Ouch, that was a sad attempt at a joke, but guess what…
…that happened and I’m leaving it.
So, apparently there is some big news waiting to come out of Russia about the existence of the fabled “Snow Men”, or Yeti. The Russian bigfoot has been in dispute for many, many years and doesn’t seem likely to be settled anytime soon. Unless we’re about to get a huge smack in the face with some evidence, which would be a nice change from the annoying prodding of maybe, maybe nots we know all to well, but where is this evidence? The same question we all ask of anyone claiming to have “proof” of anything.
Until we see something that blows our minds and the cap off cryptozoology, we’ll wait by the screen, repeatedly hitting refresh until that day comes.
The Telegraph writes:
The Russian coal-mining region of Kemerovo said in a statement on its website that footprints and possibly even hair samples belonging to the yeti were found on the research trip to its remote mountains.
“During the expedition to the Azasskaya cave, conference participants gathered indisputable proof that the Shoria mountains are inhabited by the ‘Snow Man’,” the Kemerovo region administration said.
The expedition was organised after Kemerovo’s governor invited researchers from the United States, Canada, and several other countries to share their research and stories of encounters with the creature at a conference.
“They found his footprints, his supposed bed, and various markers with which the yeti marks his territory,” the statement said. The collected “artifacts” will be analysed in a special laboratory, it said.
Read more at telegraph.co.uk