The mystery of Mexico‘s ‘aliens‘ is deepening after an analysis claimed the DNA of tiny corpses is not human but of an ‘unknown species.’
The nation’s Congress has been a circus for the past two months as controversial UFO enthusiast and journalist Jaime Maussan has held court several times to prove the mummified remains found in Peru are extraterrestrial life.
In his recent attempt, Maussan ushered in a team of researchers who performed a DNA analysis on the figures that showed 30 percent is ‘not from any known species’ and stated that the figures were ‘authentic,’ comprising a single skeleton.
In 1994, researchers were planning to open a museum in Hakui, Japan, devoted to the history and evidence of UFOs. Amongst the 10,000 reports they had collected was a memo dated March 22, 1950 to FBI Director J Edgar Hoover from Federal special agent Guy Hottel, who was in charge of the FBI Washington Field Office. This is three years after the reported Roswell incident. Here are quotes from that memo:
“An investigator for the Air Force states that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico.
“They were described as being circular in shape with raised centres, approximately 50 feet in diameter.
“Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture.
“According to Mr [redacted], the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers.”
If we read that correctly that suggests that nine extraterrestrial bodies were recovered from the crash in Roswell and that someone has the bodies and the wreckage.
The Freedom of Information act has now revealed further FBI papers dated from 1994 which indicate concern about what information are contained in these files. The FBI apparently began to keep a close eye on the planned opening of the museum. One particular memo from January 1994 cites specific areas of concern including these statements by museum official, Toru Wada:
“In the future, we hope the center will become a focus of international attention in terms of collecting and disseminating information on UFOS.”
“The city has painstakingly acquired the documents over a 10-year period from such sources as the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).”
The memo also cites this statement by Josen Takano, a municipal employee who was interested in UFOs who had collected US information on the topic: “Takano said efforts are under way to gather even more information through a network of enthusiasts in 12 other countries.”
Cosmo Isle Hakui Photo by Hirorinmasa [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia CommonsWhat happened next may be more telling. The UFO center did not open as planned, but went through a lot of changes. It is called the Cosmo Isle Hakui. The building is still somewhat UFO shaped, but has placed much more emphasis on exhibits depicting NASA Space Research.
Did someone step in and change the course of the museum? There are rumors that some of the documents were actually seized by FBI agents, which is remarkable since this would be on foreign (if allied) soil.
There are critics who say that these memos don’t constitute any evidence and that the whole idea is just pure fantasy. Others point out that these documents are obvious indications that the government is hiding solid evidence on the nature of UFOs and the existence of extraterrestrials.
What you are watching is known as “Case 68838 – Oak Park, IL” by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). MUFON tracks and investigates sitings of UFOs and they have some pretty interesting cases in their logs.
This is the report submitted with the video:
I was shooting video of a storm cloud emitting heat lightning from our back porch. When I viewed the video I saw a streak of light that I cannot explain or rationalize. I slowed the speed and showed it to friends. It was recommended that I forward his to your organization. I am including the original video from my phone. (which is upside down) The orb appears 11 seconds in. I also included video that I inverted and cropped.
Anyone can submit a report of a UFO siting using their online tool. They receive thousands of reports which are handled by local volunteers.
One explanation offered is that this is the elusive “ball lightning” phenomenon, where electricity forms as a mass rather than a streak we we normally see it.
A photo of the ball lightning phenomenon by Joe Thomissen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia CommonsDoes that look right to you or is it merely a convenient explanation? There was no evidence of a crash or any damage to the ground from a lightning strike. The matter is being investigated.
Do you have any interesting UFO pictures or video? Share them with us! In the mean time, keep watching the skies.
In a recent article we referenced statements by former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, about his belief that we were being visited by beings from other planets and that the US government was covering it up. Now we find footage featuring another witness that we would expect to be credible describing a detailed UFO experience with a similar claim.
US Army deputy commander Colonel Charles Halt recounts his experience, December 1980, when he witnessed UFO activity over Rendelsham Forest in Suffolk, England.
Often, a criticism of such accounts is that The witnessed are untrained observers or not credible. In both of these cases we have people who should have good authority on these matters. Surely their experiences should create curiosity. Stories like these remain on the fringe, however. Fortunately, we at the Museum of the Weird continue to look in the shadowy areas of the news and bring this to you.
Do you think Earth is visited by creatures from other worlds? Do you think they are here to help us or harm us? We’ll continue to share the best evidence we can find.
You’re stopped on a deserted road, responsibly pulled over as you text your friends. Suddenly, the phone goes dead. The car goes dead. You are stranded in the dark in the middle of nowhere. A light, as bright as the sun, erupts in the darkness and you are chilled to the bone as you realize you are about to have a close encounter with alien life. But which ones will it be?
According to the article, The 6 Alien Species Currently Fighting for Control Over Earth, not all aliens are alike. Does this seem fantastic to you? Then maybe you missed this interview by former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, as he went on international television to discuss his personal knowledge of 4 major species. Here is an excerpt from this interview.
The full, half-hour interview is available on YouTube. We talked about Mr. Hellyer’s startling perspective in a previous article from 2011. He has not strayed from his story and continues to promote his belief that we are being watched and warned to get our act together.
Does that sound familiar? It’s the plot of a 1951 movie called The Day the Earth Stood Still. We found a radio adaption of this classic story broadcast by the Lux Radio Theater on January 4, 1954. You can listen here or download the mp3 for some drive-time entertainment. Is Hellyer recalling a famous science fiction plot, or is this story a reflection of real events?
Are we being visited by creatures from another world? Are they genuinely interested in our well-being, or are we just curiosities to them, to be studied and experimented on as we would with rats and insects? Have you had an alien encounter? Tell us about it!
More recently there was a bizarre sighting over Houston that was captured by many people, documented in this news report.
Texas has been identified as a UFO hotspot. There is also a web site dedicated to Texas UFO Sightings. If creatures from another planet do decide to make themselves known, Texas would be a good place to start. We’re friendly here, with some open spaces that would make good landing sites. It’s also important that they get a chance to appreciate proper BBQ first. 😉
Have you ever seen a UFO? Tell us about it or share in the comments!
You might think that UFO stories about aliens are pretty new, but there’s one in Texas that dates back to 1897. A tiny town called Aurora, just a little north of Ft. Worth (215 miles from the Museum of the Weird), has a mysterious legend about an alien encounter.
Grave site of alleged alien from the crash in 1897
I’m thinking field trip! It’s about a 3.5 hour drive from the Museum. We head out, pay our respects. Maybe we sneak into Ft. Worth for some food and maybe a Stockyard Ghost tour. (There doesn’t seem to be much to eat in Aurora unless you’ve got family there.) I suppose we’d need to stay overnight. It could be a real good time!
Imagine driving down the road and you see this up ahead.
By Brady Smith; Coconino National Forest [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsYou might feel that we were being invaded, but what you see is an unusual formation called a “lenticular cloud.” These clouds form in situations where some sort of large object (like a mountain or a building) disturbs the air flow and creates an eddie of air. When the conditions are right, clouds form in these eddies and take on a bizarre saucer shape that looks like something from the film, Independence Day.
These weird clouds may account for some UFO reports. Here are some more amazing examples.
Lenticular clouds and Mount Hotaka from Mount Otensho 1994-06-25 By Alpsdake (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia CommonsBy Brandy Jenkins [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY 2.5], via Wikimedia CommonsLenticular Clouds over Cagliari By fdecomite [CC BY 2.0] Of course, not all reports can be explained by clouds. Soon we’ll examine some of the more detailed reports and the organization that constantly tracks and investigates them.
Is it possible that SETI has finally found what it’s been looking for — an extraterrestrial message from deep space? Apparently for some time now, scientists have been receiving these unusual radio signals, and are at a loss for what could explain them.
From the Huffington Post:
What are those things?
For the past eight years, astronomers have been scratching their heads over a series of strange radio signals emanating from somewhere in the cosmos. And now, the mystery has deepened.
“There is something really interesting we need to understand,” study co-author Michael Hippke, a scientist at the Institute for Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, told New Scientist. “This will either be new physics, like a new kind of pulsar, or, in the end, if we can exclude everything else, an E.T.”
Alien signals, really? That might sound far out, but a leading scientist in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) says we shouldn’t rule out that possibility.
Jesse Marcel Jr., one of the last witnesses to the Roswell debris (inset of his father)
It is a shame that 66 years after the Roswell crash we STILL don’t know the truth… and with one of the last credible witnesses having passed away now, I fear we never will.
Marcel Jr. was one of the last surviving witnesses to the debris recovered during the Roswell incident.
Dr Jesse Marcel was the son of Major Jesse Marcel whose involvement in the recovery of debris from the Roswell UFO crash in 1947 had made him a household name. First on the scene following the incident, Marcel Sr. famously appeared in a series of photographs taken of the debris strewn out on the floor, materials that the United States military would later claim to be the remains of a weather balloon experiment.
Following the retrieval of the debris, his father allowed him to have a look at the strange materials which included beams marked with undecipherable symbols and a mysterious type of metal that would spring back in to shape when bent. Despite the level of controversy surrounding these events Marcel stood firm to his words and never changed his story, a fact that many in the field see as a testimony to his sincerity and dedication to the truth.
Jessie Marcel Jr. was himself a keen disclosure advocate and made several public appearances to tell his side of the story including the recent Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure. He also wrote a book on his experiences called “The Roswell Legacy” which detailed the events as he recalled them.
Dr Marcel died of a suspected heart attack at his home at the age of 77.