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Angel, alien, or CGI?

A new video has been circulating recently that claims to be evidence of an angel, or possibly an alien, making a quick stop down on Earth, then flying away in an instant. It all happens pretty quick and was caught on a security camera nearby, even a few people ran over to inspect where the thing had landed. Is this footage of something we’ve never seen before, or another person trying to pass off a fake video as the real deal?

What do you think this video shows?

The Huffington Post writes:

Is it the work of a holy being, or a homely prankster?

A security video taken on Sept. 11 last year — reportedly at the Cilandak Town Square in Jakarta, Indonesia — appears to show what YouTubers describe as an“angel-like spirit” flying into view and leaving in a burst of light seconds later.

People with flashlights then storm the area where the winged being appeared, seemingly to investigate the strange occurrence.

Some are saying that the video shows an angel — others think the “humanoid” figure might be a visit from another dimension.

“You can see the pulsating. … I think it’s an extraterrestrial,” says the narrator ofanother YouTube video who dissected the images.

United Press International is reporting this week that the video could be a hoax, basing its findings on YouTube comments.

“First of all, we have one static picture, on which picture of alleged ‘light being’ is mounted,” the news site quoted a commenter as saying. “Nothing in that lobby moves except it. And then suddenly, after it disappears, we see a man in lower right quadrant of video who is walking by, who has suddenly appeared in almost middle of frame, coming from nowhere, apparently un-baffled by appearance of huge winged light creature in front of his undisplayed path. And creature illuminated entire floor of that building. Eh.”


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As if things weren’t creepy enough for the staff of a hotel that had recently had a UFO sighting, they were apparently paid a visit by the enigmatic figures known as “men in black,” which often appear on the scene shortly after a UFO encounter.

Afterwards, one of the hotel staff decided to check the security cams, and sure enough the MIB were captured by the hotel’s cameras.  If real, then this would mark the first time the mysterious “men in black” phenomenon has been recorded on video.

Ghost Theory writes:

From the Aerial Phenomen Investigations Team in Maryland comes this unique case with an exceptionally unique footage. According to the API Team, a recent UFO investigation case in Maryland received some attention from two strange looking men dressed in all black and looking so alike, that employees thought that they might be twins. They wore the exact same clothing, hats, and even had the same facial features. The men were captured on a hotel’s security camera entering the lobby in a straight strut.

According to those employees who talked to the men, they described them as tall, with extremely pale skin and no visible facial hair. Including no eyebrows and no eyelashes. Their eyes were described as being “so big and so blue, that they almost hypnotized..

Here’s a clip of the actual footage:


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Queen's Arms Pub frequent guest, Ashley Beland.

Well here’s one ghost, named ‘Grasper’, has been getting a little too friendly for the owners and customers of a bar in Birmingham.

It seems this spirit that lingers around is always in a frisky mood and pinches guests and staffs behinds all the time!

Not a bad way to spend the afterlife, I suppose.

The Sun writes:

Terrified regulars at the Queen’s Arms have been keeping their backs to the wall since they realised the randy ghost was stalking the bar.

And it has become so bothersome that the exasperated owners have had called in a team of ghostbusters to give the saucy spook the bum’s rush.

Staff at the Birmingham city centre boozer have nicknamed the ghost Grasper after they described feeling a “firm pinch” to the buttocks.

Assistant manager Paula Wharton, 41, initially believed the tweaks on her body were muscle spasms.

She said: “One night three of us were talking and I mentioned that I’d felt this pinch on my bum, and everyone else said that it had happened to them too.


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Michele Callan and Josue Chinchilla's and their haunted house in New Jersey. (image credit abc news)

Now, I’ve heard plenty of ghost stories about homes so spooky and ‘haunted’ that terrified residents flee the house the house in horror, never to return again. Never have I heard of said residents actually taking it a step further like Michele Callan and her fiance, Josue Chinchilla have by suing their landlord for the trouble and stress they’ve had to endure, with their children, since moving into the home in New Jersey and living with the unseen and troublseome housemates.

ABC News writes:

A New Jersey couple is suing their landlord for a refund after they said paranormal activity caused them to flee their rental home.

Michele Callan and her fiance, Josue Chinchilla, moved into the home in Toms River, N.J., with Callan’s two children on March 1 and were immediately spooked…

At first they chalked it up to the adjustment period of moving into a new home. But things only got spookier, they said. Doors opened and closed. The family even claimed they recorded strange voices whispering, “Let it burn.”

The new tenants said that between the menacing voices, flickering lights and clothes mysteriously flying from their closets, they couldn’t take it anymore. They fled the three-bedroom home and checked into a hotel, where they said they have been living since March 13.


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An amazing discovery has been made that gives us evidence of 9 different planets in a solar sytem that is so similar to ours, it’s been called our ‘twin’!

Scientists and astronomers alike are finding more and more exoplanets and systems that could support life like ours, very literally, daily. Fascinating!

An animation created when the system was thought to only have 7 planets:

Discovery News writes:

In 2010, a star 127 light-years away stunned the world — it had become the largest star system beyond our own, playing host to five, possibly seven, alien worlds. Now, the star (called HD 10180) is back in the headlines; it may actually have nine exoplanets orbiting it.

Interestingly, HD 10180 is a yellow dwarf star very much like the sun, so this discovery has drawn many parallels with our own Solar System. It is a multi-planetary system surrounding a sun-like star. But it is also a very alien place with an assortment of worlds spread over wildly different orbits.

It is believed that one of HD 10180’s exoplanets is small — although astronomers only know the planets’ masses, not their physical size or composition. The smallest world weighs-in at 1.4 times the mass of Earth, making it a “super-Earth.”


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A UFO as seen out the window of an airplane.

A man flying over Seoul, South Korea got to see something extra-spectacular and seems to have been lucky enough to capture it on film it as well.

Gather News writes:

A classic, saucer-shaped UFO was filmed from the window of an airplane flying over Seoul, South Korea. What is it?

As the passenger uses a video camera to catch the view of the city out the window, a saucer-shaped, white-colored unidentified flying object whizzes by, erratically flying in a crazy path. It dips upward for a second before it disappears from view.

The witness is clearly surprised, speaking a dialect which sounds eastern European. In any language, it’s clear he is trying to call someone else’s attention, but by then it’s too late.


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Cleveland, Ohio

Another triangle-type ufo has been spotted over a shopping center parking lot in december and was captured on good ol’ shaky handcam film as we’re so used to seeing in the world of weird news.

Meets The Weird writes:

According to the video’s description, a couple noticed this triangular UFO/light formation while leaving a shopping center somewhere in Ohio on November 27th. The report goes on to say that the object held its position for at least an hour before disappearing. Even without any more background information, this video is still interesting. First, we have what appears to be the original audio track and it does not seem to contain any aircraft-type noises. Also, there is plenty of “framing” footage that gives us a good frame of reference and clearly shows that the object is in the sky. Additionally, there is none of the telltale flicker of a Chinese lantern visible. At the end of the clip, we are presented with a zoomed in view of the craft. Here, we can just make out some sort of strobe like flashes present in the lights, which might indicate a terrestrial aircraft, however the light configuration/color scheme doesn’t seem to indicate an aircraft following FAA regulations. This combined with the audio evidence would lead me to believe that this at least not a “normal” aircraft. What then could it be, a UFO, a TR-3b type secret aircraft, or something else? What do you think?


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Kells Irish Pub in Seattle was a once mortuary of the early 1900's.

What says “Come on in, relax and have a beer!” more than a good ol’ fashion mortuary? How about one from the 1900’s that was built for the overflow of bodies from disease and disaster that has now been turned into an Irish pub?! Sounds cozy, right?

Well, apparently having a bar in there sure sounded like a nice change of pace for the actual residents of the old building, ghosts! They seem to be more active then ever and seem to show themselves to patrons and staff during late hours in the bar.

Ghost hunters frequent the building often and even have pictures and footage of a spirit showing itself to them.

One image captured by The Travel Channel during a late night visit to the old mortuary-turned-bar.

Daily Mail writes:

Before Kells Irish Pub in Seattle became a charming family-run bar, it served as a waiting room for  the afterlife — a mortuary purpose-built to handle flood of dead bodies produced by plague, mining accidents and violence in the early 1900s.

The owners of the bar say a piece of that dark history has clung to their humble establishment, meaning the haunted pub serves up a host of spirits, along with pints of beer.  

Bartenders, patrons and ghost hunters all claim to have seen specters of ghosts at the pub late at night. Inexplicable events have occurred that the owners say can only be attributed to other-worldly forces.

Mirrors have shattered, plaster falls off walls as if on cue and glasses have slid mysteriously to the floor. The pub has been a beacon for ghost hunters in Seattle for years — thanks to numerous reports of paranormal activity and the building’s black past.


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Ghost obviously not a fan of sweets, throws a box of fruit roll-ups to the floor.

Apparently, one paranormal spectre isn’t a fan of fruity treats. In cctv footage captured at an IGA store in Australia, a box of fruit roll-ups is flung to the floor with the store closed and absolutely no one around.

The Huffington Post writes:

Paranormal investigators may have a startling new piece of information to use in their never-ending quest to make contact with ghosts: They have a thing for Fruit Roll-Ups.

Well, at least an alleged apparition in Brompton, South Australia, does.

A startling new security camera video taken at the IGA store shows a pack of Fruit Roll-Ups being tossed, depending on who you talk to, between and 18 and 36 feet away from its original location — despite no one being visible nearby.

Security cameras have shown how one box mysteriously jumped six meters from its original location on the floor of the IGA store in Adelaide, despite no one being present, according to


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There’s plenty of stories that tell a tale of an endless, bottomless pit that houses all kinds of wonders and supernatural beings down in its’ depths.

Supposedly, there’s one right here in America, hidden in the forests of Washington and only one man claims to have ever seen  it.

Komo News writes:

ELLENSBURG, Wash. — From Bigfoot to the disappearance of D.B. Cooper, the Pacific Northwest is full of mysteries. Another mystery buried deep in the hills of eastern Washington keeps resurfacing. Ellensburg and its surrounding valleys and Manastash Ridge are beautiful in any season. Some believe what lies beneath is a deep, dark hole with supernatural powers.

A man named Red Elk is one of the only people alive known to have ever seen the mysterious hole. A Native American Shaman, or medicine man, Red Elk said his dad first showed him the hole in 1961.  “He said ‘This is an endless hole,'” Red Elk said. Red Elk’s been back many times and said strange things happen every time he goes near it. “People get it confused with what I call the devil’s hole,” he said.

Many locals claim to know about the hole, but it didn’t become phenomena until 1997, when Mel Waters went on the Coast to Coast radio show with Art Bell.  “I brought the dogs with me.” Waters said on the show. “They wouldn’t go anywhere near the damn thing.” Waters said the hole had a three-foot stone wall around it. It seemed bottomless to him, so he used an old shark fisherman’s trick — sending thousands of feet of fishing line down.

“What I did, was I sent down a roll of lifesavers,” he said. “So when it hit water the lifesavers would dissolve.” But the lifesavers came back up whole — no water — so how deep was this hole? Waters said he believed it descended miles into the earth and he heard strange stories about its powers. “One guy claims that he threw his departed canine down into the hole,” he said. “He swears the dog actually came back to him.”