Well here’s one ghost, named ‘Grasper’, has been getting a little too friendly for the owners and customers of a bar in Birmingham.
It seems this spirit that lingers around is always in a frisky mood and pinches guests and staffs behinds all the time!
Not a bad way to spend the afterlife, I suppose.
The Sun writes:
Terrified regulars at the Queen’s Arms have been keeping their backs to the wall since they realised the randy ghost was stalking the bar.
And it has become so bothersome that the exasperated owners have had called in a team of ghostbusters to give the saucy spook the bum’s rush.
Staff at the Birmingham city centre boozer have nicknamed the ghost Grasper after they described feeling a “firm pinch” to the buttocks.
Assistant manager Paula Wharton, 41, initially believed the tweaks on her body were muscle spasms.
She said: “One night three of us were talking and I mentioned that I’d felt this pinch on my bum, and everyone else said that it had happened to them too.
Read more at thesun.co.uk