Bee-daredevil (didn’t know there was such a thing), She Ping donned a suit consisting of 330,000 bees that weighed up to 73 pounds the other day at an attempt to break the world record for, well… wearing bees.
Sadly, his attempt was in vein due to the fact that another man, 42-year-old beekeeper Wang Dalin, that wore a suit of 613,500 bees that weighed 136 pounds in July of 2011.

The Time writes:
She Ping, a beekeeper and farmer near the southwestern Chinese city of Chonqing, attempted to set a record for the most bees worn on a human body. And while he successfully donned a buzzing, swarming bodysuit weighing 33.1 kilograms (73 pounds), due to the vagaries of international bee record scoring, he may have fallen short of his goal.
While She’s estimated 331,000-bee feat might sound like a lot, and while he handily beat the previous Chinese title-holder Ruan Lianming (who wore 26.8 kilograms of bees in 2008), that might be only one of the record holders he’s contending with.
The details are a bit murky…But all these accomplishments may be for naught. The website of the Guinness Book of World Records doesn’t mention any of the Chinese bee-fashionistas; instead, it lists one Vipin Seth as wearing the world’s “heaviest mantle of bees.”
The Indian man wore a calculated 613,500 bees in his 61.4 kg mantle—which translates to a whopping 136 pounds and 4 ounces worth of bees, nearly double She’s recently-reported record.
Read more at newsfeed.time.com