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A skydiver survived falling 13,000ft without a working parachute.

Still not sure if skydiving is something you want to do? Well, you can read this story and know that even if your ‘chute doesn’t open, you can still survive the few thousand feet drop like this man did in New Zealand just the other day1

The Telegraph writes:

Liam Dunne, 35, who is a father of two, broke his back after dramatically crashing into the ground at high speed and landing in the soft, waterlogged area.

His reserve parachute opened at the last moment on the horrifying descent at a festival in Moteuko, New Zealand, but it was still too late to prevent him suffering serious injury.

Mr Dunne, originally from St Annes, Lancashire, was treated at the scene by medics and taken to a specialist spinal unit in Christchurch where doctors have advised him he should walk again.

Since the accident two weeks ago, he has astonished doctors with his recovery after undergoing surgery to insert metal pins into his shattered spine.

Speaking from his hospital bed, Mr Dunne said: “Those last 1,000 feet it was like ‘here we go, this is it’. It wasn’t nice. But that said, it was a one in a million accident and a one in a million save.

“Skydiving is an awesome sport, and I’ve done 4,000 jumps and never had a problem.”

Mr Dunne, who now lives in Taupo, said his canopy opened normally after he jumped from 3,900m at a festival. But he went into an unrecoverable spin, had to ditch his main chute, and couldn’t find the reserve canopy’s handle.

It finally opened just 228m from the ground.

He said: “As my reserve chute was coming out I realised it was too late, so I just braced for the impact.

“Luckily I hit the softest patch of ground on the whole airfield. I bounced hard and my whole left side went numb.

“It felt like I had broken every bone in my body, and I couldn’t breathe. I was just sitting there dying. But my friend landed next to me, and she said ‘you’re all right, you can breathe’.

“She looked at my leg and said ‘look, it’s still there, it’s not deformed or anything’.

“She was with me the whole time. Then the ambulance came and filled me full of drugs.

“I probably ought to be dead the speed I hit. Twelve weeks of spinal rehab and I’ll be fine.


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This man has more guts than anyone I’ve heard of in quite some time!

Shown above is Gary Connery, 42, just before he jumped from a helicopter flying well above the Earth at almost 3,000ft in the air, wearing nothing but a “wing-suit” and landed successfully in a specifically made landing strip of cardboard boxes, becoming the first man in history to land a skydive without a parachute. How crazy?!

Sky News writes:

A stuntman has entered the history books to become the first skydiver to land safely without using a parachute.

Gary Connery, 42, leapt 2,400ft from a helicopter while wearing a specially made “wing suit” and swooped towards a “runway” of 18,600 cardboard boxes in an Oxfordshire field.

Five seconds before he hit the target he flared his suit to decrease his descent and glide angle before plunging into the boxes to break his fall.

“It was so comfortable, so soft,” Mr Connery told Sky News immediately afterwards. “My calculations obviously worked out and I’m glad they did.”

His flight lasted approximately 50 seconds, during which he was cheered on by hundreds of supporters, including his son Cali, 14, and wife Vivian, who said she was “relieved it’s all over”.

The jump, which was recorded by dozens of journalists and camera crews, is expected to be watched all over the world.