Something, somewhere is having a little trouble seeing clearly right now and, whatever it is, it’s big. What could this huge eyeball possibly belong to? What unknown sea monsters of the deep have eyes this big? Could it be an ancient dinosaur that survived the ice age in the dark recesses of the worlds’ oceans? Read more and leave a comment with your own theories!
The Huffington Post writes:
South Florida beaches are usually places where people find sea shells, tiny crawling creatures and a shark tooth here and there, but a man walking on Pompano Beach Wednesday came across something out of the ordinary.
A giant eyeball.
Large enough to fit into his cupped hands, the beach stroller made a few calls and eventually got in touch with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, who had an interest in his discovery, Carli Segelson, spokeswoman for the FWC told HuffPost Miami.
“This is definitely an unusual situation, where an eye would be found independent of any other body part,” she said.
Later in the day, an FWC employee came to pick up the blue-and-purple-colored eyeball and put it on ice. It will be shipped to the FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Center in St. Petersburg, where staffers hope to make an identification.
“It will probably take a little while to identify the eye,” Segelson said.
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