10:00 PM CST, TONIGHT: It’s that time of the week… time to ease into your favorite chair, sit back and relax as we explore the sublime world of the strange, the odd, and the unusual. It’s time once again for… The Shadow Hour.
This last weekend, Chris went to a reunion of people from his High School drama group. His teacher, Chuck Lytle, performed a ritual that was done before every show. He passed around a little toy mouse — the same one in fact! — and everyone got to rub it for luck. The feelings that moment brought back were so tangible that Chris has decided to devote tonight’s open lines program to talking about luck. Do you believe in it? Can we affect it? Can we change it?
Call in with your own stories and perspectives and tell us about your own lucky charms.
As always, you can listen right here with our blogtalkradio widget! You can listen to past broadcasts at any time, or tune in tonight (Wednesday, July 27th) at 10pm Central for the live broadcast. See you in the shadows…