE!”, GIMMEE!! GIMMEE!!”, “NO!”, “OUT!”, “IN”, I WANT IT!” “COOKIE!” “SCRATCH”, “INCOMING!!” and “MORE!”… .lol…that should be simple enough to translate in ANY language.
READ MORE: http://rt.com/news/dog-thoughts-english-translate-063/